Commit 6b18b3ec authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

(legacy) whitespace rc.update_urltables

parent 3f5a8b70
......@@ -6,53 +6,55 @@ require_once("");
if (!isset($config['aliases']['alias'])) {
// No aliases
// No aliases
// Gather list of urltable aliases
$todo = array();
foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $alias) {
if (preg_match('/urltable/i', $alias['type'])) {
$tmp = array();
$tmp['type'] = $alias['type'];
$tmp['name'] = $alias['name'];
$tmp['url'] = $alias['url'];
$tmp['freq'] = $alias['updatefreq'];
$todo[] = $tmp;
if (preg_match('/urltable/i', $alias['type'])) {
$tmp = array();
$tmp['type'] = $alias['type'];
$tmp['name'] = $alias['name'];
$tmp['url'] = $alias['url'];
$tmp['freq'] = $alias['updatefreq'];
$todo[] = $tmp;
if (count($todo) > 0) {
log_error("{$argv[0]}: Starting up.");
if ($argv[1] != "now") {
// Wait a little before updating.
$wait = mt_rand(5, 60);
log_error("{$argv[0]}: Sleeping for {$wait} seconds.");
log_error("{$argv[0]}: Starting URL table alias updates");
$filter_reload = false;
foreach ($todo as $t) {
$r = process_alias_urltable($t['name'], $t['url'], $t['freq']);
if ($r == 1) {
$result = "";
// TODO: Change it when pf supports tables with ports
if ($t['type'] == "urltable")
exec("/sbin/pfctl -t " . escapeshellarg($t['name']) . " -T replace -f /var/db/aliastables/" . escapeshellarg($t['name']) . ".txt 2>&1", $result);
$filter_reload = true;
log_error("{$argv[0]}: Updated {$t['name']} content from {$t['url']}: {$result[0]}");
} elseif ($r == -1) {
log_error("{$argv[0]}: {$t['name']} does not need updating.");
} else {
log_error("{$argv[0]}: ERROR: could not update {$t['name']} content from {$t['url']}");
if ($filter_reload)
configd_run("filter reload");
log_error("{$argv[0]}: Starting up.");
if ($argv[1] != "now") {
// Wait a little before updating.
$wait = mt_rand(5, 60);
log_error("{$argv[0]}: Sleeping for {$wait} seconds.");
log_error("{$argv[0]}: Starting URL table alias updates");
$filter_reload = false;
foreach ($todo as $t) {
$r = process_alias_urltable($t['name'], $t['url'], $t['freq']);
if ($r == 1) {
$result = "";
// TODO: Change it when pf supports tables with ports
if ($t['type'] == "urltable") {
exec("/sbin/pfctl -t " . escapeshellarg($t['name']) . " -T replace -f /var/db/aliastables/" . escapeshellarg($t['name']) . ".txt 2>&1", $result);
} else {
$filter_reload = true;
log_error("{$argv[0]}: Updated {$t['name']} content from {$t['url']}: {$result[0]}");
} elseif ($r == -1) {
log_error("{$argv[0]}: {$t['name']} does not need updating.");
} else {
log_error("{$argv[0]}: ERROR: could not update {$t['name']} content from {$t['url']}");
if ($filter_reload) {
configd_run("filter reload");
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