* Check if a track has already been created in the database. If the track is not found, a new track is created. startTrack fetch the data stored in the database
* Check if a conversation has already been created in the database. If the conversation is not found, a new conversation is created. start fetch the data stored in the database
`chat_id`bigintNULLDEFAULTNULLCOMMENT'Telegram chat_id can be a the user id or the chat id ',
`is_active`tinyint(1)NOTNULLDEFAULT'1'COMMENT'1 track is active 0 track has been deactivated',
`track_command`varchar(160)DEFAULT''COMMENT'Default Command to execute',
`track_name`varchar(160)NOTNULLDEFAULT''COMMENT'Name of the track can be the command name or a generic name for tracking between multiple commands',
`is_active`tinyint(1)NOTNULLDEFAULT'1'COMMENT'1 conversation is active 0 conversation has been deactivated',
`conversation_command`varchar(160)DEFAULT''COMMENT'Default Command to execute',
`conversation_name`varchar(160)NOTNULLDEFAULT''COMMENT'Name of the conversation can be the command name or a generic name for conversation between multiple commands',
`data`varchar(1000)DEFAULT'NULL'COMMENT'Data stored from command',