Commit 2c572180 authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

style fix

parent 9d4b6038
......@@ -34,60 +34,61 @@ from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
import lib.rulecache
from lib import rule_source_directory
RuleCache = lib.rulecache.RuleCache()
rule_config_fn = ('%s../rules.config'%rule_source_directory)
rule_target_dir = ('%s../opnsense.rules'%rule_source_directory)
rule_yaml_list = ('%s../installed_rules.yaml'%rule_source_directory)
# parse OPNsense rule config
rule_updates = {}
if os.path.exists(rule_config_fn):
cnf = ConfigParser()
for section in cnf.sections():
if section[0:5] == 'rule_':
sid = section[5:]
rule_updates[sid] = {}
for rule_item in cnf.items(section):
rule_updates[sid][rule_item[0]] = rule_item[1]
# create target rule directory if not existing
if not os.path.exists(rule_target_dir):
os.mkdir(rule_target_dir, 0o755)
# install ruleset
all_installed_files = []
for filename in RuleCache.listLocal():
output_data = []
for rule_info_record in RuleCache.listRules(filename=filename):
# default behavior, do not touch rule, only copy to output
rule = rule_info_record['rule']
# change rule if in rule rule updates
if rule_info_record['metadata'] is not None and 'sid' in rule_info_record['metadata'] \
and rule_info_record['metadata']['sid'] in rule_updates:
# search last comment marker
for i in range(len(rule_info_record['rule'])):
if rule[i] != '#':
# generate altered rule
if 'enabled' in rule_updates[rule_info_record['metadata']['sid']]:
if (rule_updates[rule_info_record['metadata']['sid']]['enabled']) == '0':
rule = ('#%s'%rule[i:])
rule = rule[i:]
# write data to file
open('%s/%s'%(rule_target_dir, filename.split('/')[-1]), 'wb').write('\n'.join(output_data))
# flush all written rule filenames into yaml file
with open(rule_yaml_list,'wb') as f_out:
f_out.write('%YAML 1.1\n')
for installed_file in all_installed_files:
f_out.write(' - %s\n'%installed_file)
if __name__ == '__main__':
RuleCache = lib.rulecache.RuleCache()
rule_config_fn = ('%s../rules.config'%rule_source_directory)
rule_target_dir = ('%s../opnsense.rules'%rule_source_directory)
rule_yaml_list = ('%s../installed_rules.yaml'%rule_source_directory)
# parse OPNsense rule config
rule_updates = {}
if os.path.exists(rule_config_fn):
cnf = ConfigParser()
for section in cnf.sections():
if section[0:5] == 'rule_':
sid = section[5:]
rule_updates[sid] = {}
for rule_item in cnf.items(section):
rule_updates[sid][rule_item[0]] = rule_item[1]
# create target rule directory if not existing
if not os.path.exists(rule_target_dir):
os.mkdir(rule_target_dir, 0o755)
# install ruleset
all_installed_files = []
for filename in RuleCache.listLocal():
output_data = []
for rule_info_record in RuleCache.listRules(filename=filename):
# default behavior, do not touch rule, only copy to output
rule = rule_info_record['rule']
# change rule if in rule rule updates
if rule_info_record['metadata'] is not None and 'sid' in rule_info_record['metadata'] \
and rule_info_record['metadata']['sid'] in rule_updates:
# search last comment marker
for i in range(len(rule_info_record['rule'])):
if rule[i] != '#':
# generate altered rule
if 'enabled' in rule_updates[rule_info_record['metadata']['sid']]:
if (rule_updates[rule_info_record['metadata']['sid']]['enabled']) == '0':
rule = ('#%s'%rule[i:])
rule = rule[i:]
# write data to file
open('%s/%s'%(rule_target_dir, filename.split('/')[-1]), 'wb').write('\n'.join(output_data))
# flush all written rule filenames into yaml file
with open(rule_yaml_list,'wb') as f_out:
f_out.write('%YAML 1.1\n')
for installed_file in all_installed_files:
f_out.write(' - %s\n'%installed_file)
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