Commit 94a2da60 authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

(legacy) kill ipsec_smp_dump_status

parent 5f34f72c
......@@ -245,43 +245,6 @@ function ipsec_phase1_status($ipsec_status, $ikeid) {
return false;
function ipsec_smp_dump_status() {
global $config, $g, $custom_listtags;
if (!file_exists("/var/run/charon.xml")) {
log_error("IPsec daemon seems to have issues or not running!");
$fd = @fsockopen("unix:///var/run/charon.xml");
if (!$fd) {
log_error("Could not read status from ipsec");
$query = '<?xml version="1.0"?><message xmlns="" type="request" id="1">';
$query .= '<query><ikesalist/></query></message>';
@fwrite($fd, $query);
$response = "";
$sread = "";
while (!strstr($sread, "</message>")) {
$sread = fgets($fd);
$response .= $sread;
$smp_status_xml = '/tmp/smp_status.xml';
@file_put_contents($smp_status_xml, $response);
unset($response, $sread);
$custom_listtags = array('ikesa', 'childsa', 'network', 'auth');
$response = parse_xml_config($smp_status_xml, 'message');
return $response;
* Return dump of SPD table
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