Commit 6e1b35e7 authored by Kulya's avatar Kulya 😊

Add billz clientId to order 22

parent 0c37d5b5
......@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ require_once (__DIR__.'/keys.php');
public static function getCatalog($page=1,$cnt=1) {
$catalogParams = [
'Filter.BarCodes' => '4780058100438',
"PerPage" => (int)$cnt,
"Page" => (int)$page,
"Sort" => [
......@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ require_once (__DIR__.'/keys.php');
"order" => "desc"
$catalogParams = [ 'Filter.BarCodes' => '4780058100438' ];
// $catalogParams = [ 'Filter.BarCodes' => '4780058100438' ];
$result = static::callCurl("catalog.get",$catalogParams);
return $result;
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