Update GitHub issue and contributing templates.

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parent 6f27ded6
Before you contribute code to php-telegram-bot, please make sure it conforms to the PSR-2 coding standard and that the php-telegram-bot unit tests still pass. The easiest way to contribute is to work on a checkout of the repository, or your own fork. If you do this, you can run the following commands to check if everything is ready to submit:
The easiest way to contribute is to work on a checkout of your own fork.
When working on the `core` repository, it makes sense to rename your fork to `php-telegram-bot`.
Before you contribute code, please make sure it conforms to the PSR-2 coding standard and that the unit tests still pass.
You can run the following commands to check if everything is ready to submit:
cd php-telegram-bot
composer install
./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=phpcs.xml -sp --encoding=utf-8 src/ --report-width=150
composer check-code
Which should give you no output, indicating that there are no coding standard errors. And then:
Which should give you no output, indicating that there are no coding standard errors.
And then (remember to set up your test database!):
composer test
Which should give you no failures or errors. You can ignore any skipped tests as these are for external tools.
Development is based on the git flow branching model (see http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/ )
Development is based on the git flow branching model (see http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/)
If you fix a bug please push in hotfix branch.
If you develop a new feature please create a new branch.
......@@ -30,8 +35,8 @@ Further code convention adopted
- Each method and class is documented with a docblock
Example for a function or methods:
Example for a function or method:
* Get formatted date
......@@ -42,7 +47,7 @@ Example for a function or methods:
- Each file is provided with the following header:
* This file is part of the TelegramBot package.
### Required Information
<!-- Please enter exact version numbers! -->
- Operating system:
- PHP version:
- PHP Telegram Bot version:
- Using MySQL database: yes / no
- MySQL version:
- Update Method: Webhook / getUpdates
- Self-signed certificate: yes / no
- RAW update (if available):
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