Commit 575c6440 authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

gateway failover, typo in fixup_default_gateway() leading to not switch no gw down

parent c8ef950c
......@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ function fixup_default_gateway($gateways_status, $gateways_arr)
(isset($gwsttng['monitor_disable']) || !stristr($gateways_status[$gwname]['status'], "down"))) {
$upgw = $gwname;
if ($dfltgwdown && !empty($upgw)) {
if (!$dfltgwup && !empty($upgw)) {
// switch gateway
$dfltgwname = $upgw;
......@@ -755,7 +755,8 @@ function fixup_default_gateway($gateways_status, $gateways_arr)
} else {
$gwip = $gateways_arr[$dfltgwname]['gateway'];
$defaultgw = trim(exec("/sbin/route -n get -{$ipprotocol} default | /usr/bin/awk '/gateway:/ {print $2}'"), " \n");
$tmpcmd = "/sbin/route -n get -{$ipprotocol} default | /usr/bin/awk '/gateway:/ {print $2}'";
$defaultgw = trim(exec($tmpcmd), " \n");
if (!$dfltgwup) {
log_error("Default gateway down setting {$dfltgwname} as default!");
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