Commit 237c652e authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

(filter) move block bogons and private nets

parent f0769ab1
......@@ -2504,28 +2504,7 @@ function filter_rules_generate(&$FilterIflist)
foreach ($FilterIflist as $on => $oc) {
* Block bogon networks via the following list. Note that "bogons"
* are excluding the four private address ranges for one reason or
* another. They exist in the upstream files but are stripped during
* the upgrade stage.
if (!isset($config['syslog']['nologbogons'])) {
$bogonlog = 'log';
} else {
$bogonlog = '';
if (isset($config['interfaces'][$on]['blockbogons'])) {
$ipfrules .= <<<EOD
# block bogon networks (IPv4)
block in {$bogonlog} quick on \${$oc['descr']} from <bogons> to any label "{$fix_rule_label("block bogon IPv4 networks from {$oc['descr']}")}"
if (isset($config['system']['ipv6allow']) && isset($oc['type6']) && ($oc['type6'] == "slaac" || $oc['type6'] == "dhcp6")) {
$ipfrules .= <<<EOD
......@@ -2537,16 +2516,6 @@ pass out {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto udp from any port = 546
if (isset($config['interfaces'][$on]['blockbogons'])) {
if (isset($config['system']['ipv6allow'])) {
$ipfrules .= <<<EOD
# block bogon networks (IPv6)
block in {$bogonlog} quick on \${$oc['descr']} from <bogonsv6> to any label "{$fix_rule_label("block bogon IPv6 networks from {$oc['descr']}")}"
$isbridged = false;
if (isset($config['bridges']['bridged'])) {
......@@ -2562,27 +2531,6 @@ EOD;
$ipfrules .= "antispoof {$log['block']} for \${$oc['descr']} \n";
/* block private networks ? */
if (!isset($config['syslog']['nologprivatenets'])) {
$privnetlog = "log";
} else {
$privnetlog = "";
if (isset($config['interfaces'][$on]['blockpriv'])) {
if ($isbridged == false) {
$ipfrules .= <<<EOD
# block anything from private networks on interfaces with the option set
block in $privnetlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from to any label "{$fix_rule_label("Block private networks from {$oc['descr']} block 10/8")}"
block in $privnetlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from to any label "{$fix_rule_label("Block private networks from {$oc['descr']} block 127/8")}"
block in $privnetlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from to any label "{$fix_rule_label("Block private networks from {$oc['descr']} block 100.64/10")}"
block in $privnetlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from to any label "{$fix_rule_label("Block private networks from {$oc['descr']} block 172.16/12")}"
block in $privnetlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from to any label "{$fix_rule_label("Block private networks from {$oc['descr']} block 192.168/16")}"
block in $privnetlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from fc00::/7 to any label "{$fix_rule_label("Block ULA networks from {$oc['descr']} block fc00::/7")}"
switch (isset($oc['type']) ? $oc['type'] : null) {
case "pptp":
......@@ -124,4 +124,29 @@ function filter_core_rules_system($fw, $defaults)
// block all in alias <virusprot>
$fw->registerFilterRule(1,array('from' => '<virusprot>', 'label' => 'virusprot overload table'),$defaults['block']);
// block bogons and private nets
$bogontmpl = array('type' => 'block', 'log' => !isset($config['syslog']['nologbogons']));
$privtmpl = array('type' => 'block', 'log' => !isset($config['syslog']['nologprivatenets']),
'from' => ',,,,,fc00::/7');
foreach ($fw->getInterfaceMapping() as $intf => $intfinfo) {
array('from' => "<bogons>", 'direction' => 'in', 'interface' => $intf,
'label' => "block bogon IPv4 networks from ".$intfinfo['descr'],
'disabled' => !isset($intfinfo['blockbogons'])),
array('from' => "<bogonsv6>", 'direction' => 'in', 'interface' => $intf,
'disabled' => !isset($config['system']['ipv6allow']) || !isset($intfinfo['blockbogons']),
'label' => "block bogon IPv6 networks from ".$intfinfo['descr']),
array('direction' => 'in', 'interface' => $intf,
'label' => "Block private networks from ".$intfinfo['descr'],
'disabled' => !isset($intfinfo['blockbogons'])),
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