Commit a6f879fc authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

fix for

when a conditional is the last stament on the line, either make sure there's an extra new line or add some characters behind it.
"trim_blocks" is removing this new line otherwise (
parent 953a546e
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
{% for intf_key,intf_item in interfaces.iteritems() %}
{% if intf_key == interface and intf_item.ipaddr != 'dhcp' %}
http_port {{intf_item.ipaddr}}:{{ OPNsense.proxy.forward.port }} {%if OPNsense.proxy.forward.transparentMode == '1' %}intercept{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{# virtual ip's #}
......@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ http_port {{intf_item.ipaddr}}:{{ OPNsense.proxy.forward.port }} {%if OPNsense.
{% for intf_key,intf_item in virtualip.iteritems() %}
{% if intf_item.interface == interface and intf_item.mode == 'ipalias' %}
http_port {{intf_item.subnet}}:{{ OPNsense.proxy.forward.port }} {%if OPNsense.proxy.forward.transparentMode == '1' %}intercept{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
......@@ -27,6 +29,7 @@ http_port {{intf_item.subnet}}:{{ OPNsense.proxy.forward.port }} {%if OPNsense.
{% for intf_key,intf_item in interfaces.iteritems() %}
{% if intf_key == interface and intf_item.ipaddr != 'dhcp' %}
ftp_port {{intf_item.ipaddr}}:{{ OPNsense.proxy.forward.ftpPort }} {%if OPNsense.proxy.forward.ftpTransparentMode == '1' %}intercept{% else %}accel ftp-track-dirs protocol=HTTP{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{# virtual ip's #}
......@@ -34,6 +37,7 @@ ftp_port {{intf_item.ipaddr}}:{{ OPNsense.proxy.forward.ftpPort }} {%if OPNsens
{% for intf_key,intf_item in virtualip.iteritems() %}
{% if intf_item.interface == interface and intf_item.mode == 'ipalias' %}
ftp_port {{intf_item.subnet}}:{{ OPNsense.proxy.forward.ftpPort }} {%if OPNsense.proxy.forward.ftpTransparentMode == '1' %}intercept{% else %}accel ftp-track-dirs protocol=HTTP{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
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