Commit c6a27e1e authored by Franco Fichtner's avatar Franco Fichtner

menu: Ad is right, this looks better :)

parent 25a6aa6b
......@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
<Password order="2" url="/system_usermanager_passwordmg.php" cssClass="fa fa-key fa-fw"/>
<Logout order="3" url="/index.php?logout" cssClass="fa fa-sign-out fa-fw"/>
<Reports order="15" cssClass="fa fa-area-chart">
<Reporting order="15" cssClass="fa fa-area-chart">
<Settings order="100" url="/reports_settings.php" cssClass="fa fa-cog fa-fw"/>
<System order="20" cssClass="fa fa-server">
<Trust order="120" cssClass="fa fa-certificate fa-fw">
<Certificates url="/system_certmanager.php">
<Health order="10" url="/ui/diagnostics/systemhealth/" cssClass="fa fa-heartbeat fa-fw"/>
<Insight order="20" url="/ui/diagnostics/networkinsight/" cssClass="fa fa-binoculars fa-fw" />
<NetFlow order="30" url="/ui/diagnostics/netflow/" cssClass="fa fa-rss fa-fw"/>
<Diagnostics order="160" url="/ui/diagnostics/activity/" cssClass="fa fa-medkit fa-fw"/>
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