$_gb=exec("echo 'Converting RRD configuration to new format. This might take a bit...' | wall");
log_error(sprintf(gettext('Import RRD has %1$s DS values and %2$s RRA databases, new format RRD has %3$s DS values and %4$s RRA databases'),$numdsold,$numrraold,$numdsnew,$numrranew));
/* add data sources not found in the old array from the new array */
$_gb=exec("echo 'Converting RRD configuration to new format. This might take a bit...' | wall");
log_error(sprintf(gettext('Import RRD has %1$s DS values and %2$s RRA databases, new format RRD has %3$s DS values and %4$s RRA databases'),$numdsold,$numrraold,$numdsnew,$numrranew));
/* add data sources not found in the old array from the new array */