Commit b296b956 authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

rework reply-to tag, disablereplyto at wrong location + missing in bogons

parent 9f31b9d5
......@@ -31,9 +31,16 @@ function filter_core_bootstrap($fw)
global $config;
// set defaults
$filter_rule_defaults = array();
$filter_rule_defaults['pass'] = array("type" => "pass", "log" => !isset($config['syslog']['nologdefaultpass']));
$filter_rule_defaults['block'] = array("type" => "block", "log" => !isset($config['syslog']['nologdefaultblock']));
$filter_rule_defaults['disablereplyto'] = 1 ; // don't generate "reply-to" tags on internal rules by default
$filter_rule_defaults['pass'] = array(
"type" => "pass",
"log" => !isset($config['syslog']['nologdefaultpass']),
"disablereplyto" => 1 // don't generate "reply-to" tags on internal rules by default
$filter_rule_defaults['block'] = array(
"type" => "block",
"log" => !isset($config['syslog']['nologdefaultblock']),
"disablereplyto" => 1 // don't generate "reply-to" tags on internal rules by default
// setup system filter rules
filter_core_rules_system($fw, $filter_rule_defaults);
......@@ -145,9 +152,10 @@ function filter_core_rules_system($fw, $defaults)
$fw->registerFilterRule(1,array('from' => '<virusprot>', 'label' => 'virusprot overload table'),$defaults['block']);
// block bogons and private nets
$bogontmpl = array('type' => 'block', 'log' => !isset($config['syslog']['nologbogons']));
$bogontmpl = array('type' => 'block', 'log' => !isset($config['syslog']['nologbogons']), 'disablereplyto' => 1);
$privtmpl = array('type' => 'block', 'log' => !isset($config['syslog']['nologprivatenets']),
'from' => ',,,,,fc00::/7');
'from' => ',,,,,fc00::/7',
'disablereplyto' => 1);
foreach ($fw->getInterfaceMapping() as $intf => $intfinfo) {
array('from' => "<bogons>", 'direction' => 'in', 'interface' => $intf,
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