Commit b29058cd authored by Franco Fichtner's avatar Franco Fichtner

lang/dynamic: regenerate dynamic strings; #340

parent ea2863fa
......@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: Wake on LAN\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: IPsec\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'VPN: PPTP: User: Edit\' page.');
echo gettext('Show all items on help menu');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: Intrusion Detection\' page\'');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'System: Firmware: Settings\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'System: User Manager: Add Privileges\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: NTP\' page.');
......@@ -71,7 +70,6 @@ echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: System logs: System: Routing\' page.
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: Services\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: IPsec: Leases\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: DNS Forwarder: Edit Domain Override\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'System: Advanced: Networking\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: CPU load\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Diagnostics: ARP Table\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Interfaces: ppps\' page.');
......@@ -91,7 +89,7 @@ echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Diagnostics: Show States\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'VPN: OpenVPN: Client Export Utility\' page.');
echo gettext('Indicates whether the user is able to login for example via SSH.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: Traffic Graph\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Firewall: Aliases\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Diagnostics: Authentication\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: Captive portal: Edit Allowed IPs\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'System: CRL Manager\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'VPN: PPTP\' page.');
......@@ -104,7 +102,7 @@ echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: PPPoE Server\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: System logs: OpenVPN\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: OpenVPN\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: RFC 2136 clients\' page.');
echo gettext('Uploads crash reports to pfSense and or deletes crash reports.');
echo gettext('Uploads crash reports to the developers.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Firewall: Alias: Edit\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Interfaces: PPPs: Edit\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Firewall: NAT: NPT\' page.');
......@@ -118,7 +116,7 @@ echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: Captive portal: Allowed Hostnames\
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: Router Advertisements\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'VPN: IPsec: Edit Phase 2\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: RRD Graphs\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Diag IPsec XML\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'System: Advanced: Networking\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'VPN: IPsec: Edit Phase 1\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Interfaces: VLAN\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: Load Balancer: Relay Action: Edit\' page.');
......@@ -155,10 +153,10 @@ echo gettext('Indicates whether the user is allowed to dial in via PPPOE');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'System: Advanced: Notifications\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Diagnostics: Logs: DHCP\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'System: Gateway Groups\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'pfSense wizard subsystem\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Wizard subsystem\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Diagnostics: Restore Full Backup\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: CARP\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Diagnostics: Authentication\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Firewall: Aliases\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: Captive portal: File Manager\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Firewall: Rules\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Diagnostics: Logs: System: Gateways\' page.');
......@@ -221,7 +219,7 @@ echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: NTP Serial GPS\' page.');
echo gettext('Indicates whether the user is allowed to dial in via L2TP');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: Load Balancer: Pool\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: Load Balancer: Relay Protocols\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Interfaces: Bridge\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Interfaces: QinQ\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Interfaces: Bridge : Edit\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Interfaces: Wireless\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: Dynamic DNS clients\' page.');
......@@ -258,7 +256,7 @@ echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Firewall: Easy Rule\' add/status page.');
echo gettext('Allows access to the \'Diagnostics: System Activity\' page');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'System: Static Routes\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'XMLRPC Interface Stats\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Interfaces: QinQ\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Interfaces: Bridge\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'System: High Availability\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Diagnostics: Factory defaults\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: DHCP Relay\' page.');
......@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ echo gettext('The port number where Squid sends and receives ICP queries to
echo gettext('Enable access logging.');
echo gettext('Enable store logging.');
echo gettext('If set (default), Squid will include a Via header in requests and
replies as required by RFC2616.');
echo gettext('Select what to do with X-Forwarded for header.');
echo gettext('Suppress Squid version string info in HTTP headers and HTML error pages.');
echo gettext('Enter the storage size for the local cache (default is 100).');
......@@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ echo gettext('
echo gettext('Select interface(s) the ftp proxy will bind to.');
echo gettext('The port the proxy service will listen to.');
echo gettext('Select Authentication method');
echo gettext('The prompt will be displayed in the autherntication request window.');
echo gettext('The prompt will be displayed in the authentication request window.');
echo gettext('The total number of authenticator processes to spawn.');
echo gettext('Select if job is enabled or not');
echo gettext('Enter a filename for storing the blacklist.');
......@@ -76,6 +78,8 @@ echo gettext('connected pipe for this queue');
echo gettext('Weight of this queue (1..100), used to prioritize within a pipe. (1 is low, 100 is high)');
echo gettext('Description to identify this pipe.');
echo gettext('order in which the rule will be evaluated (lowest first)');
echo gettext('secondary interface, matches packets going traveling from interface (1) to interface (2).
echo gettext('source ip or network, examples,');
echo gettext('source port number or well known name (imap,imaps, http,https,...)');
echo gettext('destination ip or network, examples,');
......@@ -33,13 +33,19 @@
echo gettext('Change password');
echo gettext('Logout');
echo gettext('User');
echo gettext('Certificates');
echo gettext('Certificate Authority');
echo gettext('Certification Revocation');
echo gettext('Certificates');
echo gettext('Crash Reporter');
echo gettext('Firmware');
echo gettext('High Availability');
echo gettext('Routes');
echo gettext('RoutesEdit');
echo gettext('GatewayGroups');
echo gettext('GatewayGroupsEdit');
echo gettext('Routing');
echo gettext('General');
echo gettext('Admin Access');
......@@ -68,31 +74,45 @@ echo gettext('Bridges');
echo gettext('LAGG');
echo gettext('(Assign)');
echo gettext('Interfaces');
echo gettext('AliasesEdit');
echo gettext('IP');
echo gettext('Ports');
echo gettext('URLs');
echo gettext('All');
echo gettext('Aliases');
echo gettext('NatEdit');
echo gettext('Port Forward');
echo gettext('1:1');
echo gettext('OneOnOneEdit');
echo gettext('Outbound');
echo gettext('OutboundEdit');
echo gettext('NPt');
echo gettext('NPtEdit');
echo gettext('NAT');
echo gettext('RulesEdit');
echo gettext('Floating');
echo gettext('Interface');
echo gettext('Rules');
echo gettext('SchedulesEdit');
echo gettext('Schedules');
echo gettext('Traffic Shaper');
echo gettext('VirtualIPEdit');
echo gettext('Virtual IPs');
echo gettext('Firewall');
echo gettext('Edit');
echo gettext('IP');
echo gettext('IP_edit');
echo gettext('MAC');
echo gettext('MAC_edit');
echo gettext('Voucher');
echo gettext('FileManager');
echo gettext('Captive Portal');
echo gettext('DHCP Relay');
echo gettext('DHCPServerTab');
echo gettext('DHCPServerEdit');
echo gettext('DHCP Server');
echo gettext('DHCPv6 Relay');
echo gettext('EditStaticMap');
echo gettext('RouterAdvertisement');
echo gettext('DHCPv6 Server/RA');
echo gettext('DNS Filter');
......@@ -101,27 +121,41 @@ echo gettext('Advanced');
echo gettext('ACLs');
echo gettext('DNS Resolver');
echo gettext('DynamicDNSRFC2136Clients');
echo gettext('DynamicDNSRFC2136ClientsEdit');
echo gettext('DynamicDNSEdit');
echo gettext('Dynamic DNS');
echo gettext('IGMPProxyEdit');
echo gettext('IGMP Proxy');
echo gettext('Edit');
echo gettext('VirtualServer');
echo gettext('VirtualServerEdit');
echo gettext('Monitors');
echo gettext('Settings');
echo gettext('Load Balancer');
echo gettext('GPS');
echo gettext('PPS');
echo gettext('Network Time Protocol');
echo gettext('PPPoeServerEdit');
echo gettext('VPNPPPOE');
echo gettext('PPPoE Server');
echo gettext('Proxy Server');
echo gettext('SNMP');
echo gettext('UPnPEdit');
echo gettext('Universal Plug and Play');
echo gettext('WoLEdit');
echo gettext('Wake on LAN');
echo gettext('Intrusion Detection');
echo gettext('Services');
echo gettext('IPsecPhase1Edit');
echo gettext('IPsecPhase2Edit');
echo gettext('MobileClients');
echo gettext('Keys');
echo gettext('KeysEdit');
echo gettext('AdvancedSettings');
echo gettext('IPsec');
echo gettext('L2TPUsers');
echo gettext('L2TPUsersEdit');
echo gettext('L2TP');
echo gettext('ServerEdit');
echo gettext('Client');
echo gettext('CSC');
echo gettext('Wizards');
......@@ -129,16 +163,21 @@ echo gettext('ClientExport');
echo gettext('SharedKeyExport');
echo gettext('OpenVPN');
echo gettext('PPTPUsers');
echo gettext('PPTPUsersEdit');
echo gettext('PPTP');
echo gettext('VPN');
echo gettext('CaptivePortalDetails');
echo gettext('Captive Portal');
echo gettext('CARP');
echo gettext('DHCPLeasesDetails');
echo gettext('DHCP IPv4 Leases');
echo gettext('DHCPv6LeasesDetails');
echo gettext('DHCP IPv6 Leases');
echo gettext('Filter Reload');
echo gettext('GatewayGroups');
echo gettext('Gateways');
echo gettext('Interfaces');
echo gettext('IPsecACT');
echo gettext('Leases');
echo gettext('SAD');
echo gettext('SPD');
......@@ -149,6 +188,7 @@ echo gettext('NTP');
echo gettext('OpenVPN');
echo gettext('Settings');
echo gettext('RRD Graphs');
echo gettext('ServicesActions');
echo gettext('Services');
echo gettext('Gateways');
echo gettext('Routing');
......@@ -169,6 +209,7 @@ echo gettext('NTP');
echo gettext('Proxy');
echo gettext('Settings');
echo gettext('System Logs');
echo gettext('TrafficGraphsDetails');
echo gettext('Traffic Graphs');
echo gettext('Universal Plug and Play');
echo gettext('Status');
......@@ -176,7 +217,6 @@ echo gettext('ARP Table');
echo gettext('Authentication');
echo gettext('History');
echo gettext('Backup & Restore');
echo gettext('Crash Reporter');
echo gettext('DNS Lookup');
echo gettext('Factory Defaults');
echo gettext('Halt System');
......@@ -189,6 +229,7 @@ echo gettext('Ping');
echo gettext('Reboot');
echo gettext('Routes');
echo gettext('SMART Status');
echo gettext('SocketsDetails');
echo gettext('Sockets');
echo gettext('States');
echo gettext('States Summary');
......@@ -207,6 +248,9 @@ echo gettext('Help');
echo gettext('menu');
echo gettext('test');
echo gettext('you should input a valid email address');
echo gettext('Intrusion Detection');
echo gettext('Services');
echo gettext('menu');
echo gettext('sid should be a number');
echo gettext('Related cron not found');
echo gettext('ICP port needs to be an integer value between 1 and 65535');
......@@ -221,6 +265,7 @@ echo gettext('Proxy port needs to be an integer value between 1 and 65535');
echo gettext('FTP Proxy port needs to be an integer value between 1 and 65535');
echo gettext('The filename may only contain letters,digits and one dot (not required).');
echo gettext('This does not look like a valid url.');
echo gettext('Related cron not found');
echo gettext('Credentials TTL needs to be an integer value above 0');
echo gettext('Number of children needs to be an integer value above 0');
echo gettext('Pipe number must be between 1...65535');
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