<?phpechogettext("Orphan mode allows the system clock to be used when no other clocks are available. The number here specifies the stratum reported during orphan mode and should normally be set to a number high enough to insure that any other servers available to clients are preferred over this server. (default: 12).");?>
<?phpechogettext("These options enable additional messages from NTP to be written to the System Log");?> (<ahref="diag_logs_ntpd.php"><?phpechogettext("Status > System Logs > NTP");?></a>).
<tdwidth="78%"class="vtable">A GPS connected via a serial port may be used as a reference clock for NTP. If the GPS also supports PPS and is properly configured, and connected, that GPS may also be used as a Pulse Per Second clock reference. NOTE: a USB GPS may work, but is not recommended due to USB bus timing issues.
<tdwidth="78%"class="vtable"><?=gettext('A GPS connected via a serial port may be used as a reference clock for NTP. If the GPS also supports PPS and is properly configured, and connected, that GPS may also be used as a Pulse Per Second clock reference. NOTE: a USB GPS may work, but is not recommended due to USB bus timing issues.')?>
<br/><?phpechogettext("For the best results, NTP should have at least three sources of time. So it is best to configure at least 2 servers under");?><ahref="services_ntpd.php"><?phpechogettext("Services > NTP");?></a><?phpechogettext("to minimize clock drift if the GPS data is not valid over time. Otherwise ntpd may only use values from the unsynchronized local clock when providing time to clients.");?>
<optionvalue="Garmin"title="$PGRM... Most Garmin"<?phpif($pconfig['type']=='Garmin')echo" selected=\"selected\"";?>><?=gettext('Garmin')?></option>
<optionvalue="MediaTek"title="$PMTK... Adafruit, Fastrax, some Garmin and others"<?phpif($pconfig['type']=='MediaTek')echo" selected=\"selected\"";?>>MediaTek</option>
<optionvalue="SiRF"title="$PSRF... Used by many devices"<?phpif($pconfig['type']=='sirf')echo" selected=\"selected\"";?>>SiRF</option>
<optionvalue="U-Blox"title="$PUBX... U-Blox 5, 6 and probably 7"<?phpif($pconfig['type']=='U-Blox')echo" selected=\"selected\"";?>>U-Blox</option>
<?phpechogettext("This may be used to change the GPS Clock stratum");?> (<?phpechogettext("default");?>: 0). <?phpechogettext("This may be useful if, for some reason, you want ntpd to prefer a different clock");?></td>
<?phpechogettext("Fudge time is used to specify the PPS signal offset from the actual second such as the transmission delay between the transmitter and the receiver.");?> (<?phpechogettext("default");?>: 0.0).</td>
<?phpechogettext("This may be used to change the PPS Clock stratum");?> (<?phpechogettext("default");?>: 0). <?phpechogettext("This may be useful if, for some reason, you want ntpd to prefer a different clock and just monitor this source.");?></td>
<?=gettext("Time to live for entries in the host cache. The host cache contains roundtrip timing and EDNS support information. The default is 15 minutes.");?>
<?=gettext("If enabled, a total number of unwanted replies is kept track of in every thread. When it reaches the threshold, a defensive action is taken and a warning is printed to the log file. This defensive action is to clear the RRSet and message caches, hopefully flushing away any poison. The default is disabled, but if enabled a value of 10 million is suggested.");?>
Statistics unavailable because ntpq and ntpdc queries are disabled in the <ahref="services_ntpd.php">NTP service settings</a>.
<?=sprintf(gettext('Statistics unavailable because ntpq and ntpdc queries are disabled in the %sNTP service settings%s.'),'<a href="services_ntpd.php">','</a>')?>
No peers found, <ahref="status_services.php">is the ntp service running?</a>.
<?=sprintf(gettext('No peers found, %sis the ntp service running%s?'),'<a href="status_services.php">','</a>')?>
<b>Flags:</b> A = authorized, E = Extended Rate (802.11g), P = Power save mode<br/>
<b>Capabilities:</b> E = ESS (infrastructure mode), I = IBSS (ad-hoc mode), P = privacy (WEP/TKIP/AES),
S = Short preamble, s = Short slot time
<b><?=gettext('Flags:')?></b><?=gettext('A = authorized, E = Extended Rate (802.11g), P = Power save mode')?><br/>
<b><?=gettext('Capabilities:')?></b><?=gettext('E = ESS (infrastructure mode), I = IBSS (ad-hoc mode), P = privacy (WEP/TKIP/AES), S = Short preamble, s = Short slot time')?>