</strong></span><?=sprintf(gettext("The virtual IP addresses defined on this page may be used in %sNAT%s mappings."),'<a href="firewall_nat.php">','</a>');?><br/>
</strong></span><?=sprintf(gettext("The virtual IP addresses defined on this page may be used in %sNAT mappings%s."),'<a href="firewall_nat.php">','</a>');?><br/>
<?=sprintf(gettext('You can check the status of your CARP Virtual IPs and interfaces %shere%s.'),'<a href="carp_status.php">','</a>')?></span></p>
<?=sprintf(gettext('The value in this field is the full absolute path to a DHCP client configuration file. [/[dirname/[.../]]filename[.ext]] %sValue Substitutions in Config File: {interface}, {hostname}, {mac_addr_asciiCD}, {mac_addr_hexCD} %sWhere C is U(pper) or L(ower) Case, and D is " :-." Delimiter (space, colon, hyphen, or period) (omitted for none). %s Some ISPs may require certain options be or not be sent.'),'<br />','<br />','<br />')?>
<?=sprintf(gettext('The value in this field is the full absolute path to a DHCP client configuration file. [/[dirname/[.../]]filename[.ext]] %s'.
'Value Substitutions in Config File: {interface}, {hostname}, {mac_addr_asciiCD}, {mac_addr_hexCD} %sWhere C is U(pper) or L(ower) Case, and D is " :-." Delimiter (space, colon, hyphen, or period) (omitted for none).%s'.
'Some ISPs may require certain options be or not be sent.'),'<br />','<br />','<br />')?>