Commit 376fc971 authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

(ids) work in progress frontend parts

parent c0ffb4ea
......@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ class IndexController extends \OPNsense\Base\IndexController
$this->view->title = "IDS";
// link dialog
$this->view->formDialogRule = $this->getForm("dialogRule");
// link IDS general settings
$this->view->formGeneralSettings = $this->getForm("generalSettings");
// choose template
<help>enable IDS</help>
......@@ -16,5 +16,11 @@
<enabled type="BooleanField">
......@@ -29,6 +29,14 @@ POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
<script type="text/javascript">
$( document ).ready(function() {
var data_get_map = {'frm_GeneralSettings':"/api/ids/settings/get"};
// load initial data
// list all known classtypes and add to selection box
function updateRuleClassTypes() {
......@@ -81,6 +89,31 @@ POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
* Commands
* save settings and reconfigure ids
$("#reconfigureAct_progress").addClass("fa fa-spinner fa-pulse");
ajaxCall(url="/api/ids/service/reconfigure", sendData={}, callback=function(data,status) {
// when done, disable progress animation.
$("#reconfigureAct_progress").removeClass("fa fa-spinner fa-pulse");
if (status != "success" || data['status'] != 'ok') {{
type: BootstrapDialog.TYPE_WARNING,
title: "Error reconfiguring IDS",
message: data['status'],
draggable: true
......@@ -88,12 +121,14 @@ POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" data-tabs="tabs" id="maintabs">
<li class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#rules">{{ lang._('Rules') }}</a></li>
<li><a data-toggle="tab" href="#item2">{{ lang._('Item2') }}</a></li>
<li><a data-toggle="tab" href="#item3">{{ lang._('Item3') }}</a></li>
<li class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#settings">{{ lang._('Settings') }}</a></li>
<li><a data-toggle="tab" href="#rules">{{ lang._('Rules') }}</a></li>
<div class="tab-content content-box tab-content">
<div id="rules" class="tab-pane fade in active">
<div id="settings" class="tab-pane fade in active">
{{ partial("layout_partials/base_form",['fields':formGeneralSettings,'id':'frm_GeneralSettings'])}}
<div id="rules" class="tab-pane fade in">
<div class="bootgrid-header container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 actionBar">
......@@ -107,22 +142,16 @@ POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
<table id="grid-installedrules" class="table table-condensed table-hover table-striped table-responsive" data-editDialog="DialogRule">
<th data-column-id="sid" data-type="number" data-visible="true" data-identifier="true" >sid</th>
<th data-column-id="sid" data-type="number" data-visible="true" data-identifier="true" data-width="6em">sid</th>
<th data-column-id="source" data-type="string">Source</th>
<th data-column-id="classtype" data-type="string">ClassType</th>
<th data-column-id="msg" data-type="string">Message</th>
<th data-column-id="enabled" data-formatter="rowtoggle" data-sortable="false">enabled / info</th>
<th data-column-id="enabled" data-formatter="rowtoggle" data-sortable="false" data-width="10em">enabled / info</th>
<div id="item2" class="tab-pane fade in">
<div id="item3" class="tab-pane fade in">
<div class="col-md-12">
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