Commit e0b5fd6d authored by Franco Fichtner's avatar Franco Fichtner

pkg: generate explicit plist, only for review in 16.7.5

parent c591c257
......@@ -226,8 +226,19 @@ bootstrap: force
plist: force
@${MAKE} -C ${.CURDIR}/contrib plist
@${MAKE} -C ${.CURDIR}/src plist
@(${MAKE} -C ${.CURDIR}/contrib plist && \
${MAKE} -C ${.CURDIR}/src plist) | sort
plist-fix: force
@${MAKE} DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} plist > ${.CURDIR}/plist
plist-check: force
@cat ${.CURDIR}/plist > ${WRKDIR}/plist.old
@if ! diff -uq ${WRKDIR}/plist.old ${WRKDIR}/ > /dev/null ; then \
echo ">>> Package file lists do not match. Please run 'make plist-fix'." >&2; \
diff -u ${WRKDIR}/plist.old ${WRKDIR}/; \
metadata: force
@mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}
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