Commit bd9e111a authored by Franco Fichtner's avatar Franco Fichtner

rrd: lo siento, no hay spamd

(spam, spam, spam, spam...)
parent 87afd470
......@@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ function enable_rrd_graphing()
$packets = "-packets.rrd";
$states = "-states.rrd";
$wireless = "-wireless.rrd";
$spamd = "-spamd.rrd";
$proc = "-processor.rrd";
$mem = "-memory.rrd";
$mbuf = "-mbuf.rrd";
......@@ -110,7 +109,6 @@ function enable_rrd_graphing()
$sysctl = "/sbin/sysctl";
$php = "/usr/local/bin/php";
$cpustats = "/usr/local/sbin/cpustats";
$spamd_gather = "/usr/local/bin/spamd_gather_stats.php";
$ifconfig = "/sbin/ifconfig";
$captiveportal_gather = "/usr/local/sbin/captiveportal_gather_stats.php";
$ntpq = "/usr/local/sbin/ntpq";
......@@ -119,7 +117,6 @@ function enable_rrd_graphing()
$rrdwirelessinterval = 60;
$rrdpacketsinterval = 60;
$rrdstatesinterval = 60;
$rrdspamdinterval = 60;
$rrdlbpoolinterval = 60;
$rrdprocinterval = 60;
$rrdmeminterval = 60;
......@@ -133,7 +130,6 @@ function enable_rrd_graphing()
$wirelessvalid = $rrdwirelessinterval * 2;
$packetsvalid = $rrdpacketsinterval * 2;
$statesvalid = $rrdstatesinterval*2;
$spamdvalid = $rrdspamdinterval * 2;
$lbpoolvalid = $rrdlbpoolinterval * 2;
$procvalid = $rrdlbpoolinterval * 2;
$memvalid = $rrdmeminterval * 2;
......@@ -199,11 +199,6 @@ $colorqualityloss = 'ee0000';
/* Cellular Graph RSSI, */
$colorwireless = array('333333','a83c3c','999999');
/* SPAMD Times min area, avg area, max area, Time line */
$colorspamdtime = array('DDDDFF', 'AAAAFF', 'DDDDFF', '000066');
/* SPAMD Connections max area, min area, min line, max line, avg line */
$colorspamdconn = array('AA00BB', 'FFFFFF', '660088', 'FFFF88', '006600');
/* OpenVPN Users Online Users */
$colorvpnusers = array('990000');
......@@ -968,45 +963,6 @@ elseif((strstr($curdatabase, "-quality.rrd")) && (file_exists("$rrddbpath$curdat
LINE1:delay#$colorqualityrtt[5]:\"Delay average\\n\" \\
COMMENT:\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . strftime('%b %d %H\:%M\:%S %Y') . "\"";
elseif((strstr($curdatabase, "spamd.rrd")) && (file_exists("$rrddbpath$curdatabase"))) {
/* graph a spamd statistics graph */
$graphcmd = "$rrdtool graph $rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png \\
--start $start --end $end --step $step \\
--title \"" . php_uname('n') . " - {$prettydb} - {$hperiod} - {$havg} average\" \\
--color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee \\
--vertical-label=\"Conn / Time, sec.\" \\
--height 200 --width 620 --no-gridfit \\
--lower-limit 0 \\
DEF:consmin=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:conn:MIN:step=$step \\
DEF:consavg=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:conn:AVERAGE:step=$step \\
DEF:consmax=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:conn:MAX:step=$step \\
DEF:timemin=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:time:MIN:step=$step \\
DEF:timeavg=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:time:AVERAGE:step=$step \\
DEF:timemax=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:time:MAX:step=$step \\
\"CDEF:timeminadj=timemin,0,86400,LIMIT,UN,0,timemin,IF\" \\
\"CDEF:timeavgadj=timeavg,0,86400,LIMIT,UN,0,timeavg,IF\" \\
\"CDEF:timemaxadj=timemax,0,86400,LIMIT,UN,0,timemax,IF\" \\
\"CDEF:t1=timeminadj,timeavgadj,+,2,/,timeminadj,-\" \\
\"CDEF:t2=timeavgadj,timemaxadj,+,2,/,timeminadj,-,t1,-\" \\
\"CDEF:t3=timemaxadj,timeminadj,-,t1,-,t2,-\" \\
AREA:timeminadj \\
AREA:t1#$colorspamdtime[0]::STACK \\
AREA:t2#$colorspamdtime[1]::STACK \\
AREA:t3#$colorspamdtime[2]::STACK \\
LINE2:timeavgadj#$colorspamdtime[3]:\"Time \" \\
GPRINT:timeminadj:MIN:\"Min\\:%6.2lf\\t\" \\
GPRINT:timeavgadj:AVERAGE:\"Avg\\:%6.2lf\\t\" \\
GPRINT:timemaxadj:MAX:\"Max\\:%6.2lf\\n\" \\
AREA:consmax#$colorspamdconn[0] \\
AREA:consmin#$colorspamdconn[1] \\
LINE1:consmin#$colorspamdconn[2] \\
LINE1:consmax#$colorspamdconn[3] \\
LINE1:consavg#$colorspamdconn[4]:\"Cons \" \\
GPRINT:consmin:MIN:\"Min\\:%6.2lf\\t\" \\
GPRINT:consavg:AVERAGE:\"Avg\\:%6.2lf\\t\" \\
GPRINT:consmax:MAX:\"Max\\:%6.2lf\\n\" \\
COMMENT:\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . strftime('%b %d %H\:%M\:%S %Y') . "\" ";
elseif((strstr($curdatabase, "-cellular.rrd")) && (file_exists("$rrddbpath$curdatabase"))) {
$graphcmd = "$rrdtool graph $rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png ";
$graphcmd .= "--start $start --end $end --step $step ";
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