Commit 7c5db320 authored by Franco Fichtner's avatar Franco Fichtner

configuration: add more backup/restore sections; closes #747

parent ba9bbebe
......@@ -130,27 +130,48 @@ function restore_rrddata() {
$areas = array("aliases" => gettext("Aliases"),
"dnsmasq" => gettext("DNS Forwarder"),
"dhcpd" => gettext("DHCP Server"),
"dhcpdv6" => gettext("DHCPv6 Server"),
"filter" => gettext("Firewall Rules"),
"interfaces" => gettext("Interfaces"),
"ipsec" => gettext("IPSEC"),
"nat" => gettext("NAT"),
"openvpn" => gettext("OpenVPN"),
"pptpd" => gettext("PPTP Server"),
"rrddata" => gettext("RRD Data"),
"cron" => gettext("Scheduled Tasks"),
"syslog" => gettext("Syslog"),
"system" => gettext("System"),
"staticroutes" => gettext("Static routes"),
"sysctl" => gettext("System tunables"),
"snmpd" => gettext("SNMP Server"),
"vlans" => gettext("VLANS"),
"wol" => gettext("Wake on LAN")
$areas = array(
'OPNsense' => gettext('OPNsense Additions'), /* XXX need specifics */
'aliases' => gettext('Aliases'),
'bridges' => gettext('Bridge Devices'),
'ca' => gettext('SSL Certificate Authorities'),
'cert' => gettext('SSL Certificates'),
'cron' => gettext('Scheduled Tasks'),
'dhcpd' => gettext('DHCP Server'),
'dhcpdv6' => gettext('DHCPv6 Server'),
'dhcrelay' => gettext('DHCP Relay'),
'dhcrelay6' => gettext('DHCPv6 Relay'),
'dnsmasq' => gettext('DNS Forwarder'),
'dyndnses' => gettext('Dynamic DNS'),
'filter' => gettext('Firewall Rules'),
'gateways' => gettext('Gateways'),
'gifs' => gettext('GIF Devices'),
'igmpproxy' => gettext('IGMP Proxy'),
'installedpackages' => gettext('Universal Plug and Play'), /* XXX only one, reduce depth! */
'interfaces' => gettext('Interfaces'),
'ipsec' => gettext('IPSEC'),
'laggs' => gettext('LAGG Devices'),
'load_balancer' => gettext('Load Balancer'),
'nat' => gettext('Network Address Translation'),
'notifications' => gettext('System Notifications'),
'ntpd' => gettext('Network Time'),
'opendns' => gettext('DNS Filter'),
'openvpn' => gettext('OpenVPN'),
'ppps' => gettext('Point-to-Point Devices'),
'pptpd' => gettext('PPTP Server'),
'proxyarp' => gettext('Proxy ARP'),
'rrddata' => gettext('RRD Data'),
'snmpd' => gettext('SNMP Server'),
'staticroutes' => gettext('Static routes'),
'sysctl' => gettext('System tunables'),
'syslog' => gettext('Syslog'),
'system' => gettext('System'),
'unbound' => gettext('DNS Resolver'),
'vlans' => gettext('VLAN Devices'),
'widgets' => gettext('Dashboard Widgets'),
'wireless' => gettext('Wireless Devices'),
'wol' => gettext('Wake on LAN'),
$pconfig = array();
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