Commit 6f3b7af5 authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis Committed by Franco Fichtner

(mvc) extend InterfaceField with AddParentDevices option

* optionally collect lagg and vlan parents when the physical device isn't configured yet

(cherry picked from commit 73ce0d60)
parent 4dc44200
......@@ -70,6 +70,53 @@ class InterfaceField extends BaseField
private $internalMultiSelect = false;
* @var bool add physical interfaces to selection (collected from lagg, vlan)
private $internalAddParentDevices = false;
* collect parents for lagg interfaces
* @return named array containing device and lagg interface
private function getConfigLaggInterfaces()
$physicalInterfaces = array();
$configObj = Config::getInstance()->object();
if (!empty($configObj->laggs)) {
foreach ($configObj->laggs->children() as $key => $lagg) {
if (!empty($lagg->members)) {
foreach (explode(',', $lagg->members) as $interface) {
if (!isset($physicalInterfaces[$interface])) {
$physicalInterfaces[$interface] = array();
$physicalInterfaces[$interface][] = (string)$lagg->laggif;
return $physicalInterfaces;
* collect parents for vlan interfaces
* @return named array containing device and vlan interfaces
private function getConfigVLANInterfaces()
$physicalInterfaces = array();
$configObj = Config::getInstance()->object();
if (!empty($configObj->vlans)) {
foreach ($configObj->vlans->children() as $key => $vlan) {
if (!isset($physicalInterfaces[(string)$vlan->if])) {
$physicalInterfaces[(string)$vlan->if] = array();
$physicalInterfaces[(string)$vlan->if][] = (string)$vlan->vlanif;
return $physicalInterfaces;
* generate validation data (list of interfaces and well know ports)
......@@ -79,12 +126,46 @@ class InterfaceField extends BaseField
self::$internalOptionList[$this->internalCacheKey] = array();
$allInterfaces = array();
$allInterfacesDevices = array(); // mapping device -> interface handle (lan/wan/optX)
$configObj = Config::getInstance()->object();
// Iterate over all interfaces configuration and collect data
foreach ($configObj->interfaces->children() as $key => $value) {
$allInterfaces[$key] = $value;
if (!empty($value->if)) {
$allInterfacesDevices[(string)$value->if] = $key;
if ($this->internalAddParentDevices) {
// collect parents for lagg/vlan interfaces
$physicalInterfaces = $this->getConfigLaggInterfaces();
$physicalInterfaces = array_merge($physicalInterfaces, $this->getConfigVLANInterfaces());
// add unique devices
foreach ($physicalInterfaces as $interface => $devices) {
// construct interface node
$interfaceNode = new \stdClass();
$interfaceNode->enable = 0;
$interfaceNode->descr = "[{$interface}]";
$interfaceNode->if = $interface;
foreach ($devices as $device) {
if (!empty($allInterfacesDevices[$device])) {
$configuredInterface = $allInterfaces[$allInterfacesDevices[$device]];
if (!empty($configuredInterface->enable)) {
// set device enabled if any member is
$interfaceNode->enable = (string)$configuredInterface->enable;
// only add unconfigured devices
if (empty($allInterfacesDevices[$interface])) {
$allInterfaces[$interface] = $interfaceNode;
// collect this items options
foreach ($allInterfaces as $key => $value) {
// use filters to determine relevance
$isMatched = true;
......@@ -104,7 +185,7 @@ class InterfaceField extends BaseField
if ($value->descr == '') {
self::$internalOptionList[$this->internalCacheKey][$key] = $key;
} else {
self::$internalOptionList[$this->internalCacheKey][$key] = $value->descr->__toString();
self::$internalOptionList[$this->internalCacheKey][$key] = (string)$value->descr;
......@@ -124,6 +205,19 @@ class InterfaceField extends BaseField
* add parent devices to the selection in case the parent has no configuration
* @param $value boolean value 0/1
public function setAddParentDevices($value)
if (trim(strtoupper($value)) == "Y") {
$this->internalAddParentDevices = true;
} else {
$this->internalAddParentDevices = false;
* select if multiple interfaces may be selected at once
* @param $value boolean value 0/1
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