Commit 85664101 authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis Committed by Franco Fichtner

(proxy) auth, don't quit when squid sends an empty string

(cherry picked from commit 9fd6504d)
parent 2b392a67
......@@ -36,48 +36,51 @@ openlog("squid", LOG_ODELAY, LOG_AUTH);
$authFactory = new \OPNsense\Auth\AuthenticationFactory();
$f = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
while ($line = fgets($f)) {
$fields = explode(' ', trim($line));
$username = rawurldecode($fields[0]);
$password = rawurldecode($fields[1]);
while (!(feof($f))) {
$line = fgets($f);
if ($line) {
$fields = explode(' ', trim($line));
$username = rawurldecode($fields[0]);
$password = rawurldecode($fields[1]);
$isAuthenticated = false;
if (isset($config['OPNsense']['proxy']['forward']['authentication']['method'])) {
foreach (explode(',', $config['OPNsense']['proxy']['forward']['authentication']['method']) as $authServerName) {
$authServer = $authFactory->get(trim($authServerName));
if ($authServer == null) {
// authenticator not found, use local
$authServer = $authFactory->get('Local Database');
$isAuthenticated = $authServer->authenticate($username, $password);
if ($isAuthenticated) {
if (get_class($authServer) == "OPNsense\Auth\Local") {
// todo: user priv check needs a reload of squid, maybe it's better to move the token check to
// the auth object.
// when using local authentication, check if user has role user-proxy-auth
$user = getUserEntry($username);
if (is_array($user) && userHasPrivilege($user, "user-proxy-auth")) {
$isAuthenticated = false;
if (isset($config['OPNsense']['proxy']['forward']['authentication']['method'])) {
foreach (explode(',', $config['OPNsense']['proxy']['forward']['authentication']['method']) as $authServerName) {
$authServer = $authFactory->get(trim($authServerName));
if ($authServer == null) {
// authenticator not found, use local
$authServer = $authFactory->get('Local Database');
$isAuthenticated = $authServer->authenticate($username, $password);
if ($isAuthenticated) {
if (get_class($authServer) == "OPNsense\Auth\Local") {
// todo: user priv check needs a reload of squid, maybe it's better to move the token check to
// the auth object.
// when using local authentication, check if user has role user-proxy-auth
$user = getUserEntry($username);
if (is_array($user) && userHasPrivilege($user, "user-proxy-auth")) {
} else {
// log user auth failure
syslog(LOG_WARNING, "user '{$username}' cannot authenticate for squid because of missing user-proxy-auth role");
fwrite(STDOUT, "ERR\n");
$isAuthenticated = false;
} else {
// log user auth failure
syslog(LOG_WARNING, "user '{$username}' cannot authenticate for squid because of missing user-proxy-auth role");
fwrite(STDOUT, "ERR\n");
$isAuthenticated = false;
} else {
if ($isAuthenticated) {
syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "user '{$username}' authenticated\n");
fwrite(STDOUT, "OK\n");
} else {
syslog(LOG_WARNING, "user '{$username}' could not authenticate.\n");
fwrite(STDOUT, "ERR\n");
if ($isAuthenticated) {
syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "user '{$username}' authenticated\n");
fwrite(STDOUT, "OK\n");
} else {
syslog(LOG_WARNING, "user '{$username}' could not authenticate.\n");
fwrite(STDOUT, "ERR\n");
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