Commit 39273699 authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

(legacy) regression rc.filter_synchronize

parent 2de32e8f
......@@ -133,12 +133,10 @@ function remove_nosync(&$cnf_structure)
* for example system.user.0 points to the first enty in <system><user> xml config section
* @param array $cnf_structure pointer to config data
* @param string $reference reference pointer (system.user for example)
* @return bool data found and copied yes/no
* @return null
function copy_conf_section(&$cnf_structure_in, &$cnf_structure_out, $reference)
$cnf_out_root = array();
$cnf_out = &$cnf_out_root;
$cnf_path = explode('.', $reference);
$cnf_path_depth = 1;
foreach ($cnf_path as $cnf_section) {
......@@ -147,22 +145,16 @@ function copy_conf_section(&$cnf_structure_in, &$cnf_structure_out, $reference)
// for example wireless.clone.0 would only copy the first wireless clone, returns false on not found
$cnf_structure_in = &$cnf_structure_in[$cnf_section];
if ($cnf_path_depth < count($cnf_path)) {
if (!isset($cnf_out[$cnf_section])) {
$cnf_out[$cnf_section] = array();
if (!isset($cnf_structure_out[$cnf_section])) {
$cnf_structure_out[$cnf_section] = array();
$cnf_out = &$cnf_out[$cnf_section];
$cnf_structure_out = &$cnf_structure_out[$cnf_section];
} else {
$cnf_out[$cnf_section] = $cnf_structure_in;
$cnf_structure_out[$cnf_section] = $cnf_structure_in;
} else {
// reference not found
return false;
// only merge result if input data was found
$cnf_structure_out = array_merge($cnf_structure_out, $cnf_out_root);
return true;
......@@ -188,7 +180,6 @@ function carp_sync_xml($url, $username, $password, $sections, $method = 'opnsens
copy_conf_section($config, $transport_data, $section);
$transport_data[$section] = $config[$section];
......@@ -216,7 +207,6 @@ function carp_sync_xml($url, $username, $password, $sections, $method = 'opnsens
$transport_data['system']['nextgid'] = $config['system']['nextgid'];
$client = new SimpleXMLRPC_Client($url,240);
$client->setCredentials($username, $password);
if ($client->query($method, $transport_data)) {
......@@ -253,7 +243,7 @@ if (isset($config['hasync']) && is_array($config['hasync'])) {
log_error("Config sync not being done because of missing sync IP (this is normal on secondary systems).");
if(is_ipaddrv6($hasync['synchronizetoip'])) {
if (is_ipaddrv6($hasync['synchronizetoip'])) {
$hasync['synchronizetoip'] = "[{$hasync['synchronizetoip']}]";
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