Add missing PassportData fields in Message and save to DB

parent ff8d0648
......@@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ class DB
`location`, `venue`, `new_chat_members`, `left_chat_member`,
`new_chat_title`,`new_chat_photo`, `delete_chat_photo`, `group_chat_created`,
`supergroup_chat_created`, `channel_chat_created`,
`migrate_from_chat_id`, `migrate_to_chat_id`, `pinned_message`, `connected_website`
`migrate_from_chat_id`, `migrate_to_chat_id`, `pinned_message`, `connected_website`, `passport_data`
:message_id, :user_id, :chat_id, :date, :forward_from, :forward_from_chat, :forward_from_message_id,
:forward_date, :reply_to_chat, :reply_to_message, :media_group_id, :text, :entities, :audio, :document,
......@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ class DB
:location, :venue, :new_chat_members, :left_chat_member,
:new_chat_title, :new_chat_photo, :delete_chat_photo, :group_chat_created,
:supergroup_chat_created, :channel_chat_created,
:migrate_from_chat_id, :migrate_to_chat_id, :pinned_message, :connected_website
:migrate_from_chat_id, :migrate_to_chat_id, :pinned_message, :connected_website, :passport_data
......@@ -904,6 +904,7 @@ class DB
$sth->bindValue(':migrate_to_chat_id', $message->getMigrateToChatId());
$sth->bindValue(':pinned_message', $message->getPinnedMessage());
$sth->bindValue(':connected_website', $message->getConnectedWebsite());
$sth->bindValue(':passport_data', $message->getPassportData());
return $sth->execute();
} catch (PDOException $e) {
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ namespace Longman\TelegramBot\Entities;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\Games\Game;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\Payments\Invoice;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\Payments\SuccessfulPayment;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\TelegramPassport\PassportData;
* Class Message
......@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\Payments\SuccessfulPayment;
* @method Invoice getInvoice() Optional. Message is an invoice for a payment, information about the invoice.
* @method SuccessfulPayment getSuccessfulPayment() Optional. Message is a service message about a successful payment, information about the payment.
* @method string getConnectedWebsite() Optional. The domain name of the website on which the user has logged in.
* @method PassportData getPassportData() Optional. Telegram Passport data
class Message extends Entity
......@@ -90,6 +92,7 @@ class Message extends Entity
'pinned_message' => Message::class,
'invoice' => Invoice::class,
'successful_payment' => SuccessfulPayment::class,
'passport_data' => PassportData::class,
......@@ -304,6 +307,7 @@ class Message extends Entity
$is_command = strlen($this->getCommand()) > 0;
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `message` (
`entities` TEXT COMMENT 'For text messages, special entities like usernames, URLs, bot commands, etc. that appear in the text',
`audio` TEXT COMMENT 'Audio object. Message is an audio file, information about the file',
`document` TEXT COMMENT 'Document object. Message is a general file, information about the file',
`animation` TEXT COMMENT 'Optional. Message is an animation, information about the animation',
`animation` TEXT COMMENT 'Message is an animation, information about the animation',
`game` TEXT COMMENT 'Game object. Message is a game, information about the game',
`photo` TEXT COMMENT 'Array of PhotoSize objects. Message is a photo, available sizes of the photo',
`sticker` TEXT COMMENT 'Sticker object. Message is a sticker, information about the sticker',
......@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `message` (
`migrate_from_chat_id` bigint NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Migrate from chat identifier. The supergroup has been migrated from a group with the specified identifier',
`pinned_message` TEXT NULL COMMENT 'Message object. Specified message was pinned',
`connected_website` TEXT NULL COMMENT 'The domain name of the website on which the user has logged in.',
`passport_data` TEXT NULL COMMENT 'Telegram Passport data',
PRIMARY KEY (`chat_id`, `id`),
KEY `user_id` (`user_id`),
ALTER TABLE `message` ADD COLUMN `animation` TEXT NULL COMMENT 'Optional. Message is an animation, information about the animation' AFTER `document`;
ALTER TABLE `message` ADD COLUMN `animation` TEXT NULL COMMENT 'Message is an animation, information about the animation' AFTER `document`;
ALTER TABLE `message` ADD COLUMN `passport_data` TEXT NULL COMMENT 'Telegram Passport data' AFTER `connected_website`;
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