Commit 151c5914 authored by Charlie Root's avatar Charlie Root

captive portal remove captiveportal_read_db and replaced with new model

parent e528090c
......@@ -236,15 +236,6 @@ function captiveportal_allowedhostname_configure() {
return $rules;
/* read captive portal DB into array */
function captiveportal_read_db($query = "") {
$cpdb = array();
throw Exception("TODO FIX code ");
return $cpdb;
// Unchanged
......@@ -952,21 +943,26 @@ function captiveportal_radius_stop_all() {
$radiusservers = captiveportal_get_radius_servers();
if (!empty($radiusservers)) {
$cpdb = captiveportal_read_db();
foreach ($cpdb as $cpentry) {
if (empty($cpentry[11]))
$cpentry[11] = 'first';
if (!empty($radiusservers[$cpentry[11]])) {
RADIUS_ACCOUNTING_STOP($cpentry[1], // ruleno
$cpentry[4], // username
$cpentry[5], // sessionid
$cpentry[0], // start time
$cpentry[2], // clientip
$cpentry[3], // clientmac
$cpdb = new Captiveportal\DB($cpzone);
$clients = $cpdb->listClients(array());
foreach ($clients as $cpentry) {
if (empty($cpentry->radiusctx))
$cpentry->radiusctx = 'first';
if (!empty($radiusservers[$cpentry->radiusctx])) {
RADIUS_ACCOUNTING_STOP($cpentry->pipeno_in, // ruleno
$cpentry->username, // username
$cpentry->sessionid, // sessionid
$cpentry->allow_time, // start time
$cpentry->ip, // clientip
$cpentry->mac, // clientmac
7); // Admin Reboot
......@@ -242,7 +242,6 @@ function voucher_expire($voucher_received) {
// split into an array. Useful for multiple vouchers given
$a_vouchers_received = preg_split("/[\t\n\r ]+/s", $voucher_received);
$active_dirty = false;
$unsetindexes = array();
// go through all received vouchers, check their valid and extract
// Roll# and Ticket# using the external readvoucher binary
......@@ -276,12 +275,13 @@ function voucher_expire($voucher_received) {
captiveportal_syslog("{$voucher} ({$roll}/{$nr}) forced to expire");
/* Check if this voucher has any active sessions */
$cpentry = captiveportal_read_db("WHERE username = '{$voucher}'");
if (!empty($cpentry)) {
captiveportal_logportalauth($cpentry[4],$cpentry[3],$cpentry[2],"FORCLY TERMINATING VOUCHER {$voucher} SESSION");
$unsetindexes[] = $cpentry[5];
$cpdb = new Captiveportal\DB($cpzone);
if ($db->countClients(array("username"=>$voucher)) > 0 ) {
//TODO: fix logging (in disconnect?) captiveportal_logportalauth($cpentry[4],$cpentry[3],$cpentry[2],"FORCLY TERMINATING VOUCHER {$voucher} SESSION");
} else
captiveportal_syslog("$voucher ($roll/$nr): not found on any registererd Roll");
} else
......@@ -314,10 +314,6 @@ function voucher_expire($voucher_received) {
/* Write database */
if (!empty($unsetindexes))
return true;
......@@ -259,10 +259,17 @@ class DB {
* @return mixed number of connected users/clients
function countClients(){
function countClients($qryargs=array(),$operator="and"){
$query = "select count(*) cnt from captiveportal ";
$qry_tag = "where " ;
foreach ( $qryargs as $fieldname => $fieldvalue ){
if ( array_key_exists($fieldname,$this->captiveportal_types) ){
$query .= $qry_tag . $fieldname." = "." :".$fieldname." ";
$qry_tag = " ".$operator." ";
$resultset = $this->handle->query($query, array(), $this->captiveportal_types);
$resultset = $this->handle->query($query, $qryargs, $this->captiveportal_types);
return $resultset->fetchAll()[0]->cnt;
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