Commit 825338ee authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

(menu) allow changing order of menu items from module configuration

parent 6c4cfaf0
......@@ -253,15 +253,23 @@ class MenuItem
// set attributes
foreach ($properties as $propname => $propvalue) {
$methodName = $newMenuItem->getXmlPropertySetterName($propname);
if ($methodName != null) {
$orderNum = sprintf("%05d", $newMenuItem->getOrder());
$idx = $orderNum."_".$newMenuItem->id;
if ($isNew) {
// new item, add to child list
$orderNum = sprintf("%05d", $newMenuItem->getOrder());
$this->children[$orderNum."_".$newMenuItem->id] = $newMenuItem;
$this->children[$idx] = $newMenuItem;
} else {
// update existing, if the sort order changed, move this child into the new position
foreach ($this->children as $key => $node) {
if ($node == $newMenuItem && $key != $idx) {
$this->children[$idx] = $newMenuItem;
return $newMenuItem;
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