Commit d36571dc authored by Franco Fichtner's avatar Franco Fichtner

crash reporter: more improvements for #241

o Improves layout, thins out file display
o Adds UUID, email and description field
parent 9028d811
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ function upload_crash_report($files)
$counter = 0;
foreach($files as $filename) {
if (is_link($filename)) {
if (is_link($filename) || $filename == '/var/crash/minfree.gz' || $filename == '/var/crash/bounds.gz') {
$post["file{$counter}"] = curl_file_create($filename, "application/x-gzip", basename($filename));
......@@ -69,13 +69,14 @@ include('');
$last_version = '/usr/local/opnsense/version/opnsense.last';
$crash_report_header = sprintf(
"System Information:\n%s\n%s %s%s (%s)\n%s\n",
"%s\n%s %s%s %s (%s)\nUUID %s\n",
file_exists($last_version) ? sprintf(' [%s]', trim(file_get_contents($last_version))) : '',
trim(shell_exec('/usr/local/bin/openssl version')),
exec('/usr/local/bin/openssl version')
shell_exec('/sbin/sysctl -b kern.hostuuid')
......@@ -95,11 +96,19 @@ $crash_report_header = sprintf(
if (isset($_POST['Submit']) && $_POST['Submit'] == 'yes') {
echo '<p>' . gettext('Processing...');
echo '<br/><p>' . gettext('Processing...');
if (!is_dir('/var/crash')) {
mkdir('/var/crash', 0750, true);
$email = trim($_POST['Email']);
if (!empty($email)) {
$crash_report_header .= "Email {$email}\n";
$desc = trim($_POST['Desc']);
if (!empty($desc)) {
$crash_report_header .= "Description\n\n{$desc}";
file_put_contents('/var/crash/crashreport_header.txt', $crash_report_header);
@rename('/tmp/PHP_errors.log', '/var/crash/PHP_errors.log');
@copy('/var/run/dmesg.boot', '/var/crash/dmesg.boot');
......@@ -116,7 +125,7 @@ $crash_report_header = sprintf(
if (get_crash_report(true) == '') {
echo '<p><strong>';
echo '<br/><p><strong>';
if (isset($_POST['Submit']) && $_POST['Submit'] == 'yes') {
echo gettext('Thank you for submitting this crash report.');
} elseif ($_POST['Submit'] == 'no') {
......@@ -127,29 +136,31 @@ $crash_report_header = sprintf(
echo '</strong></p>';
} else {
$crash_files = glob("/var/crash/*");
$crash_reports = $crash_report_header;
$crash_reports['System Information'] = trim($crash_report_header);
$php_errors = @file_get_contents('/tmp/PHP_errors.log');
if (!empty($php_errors)) {
$crash_reports .= "\nPHP Errors:\n";
$crash_reports .= $php_errors;
$crash_reports['PHP Errors'] = trim($php_errors);
$dmesg_boot = @file_get_contents('/var/run/dmesg.boot');
if (!empty($dmesg_boot)) {
$crash_reports .= "\ndmesg.boot:\n";
$crash_reports .= $dmesg_boot;
$crash_reports['dmesg.boot'] = trim($dmesg_boot);
foreach ($crash_files as $cf) {
if (filesize($cf) < FILE_SIZE) {
$crash_reports .= "\nFilename: {$cf}\n";
$crash_reports .= file_get_contents($cf);
if (!is_link($cf) && $cf != '/var/crash/minfree' && $cf != '/var/crash/bounds' && filesize($cf) < FILE_SIZE) {
$crash_reports[$cf] = trim(file_get_contents($cf));
echo "<p><strong>" . gettext("Unfortunately we have detected at least one programming bug.") . "</strong></p>";
echo "<p><br/>" . sprintf(gettext("Would you like to submit this crash report to the %s developers?"), $g['product_name']) . "</p>";
echo "<br/><p><strong>" . gettext("Unfortunately we have detected at least one programming bug.") . "</strong></p>";
echo "<p>" . gettext("Would you like to submit this crash report to the developers?") . "</p>";
echo "<p><button name=\"Submit\" type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\" value=\"yes\">" . gettext('Yes') . "</button> ";
echo "<button name=\"Submit\" type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-default\" value=\"no\">" . gettext('No') . "</button></p>";
echo "<p><br/><i>" . gettext("Please-double check the contents to ensure you are comfortable submitting the following information:") . "</i></p>";
echo "<textarea readonly=\"readonly\" style=\"max-width: none;\" rows=\"24\" cols=\"80\" name=\"crashreports\">{$crash_reports}</textarea></p>";
echo "<hr><p>" . gettext("You can help us further by optionally adding your contact information and a problem description.") . "</p>";
echo "<p><input type=\"text\" placeholder=\"\" name=\"Email\"></p>";
echo "<p><textarea rows=\"5\" placeholder=\"A short problem description or steps to reproduce.\" name=\"Desc\"></textarea></p>";
echo "<hr><p>" . gettext("Please double-check the following contents to ensure you are comfortable submitting the following information.") . "</p>";
foreach ($crash_reports as $report => $content) {
echo "<p>{$report}:<br/><pre>{$content}</pre></p>";
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