<buttontype="button"class="btn btn-sm"id="btn_show_add_gateway"title="<?=gettext("add a new one.");?>"data-toggle="tooltip"><spanclass="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span></button>
<buttontype="button"class="btn btn-sm"id="btn_show_add_gateway"title="<?=gettext("Add a new one.");?>"data-toggle="tooltip"><spanclass="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span></button>
<?=gettext("If this interface is an Internet connection, select an existing Gateway from the list or add a new one using the link above.");?><br/>
<?=gettext("If this interface is an Internet connection, select an existing Gateway from the list or add a new one using the link above.");?><br/>
<?=gettext("On local LANs the upstream gateway should be \"none\".");?>
<?=gettext("On local LANs the upstream gateway should be \"none\".");?>
<p><strong><?=gettext("NOTE:");?></strong><?=gettext("You can manage Gateways");?><atarget='_blank'href='system_gateways.php'><?=gettext("here");?></a>.</p>
<p><?=sprintf(gettext("You can manage Gateways %shere%s."),'<a target="_blank" href="system_gateways.php">','</a>')?></p>
<?=sprintf(gettext("The values in these fields are DHCP %sprotocol timings%s used when requesting a lease."),'<a target="_blank" href="http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=dhclient.conf&sektion=5#PROTOCOL_TIMING">','</a>')?>
<?=sprintf(gettext("The values in these fields are DHCP %sprotocol timings%s used when requesting a lease."),'<a target="_blank" href="http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=dhclient.conf&sektion=5#PROTOCOL_TIMING">','</a>')?>
<buttontype="button"class="btn btn-sm"id="btn_show_add_gatewayv6"title="<?=gettext("add a new one.");?>"data-toggle="tooltip"><spanclass="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span></button>
<buttontype="button"class="btn btn-sm"id="btn_show_add_gatewayv6"title="<?=gettext("Add a new one.");?>"data-toggle="tooltip"><spanclass="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span></button>
<?=gettext("If this interface is an Internet connection, select an existing Gateway from the list or add a new one using the link above.");?><br/>
<?=gettext("If this interface is an Internet connection, select an existing Gateway from the list or add a new one using the link above.");?><br/>
<?=gettext("On local LANs the upstream gateway should be \"none\".");?>
<?=gettext('On local LANs the upstream gateway should be "none".');?>
<p><strong><?=gettext("NOTE:");?></strong><?=gettext("You can manage Gateways");?><atarget='_blank'href='system_gateways.php'><?=gettext("here");?></a>.</p>
<p><?=sprintf(gettext("You can manage Gateways %shere%s."),'<a target="_blank" href="system_gateways.php">','</a>')?></p>
<?=gettext("This is normally the WAN IP address that you would like the server to listen on. All connections to this IP and port will be forwarded to the pool cluster.");?>
<?=gettext("This is normally the WAN IP address that you would like the server to listen on. All connections to this IP and port will be forwarded to the pool cluster.");?>
<br/><?=gettext("You may also specify a host alias listed in Firewall -> Aliases here.");?>
<br/><?=gettext("You may also specify a host alias listed in Firewall -> Aliases here.");?>
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET') {
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET') {
$savemsg=gettext("The DHCP Server can only be enabled on interfaces configured with static IP addresses").".<br/><br/>".gettext("Only interfaces configured with a static IP will be shown").".";
$savemsg=gettext("The DHCP Server can only be enabled on interfaces configured with static IP addresses.")."<br/><br/>".gettext("Only interfaces configured with a static IP will be shown.");
/* If no interface is provided, choose first one from interfaces */
/* If no interface is provided, choose first one from interfaces */
<strong><?phpprintf(gettext("Enable DHCP server on "."%s "."interface"),!empty($config['interfaces'][$if]['descr'])?htmlspecialchars($config['interfaces'][$if]['descr']):strtoupper($if));?></strong>
<strong><?phpprintf(gettext("Enable DHCP server on the %s interface"),!empty($config['interfaces'][$if]['descr'])?htmlspecialchars($config['interfaces'][$if]['descr']):strtoupper($if));?></strong>
<?=gettext("The default is to use the IP on this interface of the firewall as the gateway. Specify an alternate gateway here if this is not the correct gateway for your network. Type \"none\" for no gateway assignment.");?>
<?=gettext('The default is to use the IP on this interface of the firewall as the gateway. Specify an alternate gateway here if this is not the correct gateway for your network. Type "none" for no gateway assignment.');?>
<?=gettext("Leave blank to disable. Enter the interface IP address of the other machine. Machines must be using CARP. Interface's advskew determines whether the DHCPd process is Primary or Secondary. Ensure one machine's advskew<20 (and the other is >20).");?>
<?=gettext("Leave blank to disable. Enter the interface IP address of the other machine. Machines must be using CARP. Interface's advskew determines whether the DHCPd process is Primary or Secondary. Ensure one machine's advskew<20 (and the other is >20).");?>