<?=gettext("an internal CA before creating an internal certificate.");?>
<?=sprintf(gettext("No internal Certificate Authorities have been defined. You must %screate%s an internal CA before creating an internal certificate."),'<a href="system_camanager.php?act=new&method=internal">','</a>');?>
<?=gettext("Do not use 'local' as a domain name. It will cause local hosts running mDNS (avahi, bonjour, etc.) to be unable to resolve local hosts not running mDNS.");?>
<?=gettext("Don't add or remove routes automatically. Instead pass routes to ");?>
<strong>--route-up</strong><?=gettext("script using environmental variables");?>.
<?=sprintf(gettext("Don't add or remove routes automatically. Instead pass routes to %s--route-up%s script using environmental variables"),'<strong>','</strong>')?>.
@@ -1009,11 +1008,11 @@ endif; ?>
<?=gettext("Each level shows all info from the previous levels. Level 3 is recommended if you want a good summary of what's happening without being swamped by output");?>.<br/><br/>
<strong>5</strong> -- <?=gettext("Output R and W characters to the console for each packet read and write, uppercase is used for TCP/UDP packets and lowercase is used for TUN/TAP packets");?>.<br/>
<strong>6</strong>-<strong>11</strong> -- <?=gettext("Debug info range");?>.
<?=gettext("Each level shows all info from the previous levels. Level 3 is recommended if you want a good summary of what's happening without being swamped by output.")?><br/><br/>
<?=sprintf(gettext("%snone%s -- No output except fatal errors."),'<strong>','</strong>')?><br/>
<?=sprintf(gettext("%sdefault%s-%s4%s -- Normal usage range."),'<strong>','</strong>','<strong>','</strong>');?><br/>
<?=sprintf(gettext("%s5%s -- Output R and W characters to the console for each packet read and write, uppercase is used for TCP/UDP packets and lowercase is used for TUN/TAP packets."),'<strong>','</strong>')?><br/>
<?=sprintf(gettext("%s6%s-%s11%s -- Debug info range."),'<strong>','</strong>','<strong>','</strong>')?>
?><ahref="firewall_rules.php?if=pptp"><?=gettext("add a firewall rule");?></a><?=gettext("to permit ".
"traffic from PPTP clients");?>!</span></td>
<tdwidth="78%"><?=sprintf(gettext("Note: don't forget to %sadd a firewall rule%s to permit traffic from PPTP clients!"),'<a href="firewall_rules.php?if=pptp">','</a>')?></td>