Commit 4918a819 authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

(legacy) $_GET should be $_POST, like in the rest of our code... last one, needs a bit of polishing

parent 8336e27b
......@@ -2785,32 +2785,45 @@ function get_service_status_icon($service, $withtext = true, $smallicon = false)
function get_service_control_links($service, $addname = false)
$stitle = $addname ? $service['name'] . ' ' : '';
$output = '';
$output = "
<script type='text/javascript'>
$( document ).ready(function() {
params = {};
params['action'] = $(this).data('service_action');
params['service'] = $(this).data('service');
params['id'] = $(this).data('service_id');
$.post('/status_services.php',params, function(data) {
// refresh page after service action
if (get_service_status($service)) {
/* restart service button */
$output .= "<a href='status_services.php?action=restart&amp;service={$service['name']}";
if (isset($service['id'])) {
$output .= "&amp;id={$service['id']}";
$service_id = $service['id'];
} else {
$service_id = "";
$output .= "' class=\"btn btn-default\">";
$output .= "<span data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title='" . sprintf(gettext("Restart %sService"),$stitle) . "' class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-refresh\"></span></a>\n";
$output .= "<span data-service_id=\"{$service_id}\" data-service_action=\"restart\" data-service=\"{$service['name']}\"";
$output .= " data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"";
$output .= sprintf(gettext("Restart %sService"),$stitle) ;
$output .= "\" class=\"btn btn-default srv_status_act glyphicon glyphicon-refresh\"></span></i>\n";
/* stop service button */
$output .= "<a href='status_services.php?action=stop&amp;service={$service['name']}";
if (isset($service['id'])) {
$output .= "&amp;id={$service['id']}";
$output .= "' class=\"btn btn-default\">";
$output .= "<span data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title='" . sprintf(gettext("Stop %sService"),$stitle) . "' class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-stop\"></span></a>";
$output .= "<span data-service_id=\"{$service_id}\" data-service_action=\"stop\" data-service=\"{$service['name']}\"";
$output .= " data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"";
$output .= sprintf(gettext("Stop %sService"),$stitle) ;
$output .= "\" class=\"btn btn-default srv_status_act glyphicon glyphicon-stop\"></span></i>\n";
} else {
/* start service button */
$output .= "<a href='status_services.php?action=start&amp;service={$service['name']}";
if (isset($service['id'])) {
$output .= "&amp;id={$service['id']}";
$output .= "' class=\"btn btn-default\">";
$output .= "<span data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title='" . sprintf(gettext("Start %sService"),$stitle) . "' class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-play\"/></a>\n";
$output .= "<span data-service_id=\"{$service_id}\" data-service_action=\"start\" data-service=\"{$service['name']}\"";
$output .= " data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"";
$output .= sprintf(gettext("Start %sService"),$stitle) ;
$output .= "\" class=\"btn btn-default srv_status_act glyphicon glyphicon-play\"></span></i>\n";
return $output;
......@@ -41,34 +41,27 @@ require_once("");
if (!empty($_GET['service'])) {
$service_name = $_GET['service'];
switch ($_GET['action']) {
if (!empty($_POST['service'])) {
$service_name = $_POST['service'];
switch ($_POST['action']) {
case 'restart':
$savemsg = service_control_restart($service_name, $_GET);
service_control_restart($service_name, $_POST);
case 'start':
$savemsg = service_control_start($service_name, $_GET);
service_control_start($service_name, $_POST);
case 'stop':
$savemsg = service_control_stop($service_name, $_GET);
service_control_stop($service_name, $_POST);
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
$referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
if (strpos($referer, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) === false) {
/* redirect only if launched from somewhere else */
header('Location: '. $referer);
function service_control_start($name, $extras)
$msg = sprintf(gettext('%s has been started.'), htmlspecialchars($name));
if (isset($extras['id'])) {
if (!empty($extras['id'])) {
$filter['id'] = $extras['id'];
......@@ -107,7 +100,7 @@ function service_control_stop($name, $extras)
$msg = sprintf(gettext("%s has been stopped."), htmlspecialchars($name));
$filter = array();
if (isset($extras['id'])) {
if (!empty($extras['id'])) {
$filter['id'] = $extras['id'];
......@@ -142,7 +135,7 @@ function service_control_restart($name, $extras)
$msg = sprintf(gettext("%s has been restarted."), htmlspecialchars($name));
if (isset($extras['id'])) {
if (!empty($extras['id'])) {
$filter['id'] = $extras['id'];
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