Commit 655f4a78 authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

(legacy) cleanups related to

parent eacbc8ab
......@@ -268,118 +268,6 @@ function parse_filter_line($line)
return $flent;
function get_port_with_service($port, $proto) {
if (!$port)
return '';
$service = getservbyport($port, $proto);
$portstr = "";
if ($service) {
$portstr = sprintf('<span title="' . gettext('Service %1$s/%2$s: %3$s') . '">' . htmlspecialchars($port) . '</span>', $port, $proto, $service);
} else {
$portstr = htmlspecialchars($port);
return ':' . $portstr;
function find_rule_by_number($rulenum, $type = 'block')
/* Passing arbitrary input to grep could be a Very Bad Thing(tm) */
if (!is_numeric($rulenum) || !in_array($type, array('pass', 'block', 'match', 'rdr')))
$lookup_pattern = "^@{$rulenum}[[:space:]]{$type}[[:space:]].*[[:space:]]log[[:space:]]";
/* At the moment, miniupnpd is the only thing I know of that
generates logging rdr rules */
if ($type == "rdr")
$_gb = exec("/sbin/pfctl -vvPsn -a \"miniupnpd\" | /usr/bin/egrep " . escapeshellarg("^@{$rulenum}"), $buffer);
else {
if (file_exists('/tmp/rules.debug')) {
$_gb = exec('/sbin/pfctl -vvPnf /tmp/rules.debug 2>/dev/null | /usr/bin/egrep ' . escapeshellarg($lookup_pattern), $buffer);
} else {
$_gb = exec('/sbin/pfctl -vvPsr | /usr/bin/egrep ' . escapeshellarg($lookup_pattern), $buffer);
if (is_array($buffer))
return $buffer[0];
return "";
function buffer_rules_load()
global $buffer_rules_rdr, $buffer_rules_normal;
unset($buffer, $buffer_rules_rdr, $buffer_rules_normal);
/* Redeclare globals after unset to work around PHP */
global $buffer_rules_rdr, $buffer_rules_normal;
$buffer_rules_rdr = array();
$buffer_rules_normal = array();
$_gb = exec("/sbin/pfctl -vvPsn -a \"miniupnpd\" | grep '^@'", $buffer);
if (is_array($buffer)) {
foreach ($buffer as $line) {
list($key, $value) = explode (" ", $line, 2);
$buffer_rules_rdr[$key] = $value;
unset($buffer, $_gb);
if (file_exists('/tmp/rules.debug')) {
$_gb = exec("/sbin/pfctl -vvPnf /tmp/rules.debug 2>/dev/null | /usr/bin/egrep '^@[0-9]+\([0-9]+\)[[:space:]].*[[:space:]]log[[:space:]]' | /usr/bin/egrep -v '^@[0-9]+\([0-9]+\)[[:space:]](nat|rdr|binat|no|scrub)'", $buffer);
} else {
$_gb = exec("/sbin/pfctl -vvPsr | /usr/bin/egrep '^@[0-9]+\([0-9]+\)[[:space:]].*[[:space:]]log[[:space:]]'", $buffer);
if (is_array($buffer)) {
foreach ($buffer as $line) {
list($key, $value) = explode (" ", $line, 2);
$matches = array();
if (preg_match('/\@(?P<rulenum>\d+)\)/', $key, $matches) == 1) {
$key = "@{$matches['rulenum']}";
$buffer_rules_normal[$key] = $value;
unset($_gb, $buffer);
function buffer_rules_clear()
function find_rule_by_number_buffer($rulenum, $type)
global $buffer_rules_rdr, $buffer_rules_normal;
$lookup_key = "@{$rulenum}";
if ($type == "rdr") {
$ruleString = $buffer_rules_rdr[$lookup_key];
//TODO: get the correct 'description' part of a RDR log line. currently just first 30 characters..
$rulename = substr($ruleString,0,30);
} else {
$ruleString = $buffer_rules_normal[$lookup_key];
list(,$rulename,) = explode("\"",$ruleString);
$rulename = str_replace("USER_RULE: ",'<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user" title="USER_RULE" alt="USER_RULE"></span>',$rulename);
return "{$rulename} ({$lookup_key})";
function find_action_image($action)
if ((strstr(strtolower($action), 'p')) || (strtolower($action) == 'rdr')) {
return 'glyphicon glyphicon-play text-success';
if (strstr(strtolower($action), 'r')) {
return 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove text-warning';
return 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove text-danger';
/* AJAX specific handlers */
function handle_ajax($nentries, $tail = 50) {
global $config;
......@@ -399,7 +287,6 @@ function handle_ajax($nentries, $tail = 50) {
$filterlog = isset($config['syslog']['reverse']) ? array_reverse($filterlog) : $filterlog;
foreach($filterlog as $log_row) {
$row_time = strtotime($log_row['time']);
//$img = "<img border='0' src='" . find_action_image($log_row['act']) . "' alt={$log_row['act']} title={$log_row['act']} />";
if ($log_row['act']=="pass") {
$img="<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-play text-success' alt={$log_row['act']}></span>";
} elseif ($log_row['act']=="block") {
......@@ -372,6 +372,110 @@ function easyrule_parse_pass($int, $proto, $src, $dst, $dstport = 0, $ipproto =
return gettext("Unknown pass error.");
* other imported
function get_port_with_service($port, $proto) {
if (!$port)
return '';
$service = getservbyport($port, $proto);
$portstr = "";
if ($service) {
$portstr = sprintf('<span title="' . gettext('Service %1$s/%2$s: %3$s') . '">' . htmlspecialchars($port) . '</span>', $port, $proto, $service);
} else {
$portstr = htmlspecialchars($port);
return ':' . $portstr;
function find_rule_by_number($rulenum, $type = 'block')
/* Passing arbitrary input to grep could be a Very Bad Thing(tm) */
if (!is_numeric($rulenum) || !in_array($type, array('pass', 'block', 'match', 'rdr')))
$lookup_pattern = "^@{$rulenum}[[:space:]]{$type}[[:space:]].*[[:space:]]log[[:space:]]";
/* At the moment, miniupnpd is the only thing I know of that
generates logging rdr rules */
if ($type == "rdr")
$_gb = exec("/sbin/pfctl -vvPsn -a \"miniupnpd\" | /usr/bin/egrep " . escapeshellarg("^@{$rulenum}"), $buffer);
else {
if (file_exists('/tmp/rules.debug')) {
$_gb = exec('/sbin/pfctl -vvPnf /tmp/rules.debug 2>/dev/null | /usr/bin/egrep ' . escapeshellarg($lookup_pattern), $buffer);
} else {
$_gb = exec('/sbin/pfctl -vvPsr | /usr/bin/egrep ' . escapeshellarg($lookup_pattern), $buffer);
if (is_array($buffer))
return $buffer[0];
return "";
function buffer_rules_load()
global $buffer_rules_rdr, $buffer_rules_normal;
unset($buffer, $buffer_rules_rdr, $buffer_rules_normal);
/* Redeclare globals after unset to work around PHP */
global $buffer_rules_rdr, $buffer_rules_normal;
$buffer_rules_rdr = array();
$buffer_rules_normal = array();
$_gb = exec("/sbin/pfctl -vvPsn -a \"miniupnpd\" | grep '^@'", $buffer);
if (is_array($buffer)) {
foreach ($buffer as $line) {
list($key, $value) = explode (" ", $line, 2);
$buffer_rules_rdr[$key] = $value;
unset($buffer, $_gb);
if (file_exists('/tmp/rules.debug')) {
$_gb = exec("/sbin/pfctl -vvPnf /tmp/rules.debug 2>/dev/null | /usr/bin/egrep '^@[0-9]+\([0-9]+\)[[:space:]].*[[:space:]]log[[:space:]]' | /usr/bin/egrep -v '^@[0-9]+\([0-9]+\)[[:space:]](nat|rdr|binat|no|scrub)'", $buffer);
} else {
$_gb = exec("/sbin/pfctl -vvPsr | /usr/bin/egrep '^@[0-9]+\([0-9]+\)[[:space:]].*[[:space:]]log[[:space:]]'", $buffer);
if (is_array($buffer)) {
foreach ($buffer as $line) {
list($key, $value) = explode (" ", $line, 2);
$matches = array();
if (preg_match('/\@(?P<rulenum>\d+)\)/', $key, $matches) == 1) {
$key = "@{$matches['rulenum']}";
$buffer_rules_normal[$key] = $value;
unset($_gb, $buffer);
function buffer_rules_clear()
function find_rule_by_number_buffer($rulenum, $type)
global $buffer_rules_rdr, $buffer_rules_normal;
$lookup_key = "@{$rulenum}";
if ($type == "rdr") {
$ruleString = $buffer_rules_rdr[$lookup_key];
//TODO: get the correct 'description' part of a RDR log line. currently just first 30 characters..
$rulename = substr($ruleString,0,30);
} else {
$ruleString = $buffer_rules_normal[$lookup_key];
list(,$rulename,) = explode("\"",$ruleString);
$rulename = str_replace("USER_RULE: ",'<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user" title="USER_RULE" alt="USER_RULE"></span>',$rulename);
return "{$rulename} ({$lookup_key})";
* End of imported code
......@@ -36,6 +36,20 @@ require_once("");
function find_action_image($action)
if ((strstr(strtolower($action), 'p')) || (strtolower($action) == 'rdr')) {
return 'glyphicon glyphicon-play text-success';
if (strstr(strtolower($action), 'r')) {
return 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove text-warning';
return 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove text-danger';
if (is_numeric($_POST['filterlogentries'])) {
$config['widgets']['filterlogentries'] = $_POST['filterlogentries'];
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