Commit fa1e2d40 authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

(trafficshaper) add rule methods to shaper API

parent b24ecb68
......@@ -40,33 +40,40 @@ use \OPNsense\Base\UIModelGrid;
class SettingsController extends ApiControllerBase
* validate and save model after update or insertion
* validate and save model after update or insertion.
* Use the reference node and tag to rename validation output for a specific node to a new offset, which makes
* it easier to reference specific uuids without having to use them in the frontend descriptions.
* @param $mdlShaper
* @param $node reference node, to use as relative offset
* @param $reference reference for validation output, used to rename the validation output keys
* @return array result / validation output
private function savePipe($mdlShaper, $node)
private function save($mdlShaper, $node = null, $reference = null)
$result = array("result"=>"failed");
$result = array("result"=>"failed","validations" => array());
// perform validation
$valMsgs = $mdlShaper->performValidation();
foreach ($valMsgs as $field => $msg) {
if (!array_key_exists("validations", $result)) {
$result["validations"] = array();
// replace absolute path to attribute for relative one at uuid.
$fieldnm = $msg->getField();
$fieldnm = str_replace($node->__reference, "pipe", $fieldnm);
$result["validations"][$fieldnm] = $msg->getMessage();
if ($node != null) {
$fieldnm = str_replace($node->__reference, $reference, $msg->getField());
if ($fieldnm != $msg->getField()) {
// only collect validation errors for the item we're currently editing.
$result["validations"][$fieldnm] = $msg->getMessage();
} else {
$result["validations"][$msg->getField()] = $msg->getMessage();
// serialize model to config and save when there are no validation errors
if ($valMsgs->count() == 0) {
if (count($result['validations']) == 0) {
// we've already performed a validation, prevent issues from other items in the model reflecting back to us.
$mdlShaper->serializeToConfig($disable_validation = true);
// save config if validated correctly
$result["result"] = "saved";
$result = array("result" => "saved");
return $result;
......@@ -90,7 +97,6 @@ class SettingsController extends ApiControllerBase
// generate new node, but don't save to disc
$node = $mdlShaper->pipes->pipe->add() ;
return array("pipe" => $node->getNodes());
return array();
......@@ -102,22 +108,21 @@ class SettingsController extends ApiControllerBase
public function setPipeAction($uuid)
$result = array("result"=>"failed");
if ($this->request->isPost() && $this->request->hasPost("pipe")) {
$mdlShaper = new TrafficShaper();
if ($uuid != null) {
$node = $mdlShaper->getNodeByReference('pipes.pipe.'.$uuid);
if ($node != null) {
return $this->savePipe($mdlShaper, $node);
return $this->save($mdlShaper, $node, "pipe");
return $result;
return array("result"=>"failed");
* add new pipe
* add new pipe and set with attributes from post
* @return array
public function addPipeAction()
......@@ -128,7 +133,7 @@ class SettingsController extends ApiControllerBase
$node = $mdlShaper->addPipe();
$node->origin = "TrafficShaper"; // set origin to this component.
return $this->savePipe($mdlShaper, $node);
return $this->save($mdlShaper, $node, "pipe");
return $result;
......@@ -146,7 +151,7 @@ class SettingsController extends ApiControllerBase
if ($uuid != null) {
if ($mdlShaper->pipes->pipe->del($uuid)) {
// if item is removed, serialize to config and save
$mdlShaper->serializeToConfig($disable_validation = true);
$result['result'] = 'deleted';
} else {
......@@ -200,7 +205,7 @@ class SettingsController extends ApiControllerBase
// fetch query parameters
$itemsPerPage = $this->request->getPost('rowCount', 'int', 9999);
$currentPage = $this->request->getPost('current', 'int', 1);
$sortBy = array("number");
$sortBy = array("sequence");
$sortDescending = false;
if ($this->request->hasPost('sort') && is_array($this->request->getPost("sort"))) {
......@@ -213,13 +218,96 @@ class SettingsController extends ApiControllerBase
$searchPhrase = $this->request->getPost('searchPhrase', 'string', '');
// create model and fetch query resuls
$fields = array("interface", "proto","source","destination","description","origin");
$fields = array("interface", "proto","source","destination","description","origin","sequence","target");
$mdlShaper = new TrafficShaper();
$grid = new UIModelGrid($mdlShaper->rules->rule);
return $grid->fetch($fields, $itemsPerPage, $currentPage, $sortBy, $sortDescending, $searchPhrase);
} else {
return array();
* retrieve rule settings or return defaults for new rule
* @param $uuid item unique id
* @return array
public function getRuleAction($uuid = null)
$mdlShaper = new TrafficShaper();
if ($uuid != null) {
$node = $mdlShaper->getNodeByReference('rules.rule.'.$uuid);
if ($node != null) {
// return node
return array("rule" => $node->getNodes());
} else {
// generate new node, but don't save to disc
$node = $mdlShaper->rules->rule->add() ;
return array("rule" => $node->getNodes());
return array();
* update rule with given properties
* @param $uuid item unique id
* @return array
public function setRuleAction($uuid)
if ($this->request->isPost() && $this->request->hasPost("rule")) {
$mdlShaper = new TrafficShaper();
if ($uuid != null) {
$node = $mdlShaper->getNodeByReference('rules.rule.'.$uuid);
if ($node != null) {
return $this->save($mdlShaper, $node, "rule");
return array("result"=>"failed");
* add new rule and set with attributes from post
* @return array
public function addRuleAction()
$result = array("result"=>"failed");
if ($this->request->isPost() && $this->request->hasPost("rule")) {
$mdlShaper = new TrafficShaper();
$node = $mdlShaper->rules->rule->add();
$node->origin = "TrafficShaper"; // set origin to this component.
return $this->save($mdlShaper, $node, "rule");
return $result;
* delete rule by uuid
* @param $uuid item unique id
* @return array status
public function delRuleAction($uuid)
$result = array("result"=>"failed");
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$mdlShaper = new TrafficShaper();
if ($uuid != null) {
if ($mdlShaper->rules->rule->del($uuid)) {
// if item is removed, serialize to config and save
$mdlShaper->serializeToConfig($disable_validation = true);
$result['result'] = 'deleted';
} else {
$result['result'] = 'not found';
return $result;
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