Commit 2f44495f authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

(menu) add some missing entries for NAT

parent edae72bf
......@@ -69,7 +69,9 @@
<NatEdit url="/firewall_nat_edit.php*"/>
<PortForward VisibleName="Port Forward" url="/firewall_nat.php"/>
<OneOnOne VisibleName="1:1" url="/firewall_nat_1to1.php"/>
<OneOnOneEdit url="/firewall_nat_1to1_edit.php*"/>
<Outbound url="/firewall_nat_out.php"/>
<OutboundEdit url="/firewall_nat_out_edit.php*"/>
<NPt url="/firewall_nat_npt.php"/>
<NPtEdit url="/firewall_nat_npt_edit.php"/>
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