Commit f89bb6ac authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis Committed by Franco Fichtner

(captiveportal, new) work in progress backend scripts

(cherry picked from commit d7e2c665)
parent 609c8ab5
......@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ from lib.ipfw import IPFW
from lib.daemonize import Daemonize
def main():
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, 'starting captiveportal background process')
syslog.openlog('captiveportal', logoption=syslog.LOG_DAEMON)
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_NOTICE, 'starting captiveportal background process')
# handle to ipfw, arp and the config
ipfw = IPFW()
arp = ARP()
......@@ -60,6 +61,8 @@ def main():
registered_addresses = ipfw.list_table(zoneid)
registered_add_accounting = ipfw.list_accounting_info()
expected_clients = db.list_clients(zoneid)
concurrent_users = db.find_concurrent_user_sessions(zoneid)
# handle connected clients, timeouts, address changes, etc.
for db_client in expected_clients:
# fetch ip address (or network) from database
......@@ -67,25 +70,36 @@ def main():
# there are different reasons why a session should be removed, check for all reasons and
# use the same method for the actual removal
drop_session = False
# todo, static ip and addresses shouldn't be affected by the timeout rules below.
# check if hardtimeout is set and overrun for this session
if 'hardtimeout' in cpzones[zoneid] and str(cpzones[zoneid]['hardtimeout']).isdigit():
# hardtimeout should be set and we should have collected some session data from the client
if int(cpzones[zoneid]['hardtimeout']) > 0 and float(db_client['startTime']) > 0:
if (time.time() - float(db_client['startTime'])) / 60 > int(cpzones[zoneid]['hardtimeout']):
drop_session = True
# check if idletimeout is set and overrun for this session
if 'idletimeout' in cpzones[zoneid] and str(cpzones[zoneid]['idletimeout']).isdigit():
# idletimeout should be set and we should have collected some session data from the client
if int(cpzones[zoneid]['idletimeout']) > 0 and float(db_client['last_accessed']) > 0:
if (time.time() - float(db_client['last_accessed'])) / 60 > int(cpzones[zoneid]['idletimeout']):
drop_session = True
drop_session_reason = None
# session cleanups, only for users not for static hosts/ranges.
if db_client['userName'] != '':
# check if hardtimeout is set and overrun for this session
if 'hardtimeout' in cpzones[zoneid] and str(cpzones[zoneid]['hardtimeout']).isdigit():
# hardtimeout should be set and we should have collected some session data from the client
if int(cpzones[zoneid]['hardtimeout']) > 0 and float(db_client['startTime']) > 0:
if (time.time() - float(db_client['startTime'])) / 60 > int(cpzones[zoneid]['hardtimeout']):
drop_session_reason = "session %s hit hardtimeout" % db_client['sessionId']
# check if idletimeout is set and overrun for this session
if 'idletimeout' in cpzones[zoneid] and str(cpzones[zoneid]['idletimeout']).isdigit():
# idletimeout should be set and we should have collected some session data from the client
if int(cpzones[zoneid]['idletimeout']) > 0 and float(db_client['last_accessed']) > 0:
if (time.time() - float(db_client['last_accessed'])) / 60 > int(cpzones[zoneid]['idletimeout']):
drop_session_reason = "session %s hit idletimeout" % db_client['sessionId']
# cleanup concurrent users
if 'concurrentlogins' in cpzones[zoneid] and int(cpzones[zoneid]['concurrentlogins']) == 0:
if db_client['sessionId'] in concurrent_users:
drop_session_reason = "remove concurrent session %s" % db_client['sessionId']
# if mac address changes, drop session. it's not the same client
current_arp = arp.get_by_ipaddress(db_client['ipAddress'])
if current_arp is not None and current_arp['mac'] != db_client['macAddress']:
drop_session_reason = "mac address changed for session %s" % db_client['sessionId']
# check session, if it should be active, validate its properties
if not drop_session:
if drop_session_reason is None:
# registered client, but not active according to ipfw (after reboot)
if cpnet not in registered_addresses:
ipfw.add_to_table(zoneid, cpnet)
......@@ -95,6 +109,7 @@ def main():
# remove session
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_NOTICE, drop_session_reason)
db.del_client(zoneid, db_client['sessionId'])
ipfw.delete_from_table(zoneid, cpnet)
......@@ -110,6 +125,8 @@ def main():
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, traceback.format_exc())
# startup
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1].strip().lower() == 'run':
......@@ -143,12 +143,18 @@ class DB(object):
, CASE WHEN si.packets_out IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE si.packets_out END packets_out
, CASE WHEN si.bytes_in IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE si.bytes_in END bytes_in
, CASE WHEN si.bytes_out IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE si.bytes_out END bytes_out
, CASE WHEN si.last_accessed IS NULL THEN cc.created ELSE si.last_accessed END last_accessed
, CASE WHEN si.last_accessed IS NULL OR si.last_accessed =0
THEN cc.created
ELSE si.last_accessed
END last_accessed
FROM cp_clients cc
LEFT JOIN session_info si ON si.zoneid = cc.zoneid AND si.sessionid = cc.sessionid
WHERE cc.zoneid = :zoneid
AND cc.deleted = 0
order by case when cc.username is not null then cc.username else cc.ip_address end
, cc.created desc
""", {'zoneid': zoneid})
while True:
# fetch field names
if len(fieldnames) == 0:
......@@ -162,10 +168,38 @@ class DB(object):
record = dict()
for idx in range(len(row)):
record[fieldnames[idx]] = row[idx]
return result
def find_concurrent_user_sessions(self, zoneid):
""" query zone database for concurrent user sessions
:param zoneid: zone id
:return: dictionary containing duplicate sessions
result = dict()
cur = self._connection.cursor()
# rename fields for API
cur.execute(""" SELECT cc.sessionid sessionId
, cc.username userName
FROM cp_clients cc
WHERE cc.zoneid = :zoneid
AND cc.deleted = 0
AND cc.username is not null
and cc.username <> ""
order by case when cc.username is not null then cc.username else cc.ip_address end
, cc.created desc
""", {'zoneid': zoneid})
prev_user = None
while True:
row = cur.fetchone()
if row is None:
elif prev_user is not None and prev_user == row[1]:
result[row[0]] = row[1]
prev_user = row[1]
return result
def update_accounting_info(self, details):
""" update internal accounting database with given ipfw info (not per zone)
:param details: ipfw accounting details
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