Commit 97776b5a authored by Fabian Franz's avatar Fabian Franz Committed by Franco Fichtner

Translation (#1340)

* translation cleanup in src/www/services_ntpd_gps.php

* little translation fixes
parent 03b1091f
......@@ -448,8 +448,8 @@
<label>Request Modify URL</label>
<help><![CDATA[Enter the url where the reqmod requests should be sent to.]]></help>
<hint>Enter the url of the ICAP Server</hint>
<help><![CDATA[Enter the url where the REQMOD requests should be sent to.]]></help>
<hint>Enter the URL of the ICAP Server</hint>
......@@ -458,8 +458,8 @@
<label>Response Modify URL</label>
<help><![CDATA[Enter the url where the respmod requests should be sent to.]]></help>
<hint>Enter the url of the ICAP Server</hint>
<help><![CDATA[Enter the url where the RESPMOD requests should be sent to.]]></help>
<hint>Enter the URL of the ICAP Server</hint>
......@@ -390,19 +390,19 @@ SureGPS = #Sure Electronics SKG16B
<td><a id="help_for_fudge1" href="#" class="showhelp"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i></a> <?=gettext('Fudge time 1') ?> (<?=gettext("seconds");?>)</td>
<td><a id="help_for_fudge1" href="#" class="showhelp"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i></a> <?= gettext('Fudge time 1 (seconds)') ?></td>
<input name="fudge1" type="text" id="gpsfudge1" min="-1" max="1" size="20" value="<?=$pconfig['fudge1'];?>" />
<div class="hidden" for="help_for_fudge1">
<?=gettext("Fudge time 1 is used to specify the GPS PPS signal offset");?> (<?=gettext("default");?>: 0.0).
<?= gettext("Fudge time 1 is used to specify the GPS PPS signal offset (default: 0.0).") ?>
<td><a id="help_for_fudge2" href="#" class="showhelp"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i></a> <?=gettext('Fudge time 2') ?> (<?=gettext("seconds");?>) </td>
<td><a id="help_for_fudge2" href="#" class="showhelp"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i></a> <?=gettext('Fudge time 2 (seconds)');?></td>
<input name="fudge2" type="text" id="gpsfudge2" min="-1" max="1" size="20" value="<?=$pconfig['fudge2'];?>" />
<div class="hidden" for="help_for_fudge2">
<?=gettext("Fudge time 2 is used to specify the GPS time offset");?> (<?=gettext("default");?>: 0.0).
<?= gettext("Fudge time 2 is used to specify the GPS time offset (default: 0.0).") ?>
......@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ SureGPS = #Sure Electronics SKG16B
<input name="stratum" type="text" id="gpsstratum" value="<?=$pconfig['stratum'];?>" />
<div class="hidden" for="help_for_stratum">
<?=gettext("(0-16)");?><br />
<?=gettext("This may be used to change the GPS Clock stratum");?> (<?=gettext("default");?>: 0). <?=gettext("This may be useful if, for some reason, you want ntpd to prefer a different clock"); ?>
<?=gettext("This may be used to change the GPS Clock stratum (default: 0). This may be useful if, for some reason, you want ntpd to prefer a different clock"); ?>
......@@ -478,7 +478,8 @@ SureGPS = #Sure Electronics SKG16B
<input name="subsec" type="checkbox" id="gpssubsec"<?=!empty($pconfig['subsec']) ? " checked=\"checked\"" : ""; ?> />
<?=gettext("Log the sub-second fraction of the received time stamp (default: Not logged).<br />Note: enabling this will rapidly fill the log, but is useful for tuning Fudge time 2."); ?>
<?= gettext("Log the sub-second fraction of the received time stamp (default: Not logged).") ?><br />
<?= gettext("Enabling this will rapidly fill the log, but is useful for tuning Fudge time 2.") ?>
......@@ -490,7 +491,7 @@ SureGPS = #Sure Electronics SKG16B
<input name="refid" type="text" id="gpsrefid" value="<?=$pconfig['refid'];?>" />
<div class="hidden" for="help_for_refid">
<?=gettext("(1 to 4 characters)");?><br />
<?=gettext("This may be used to change the GPS Clock ID");?> (<?=gettext("default");?>: GPS).
<?=gettext("This may be used to change the GPS Clock ID (default: GPS).") ?>
......@@ -505,7 +506,7 @@ SureGPS = #Sure Electronics SKG16B
<?=gettext("Note: Commands entered here will be sent to the GPS during initialization. Please read and understand your GPS documentation before making any changes here.");?><br /><br />
<strong><?=gettext("NMEA checksum calculator");?>:</strong>
<br />
<?=gettext("Enter the text between &quot;$&quot; and &quot;*&quot; of a NMEA command string:");?><br /> $<input name="nmeastring" type="text" id="nmeastring" size="30" value="" />*<span id="nmeachecksum"><?=gettext("checksum");?></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<?=gettext('Enter the text between "$" and "*" of a NMEA command string:');?><br /> $<input name="nmeastring" type="text" id="nmeastring" size="30" value="" />*<span id="nmeachecksum"><?=gettext("checksum");?></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="button" id="calcnmeachk" value="<?=gettext("Calculate NMEA checksum");?>" />
......@@ -522,7 +523,7 @@ SureGPS = #Sure Electronics SKG16B
<td colspan="2">
<?=gettext('A GPS connected via a serial port may be used as a reference clock for NTP. If the GPS also supports PPS and is properly configured, and connected, that GPS may also be used as a Pulse Per Second clock reference. NOTE: a USB GPS may work, but is not recommended due to USB bus timing issues.') ?>
<br />
<br /><?=gettext("For the best results, NTP should have at least three sources of time. So it is best to configure at least 2 servers under"); ?> <a href="services_ntpd.php"><?=gettext("Services > NTP"); ?></a> <?=gettext("to minimize clock drift if the GPS data is not valid over time. Otherwise ntpd may only use values from the unsynchronized local clock when providing time to clients."); ?>
<br /><?=sprintf(gettext("For the best results, NTP should have at least three sources of time. So it is best to configure at least 2 servers under %sServices > NTP%s to minimize clock drift if the GPS data is not valid over time. Otherwise ntpd may only use values from the unsynchronized local clock when providing time to clients."),'<a href="services_ntpd.php">','</a>') ?>
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