Commit 8a492774 authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

(Captiveportal, new) add update_session_restrictions to db class + minor cleanups

parent 07fe290b
......@@ -136,11 +136,11 @@ class DB(object):
""" change client ip address
cur = self._connection.cursor()
cur.execute("""UPDATE cp_clients
SET ip_address = :ip_address
WHERE deleted = 0
cur.execute("""update cp_clients
set ip_address = :ip_address
where deleted = 0
and zoneid = :zoneid
AND sessionid = :sessionid
and sessionid = :sessionid
""", {'zoneid': zoneid, 'sessionid': sessionid, 'ip_address': ip_address})
......@@ -152,11 +152,11 @@ class DB(object):
:return: client info before removal or None if client not found
cur = self._connection.cursor()
cur.execute(""" SELECT *
FROM cp_clients
WHERE sessionid = :sessionid
AND zoneid = :zoneid
AND deleted = 0
cur.execute(""" select *
from cp_clients
where sessionid = :sessionid
and zoneid = :zoneid
and deleted = 0
""", {'zoneid': zoneid, 'sessionid': sessionid})
data = cur.fetchall()
if len(data) > 0:
......@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ class DB(object):
for fields in cur.description:
session_info[fields[0]] = data[0][len(session_info)]
# remove client
cur.execute("UPDATE cp_clients SET deleted = 1 WHERE sessionid = :sessionid AND zoneid = :zoneid",
cur.execute("update cp_clients set deleted = 1 where sessionid = :sessionid and zoneid = :zoneid",
{'zoneid': zoneid, 'sessionid': sessionid})
......@@ -181,25 +181,27 @@ class DB(object):
fieldnames = list()
cur = self._connection.cursor()
# rename fields for API
cur.execute(""" SELECT cc.zoneid
cur.execute(""" select cc.zoneid
, cc.sessionid sessionId
, cc.authenticated_via authenticated_via
, cc.username userName
, cc.created startTime
, cc.ip_address ipAddress
, cc.mac_address macAddress
, CASE WHEN si.packets_in IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE si.packets_in END packets_in
, CASE WHEN si.packets_out IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE si.packets_out END packets_out
, CASE WHEN si.bytes_in IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE si.bytes_in END bytes_in
, CASE WHEN si.bytes_out IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE si.bytes_out END bytes_out
, CASE WHEN si.last_accessed IS NULL OR si.last_accessed =0
THEN cc.created
ELSE si.last_accessed
END last_accessed
FROM cp_clients cc
LEFT JOIN session_info si ON si.zoneid = cc.zoneid AND si.sessionid = cc.sessionid
WHERE cc.zoneid = :zoneid
AND cc.deleted = 0
, case when si.packets_in is null then 0 else si.packets_in end packets_in
, case when si.packets_out is null then 0 else si.packets_out end packets_out
, case when si.bytes_in is null then 0 else si.bytes_in end bytes_in
, case when si.bytes_out is null then 0 else si.bytes_out end bytes_out
, case when si.last_accessed is null or si.last_accessed = 0
then cc.created
else si.last_accessed
end last_accessed
, sr.session_timeout acc_session_timeout
from cp_clients cc
left join session_info si on si.zoneid = cc.zoneid and si.sessionid = cc.sessionid
left join session_restrictions sr on sr.zoneid = cc.zoneid and sr.sessionid = cc.sessionid
where cc.zoneid = :zoneid
and cc.deleted = 0
order by case when cc.username is not null then cc.username else cc.ip_address end
, cc.created desc
""", {'zoneid': zoneid})
......@@ -228,12 +230,12 @@ class DB(object):
result = dict()
cur = self._connection.cursor()
# rename fields for API
cur.execute(""" SELECT cc.sessionid sessionId
cur.execute(""" select cc.sessionid sessionId
, cc.username userName
FROM cp_clients cc
WHERE cc.zoneid = :zoneid
AND cc.deleted = 0
AND cc.username is not null
from cp_clients cc
where cc.zoneid = :zoneid
and cc.deleted = 0
and cc.username is not null
and cc.username <> ""
order by case when cc.username is not null then cc.username else cc.ip_address end
, cc.created desc
......@@ -329,3 +331,27 @@ class DB(object):
prev_record = record
def update_session_restrictions(self, zoneid, sessionid, session_timeout):
""" upsert session restrictions
:param zoneid: zone id
:param sessionid: session id
:param session_timeout: timeout in seconds
:return: string "add"/"update" to signal the performed action to the client
cur = self._connection.cursor()
qry_params = {'zoneid': zoneid, 'sessionid' : sessionid, 'session_timeout': session_timeout}
sql_update = """update session_restrictions
set session_timeout = :session_timeout
where zoneid = :zoneid and sessionid = :sessionid"""
cur.execute(sql_update, qry_params)
if cur.rowcount == 0:
sql_insert = """insert into session_restrictions(zoneid, sessionid, session_timeout)
values (:zoneid, :sessionid, :session_timeout)"""
cur.execute(sql_insert, qry_params)
return 'add'
return 'update'
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