Commit a4758e8c authored by vysheng's avatar vysheng

Merge pull request #708 from JuanPotato/patch-3

Fix when crashing if print_name is null
parents 9d5cfe39 f3eabae0
......@@ -111,8 +111,11 @@ json_t *json_pack_peer (tgl_peer_id_t id) {
assert (json_object_set (res, "print_name", json_string (s)) >= 0);
return res;
if(P->print_name != NULL){
assert (json_object_set (res, "print_name", json_string (P->print_name)) >= 0);
} else {
assert (json_object_set (res, "print_name", json_string ("")) >= 0);
assert (json_object_set (res, "flags", json_integer (P->flags)) >= 0);
switch (tgl_get_peer_type (id)) {
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