Commit 8336e27b authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

(netflow, flowd agg) add data starting point if not found

parent 3f9c8f32
......@@ -87,6 +87,11 @@ if valid_params:
if record_key not in dimension_keys:
# add first measure point if it doesn't exist in the data (graph starting point)
if start_time not in timeseries:
timeseries[start_time] = dict()
for dimension_key in dimension_keys:
timeseries[start_time][dimension_key] = {'octets': 0, 'packets': 0, 'resolution': resolution}
# make sure all measure points exists for all given keys
for timeserie in sorted(timeseries):
for dimension_key in dimension_keys:
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