Commit 5466d383 authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis Committed by Franco Fichtner

(legacy) remove duplicate facilities in syslog generation

(cherry picked from commit 2b3e9883)
parent 608dd21c
......@@ -812,58 +812,30 @@ function system_syslogd_start()
$syslogd_extra = '';
if (isset($syslogcfg)) {
$separatelogfacilities = array(
$syslogconf = '';
// create structure with log section definitions and config tags for remote usage
$syslogconfs = array();
$syslogconfs['routing'] = array("conf" => "!radvd,routed,olsrd,zebra,ospfd,bgpd,miniupnpd" , "remote" => null);
$syslogconfs['ntpd'] = array("conf" => "!ntp,ntpd,ntpdate", "remote" => null);
$syslogconfs['ppps'] = array("conf" => "!ppp", "remote" => null);
$syslogconfs['pptps'] = array("conf" => "!pptps", "remote" => null);
$syslogconfs['poes'] = array("conf" => "!poes", "remote" => null);
$syslogconfs['l2tps'] = array("conf" => "!l2tps", "remote" => null);
$syslogconfs['ipsec'] = array("conf" => "!charon", "remote" => null);
$syslogconfs['openvpn'] = array("conf" => "!openvpn", "remote" => "vpn");
$syslogconfs['gateways'] = array("conf" => "!apinger", "remote" => "apinger");
$syslogconfs['resolver'] = array("conf" => "!dnsmasq,filterdns,unbound", "remote" => null);
$syslogconfs['dhcpd'] = array("conf" => "!dhcpd,dhcrelay,dhclient,dhcp6c", "remote" => "dhcp");
$syslogconfs['relayd'] = array("conf" => "!relayd", "remote" => "relayd");
$syslogconfs['wireless'] = array("conf" => "!hostapd", "remote" => "hostapd");
$syslogconfs['filter'] = array("conf" => "!filterlog", "remote" => "filter");
$syslogconfs['portalauth'] = array("conf" => "!captiveportal", "remote" => "portalauth");
$syslogconfs['routing'] = array("facility" => array('radvd', 'routed', 'olsrd', 'zebra', 'ospfd', 'bgpd', 'miniupnpd') , "remote" => null);
$syslogconfs['ntpd'] = array("facility" => array('ntp', 'ntpd', 'ntpdate'), "remote" => null);
$syslogconfs['ppps'] = array("facility" => array('ppp'), "remote" => null);
$syslogconfs['pptps'] = array("facility" => array('pptps'), "remote" => null);
$syslogconfs['poes'] = array("facility" => array('poes'), "remote" => null);
$syslogconfs['l2tps'] = array("facility" => array('l2tps'), "remote" => null);
$syslogconfs['ipsec'] = array("facility" => array('charon'), "remote" => null);
$syslogconfs['openvpn'] = array("facility" => array('openvpn'), "remote" => "vpn");
$syslogconfs['gateways'] = array("facility" => array('apinger'), "remote" => "apinger");
$syslogconfs['resolver'] = array("facility" => array('dnsmasq','filterdns','unbound'), "remote" => null);
$syslogconfs['dhcpd'] = array("facility" => array('dhcpd','dhcrelay','dhclient','dhcp6c'), "remote" => "dhcp");
$syslogconfs['relayd'] = array("facility" => array('relayd'), "remote" => "relayd");
$syslogconfs['wireless'] = array("facility" => array('hostapd'), "remote" => "hostapd");
$syslogconfs['filter'] = array("facility" => array('filterlog'), "remote" => "filter");
$syslogconfs['portalauth'] = array("facility" => array('captiveportal'), "remote" => "portalauth");
$separatelogfacilities = array();
foreach ($syslogconfs as $logTopic => $logConfig) {
$syslogconf .= "{$logConfig['conf']}\n";
$syslogconf .= "!".implode(',', $logConfig['facility'])."\n";
$separatelogfacilities = array_merge($logConfig['facility'], $separatelogfacilities);
if (!isset($syslogcfg['disablelocallogging'])) {
$syslogconf .= "*.* {$log_directive}/var/log/{$logTopic}.log\n";
......@@ -873,6 +845,7 @@ function system_syslogd_start()
$facilitylist = implode(',', array_unique($separatelogfacilities));
$syslogconf .= "!-{$facilitylist}\n";
if (!isset($syslogcfg['disablelocallogging'])) {
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