Commit 3ea24053 authored by Franco Fichtner's avatar Franco Fichtner

lang: regenerate dynamic strings

(cherry picked from commit 8f84ee17)
parent 52b259a6
......@@ -63,16 +63,15 @@ echo gettext('Allow access to the \'VPN: L2TP: Users : Edit\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Firewall: Schedules\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Diagnostics: Logs: Settings\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: Captive portal: Vouchers\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Service: Univeral Plug and Play\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Service: Universal Plug and Play\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Firewall: Virtual IP Addresses\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'System: Firmware: Manual Update\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: System logs: System: Routing\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: Services\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: IPsec: Leases\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: DNS Forwarder: Edit Domain Override\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: CPU load\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Diagnostics: ARP Table\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Interfaces: ppps\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Interfaces: PPPs\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Firewall: NAT: 1:1\' page.');
echo gettext('Indicates whether the user is allowed to use the proxy');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: System logs: IPsec VPN\' page.');
......@@ -97,7 +96,7 @@ echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: Captive portal: Edit MAC Addresses
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Diagnostics: Interface Traffic\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'System: Firmware: Auto Update\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Diagnostics: Sockets\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: Univeral Plug and Play Status\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: Universal Plug and Play\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: PPPoE Server\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: System logs: OpenVPN\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: OpenVPN\' page.');
......@@ -148,7 +147,7 @@ echo gettext('Allow access to the \'XMLRPC Library\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: IPsec: SPD\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: Filter Reload Status\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to all pages');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Firewall: NAT: NPt: Edit\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Firewall: NAT: NPT: Edit\' page.');
echo gettext('Indicates whether the user is allowed to dial in via PPPOE');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'System: Advanced: Notifications\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Diagnostics: Logs: DHCP\' page.');
......@@ -208,7 +207,7 @@ echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: DNS Forwarder: Edit host\' page.')
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: System logs: Captive portal\' page.');
echo gettext('Indicates whether the user is able to login on the captive portal.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: Captive portal: Zones\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Diagnostics: CPU Utilization\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: DNS Resolver: Access Lists: Edit\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Firewall: NAT: 1:1: Edit\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Diagnostics: Tables\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'System: Group manager\' page.');
......@@ -235,7 +234,6 @@ echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: DNS Filter\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: DNS Resolver\' page.');
echo gettext('Allows access to the \'Diagnostics: pfTop\' page');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Status: RRD Graphs: settings\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: DNS Resolver: Access Lists: Edit\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Interfaces: GIF\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'VPN: IPsec: Edit Pre-Shared Keys\' page.');
echo gettext('Allow access to the \'Services: Dynamic DNS client\' page.');
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ echo gettext('source ip or network, examples,');
echo gettext('source port number or well known name (imap,imaps, http,https,...)');
echo gettext('destination ip or network, examples,');
echo gettext('destination port number or well known name (imap,imaps, http,https,...)');
echo gettext('matches incomming or outgoing packets or both (default)');
echo gettext('matches incoming or outgoing packets or both (default)');
echo gettext('target pipe or queue');
echo gettext('Select if job is enabled or not');
echo gettext('Enter the minutes for the job to act, can also be a comma separated list, * (each) or a range (ex. 10,20,30 or 10-30)');
......@@ -35,10 +35,17 @@
echo gettext('Change password');
echo gettext('Logout');
echo gettext('User');
echo gettext('workAround');
echo gettext('Certificates');
echo gettext('Certificate Authority');
echo gettext('Certification Revocation');
echo gettext('Certificates');
echo gettext('workAround');
echo gettext('Authorities');
echo gettext('workAround');
echo gettext('Revocation');
echo gettext('Certificate Manager');
echo gettext('none');
echo gettext('History');
echo gettext('Backups');
echo gettext('Config Manager');
echo gettext('Crash Reporter');
echo gettext('Firmware');
echo gettext('High Availability');
......@@ -51,7 +58,7 @@ echo gettext('General');
echo gettext('Admin Access');
echo gettext('Firewall/NAT');
echo gettext('Networking');
echo gettext('Miscellaneos');
echo gettext('Miscellaneous');
echo gettext('System Tunables');
echo gettext('Notifications');
echo gettext('Settings');
......@@ -62,32 +69,42 @@ echo gettext('Settings');
echo gettext('Servers');
echo gettext('User Manager');
echo gettext('System');
echo gettext('Interface Addignments');
echo gettext('Interface Groups');
echo gettext('Wireless');
echo gettext('VLANs');
echo gettext('QinQs');
echo gettext('PPPs');
echo gettext('GRE');
echo gettext('Bridge');
echo gettext('BridgeEdit');
echo gettext('GIF');
echo gettext('Bridges');
echo gettext('GIFEdit');
echo gettext('GRE');
echo gettext('GREEdit');
echo gettext('Groups');
echo gettext('GroupsEdit');
echo gettext('LAGG');
echo gettext('LAGGEdit');
echo gettext('PPP');
echo gettext('PPPEdit');
echo gettext('QinQ');
echo gettext('QinQEdit');
echo gettext('VLAN');
echo gettext('VLANEdit');
echo gettext('Wireless');
echo gettext('WirelessEdit');
echo gettext('(Assign)');
echo gettext('Interfaces');
echo gettext('AliasesEdit');
echo gettext('none');
echo gettext('IP');
echo gettext('Ports');
echo gettext('URLs');
echo gettext('AliasesEdit');
echo gettext('Import');
echo gettext('All');
echo gettext('Aliases');
echo gettext('NatEdit');
echo gettext('Port Forward');
echo gettext('1:1');
echo gettext('OneOnOneEdit');
echo gettext('Outbound');
echo gettext('1:1');
echo gettext('OutboundEdit');
echo gettext('NPt');
echo gettext('NPtEdit');
echo gettext('Outbound');
echo gettext('NPTEdit');
echo gettext('NPT (IPv6)');
echo gettext('NAT');
echo gettext('RulesEdit');
echo gettext('Floating');
......@@ -98,6 +115,12 @@ echo gettext('Schedules');
echo gettext('Traffic Shaper');
echo gettext('VirtualIPEdit');
echo gettext('Virtual IPs');
echo gettext('pfInfo');
echo gettext('pfTop');
echo gettext('TablesDetails');
echo gettext('Tables');
echo gettext('States Summary');
echo gettext('Diagnostics');
echo gettext('Firewall');
echo gettext('Edit');
echo gettext('IP');
......@@ -136,7 +159,6 @@ echo gettext('GPS');
echo gettext('PPS');
echo gettext('Network Time Protocol');
echo gettext('PPPoeServerEdit');
echo gettext('VPNPPPOE');
echo gettext('PPPoE Server');
echo gettext('Proxy Server');
echo gettext('SNMP');
......@@ -215,16 +237,12 @@ echo gettext('Universal Plug and Play');
echo gettext('Status');
echo gettext('ARP Table');
echo gettext('Authentication');
echo gettext('History');
echo gettext('Backup & Restore');
echo gettext('DNS Lookup');
echo gettext('Factory Defaults');
echo gettext('Halt System');
echo gettext('Limiter Info');
echo gettext('NDP Table');
echo gettext('Packet Capture');
echo gettext('pfInfo');
echo gettext('pfTop');
echo gettext('Ping');
echo gettext('Reboot');
echo gettext('Routes');
......@@ -232,9 +250,7 @@ echo gettext('SMART Status');
echo gettext('SocketsDetails');
echo gettext('Sockets');
echo gettext('States');
echo gettext('States Summary');
echo gettext('System Activity');
echo gettext('Tables');
echo gettext('Test Port');
echo gettext('Traceroute');
echo gettext('Diagnostics');
......@@ -243,7 +259,7 @@ echo gettext('Developers Wiki');
echo gettext('Documentation');
echo gettext('FreeBSD Handbook');
echo gettext('Paid Support');
echo gettext('UserForum');
echo gettext('User Forum');
echo gettext('Help');
echo gettext('menu');
echo gettext('test');
......@@ -257,8 +273,8 @@ echo gettext('ICP port needs to be an integer value between 1 and 65535');
echo gettext('Specify a positive cache size. (number of MB\'s)');
echo gettext('Specify a positive number of first-level subdirectories.');
echo gettext('Specify a positive number of second-level subdirectories.');
echo gettext('Specify the maximum download size. (number of KB\'s)');
echo gettext('Specify the maximum upload size. (number of KB\'s)');
echo gettext('Specify the maximum download size. (number of KBs)');
echo gettext('Specify the maximum upload size. (number of KBs)');
echo gettext('Specify the overall bandwidth for downloads in kilobits per second.');
echo gettext('Specify the per host bandwidth for downloads in kilobits per second.');
echo gettext('Proxy port needs to be an integer value between 1 and 65535');
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