Optimise tryMention a bit, removing duplicate code.

parent a4ea86d6
......@@ -301,26 +301,22 @@ abstract class Entity
//Try with the username first...
$username = $this->getProperty('username');
if ($username !== null) {
if ($escape_markdown) {
$username = $this->escapeMarkdown($username);
$name = $this->getProperty('username');
$is_username = $name !== null;
if ($name === null) {
//...otherwise try with the names.
$name = $this->getProperty('first_name');
$last_name = $this->getProperty('last_name');
if ($last_name !== null) {
$name .= ' ' . $last_name;
return '@' . $username;
//...otherwise try with the names
$name = $this->getProperty('first_name');
$last_name = $this->getProperty('last_name');
if ($last_name !== null) {
$name .= ' ' . $last_name;
if ($escape_markdown) {
$name = $this->escapeMarkdown($name);
return $name;
return ($is_username ? '@' : '') . $name;
Markdown is supported
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