Commit 49ee7bec authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis Committed by Franco Fichtner

(legacy) cleanups related to

parent 41dd2048
......@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ require_once("");
$shortcut_section = "upnp";
/* MiniUPnPd */
function upnp_notice ($msg) { log_error("miniupnpd: {$msg}"); }
......@@ -34,80 +32,6 @@ function upnp_uuid() {
return substr($uuid,0,8).'-'.substr($uuid,9,4).'-'.substr($uuid,13,4).'-'.substr($uuid,17,4).'-'.substr($uuid,21,12);
function upnp_validate_ip($ip, $check_cdir) {
/* validate cidr */
$ip_array = array();
if($check_cdir) {
$ip_array = explode('/', $ip);
if(count($ip_array) == 2) {
if($ip_array[1] < 1 || $ip_array[1] > 32)
return false;
} else
if(count($ip_array) != 1)
return false;
} else
$ip_array[] = $ip;
/* validate ip */
if (!is_ipaddr($ip_array[0]))
return false;
return true;
function upnp_validate_port($port) {
foreach(explode('-', $port) as $sub)
if($sub < 0 || $sub > 65535)
return false;
return true;
function before_form_miniupnpd(&$pkg) {
global $config;
function validate_form_miniupnpd($post, &$input_errors) {
if($post['enable'] && (!$post['enable_upnp'] && !$post['enable_natpmp']))
$input_errors[] = 'At least one of \'UPnP\' or \'NAT-PMP\' must be allowed';
foreach($post['iface_array'] as $iface) {
if($iface == 'wan')
$input_errors[] = 'It is a security risk to specify WAN in the \'Interface\' field';
elseif ($iface == $post['ext_iface'])
$input_errors[] = 'You cannot select the external interface as an internal interface.';
if($post['overridewanip'] && !upnp_validate_ip($post['overridewanip'],false))
$input_errors[] = 'You must specify a valid ip address in the \'Override WAN address\' field';
if(($post['download'] && !$post['upload']) || ($post['upload'] && !$post['download']))
$input_errors[] = 'You must fill in both \'Maximum Download Speed\' and \'Maximum Upload Speed\' fields';
if($post['download'] && $post['download'] <= 0)
$input_errors[] = 'You must specify a value greater than 0 in the \'Maximum Download Speed\' field';
if($post['upload'] && $post['upload'] <= 0)
$input_errors[] = 'You must specify a value greater than 0 in the \'Maximum Upload Speed\' field';
/* user permissions validation */
for($i=1; $i<=4; $i++) {
if($post["permuser{$i}"]) {
$perm = explode(' ',$post["permuser{$i}"]);
/* should explode to 4 args */
if(count($perm) != 4) {
$input_errors[] = "You must follow the specified format in the 'User specified permissions {$i}' field";
} else {
/* must with allow or deny */
if(!($perm[0] == 'allow' || $perm[0] == 'deny'))
$input_errors[] = "You must begin with allow or deny in the 'User specified permissions {$i}' field";
/* verify port or port range */
if(!upnp_validate_port($perm[1]) || !upnp_validate_port($perm[3]))
$input_errors[] = "You must specify a port or port range between 0 and 65535 in the 'User specified
permissions {$i}' field";
/* verify ip address */
$input_errors[] = "You must specify a valid ip address in the 'User specified permissions {$i}' field";
function sync_package_miniupnpd() {
global $config;
global $input_errors;
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