Commit 611211cc authored by vvaltman's avatar vvaltman


parent 081c65ce
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
* output in json format
* support for lua functions in CLI mode (register_interface_function)
* bugfixes
* output error codes to socket
* allow [reply=<num>], [disable_preview] and [enable_preview] prefixes to query
* fixed registration/login problem
* added extension to downloads
......@@ -534,6 +534,9 @@ void update_prompt (void) {
char *modifiers[] = {
......@@ -587,15 +590,18 @@ struct command {
int offline_mode;
int reply_id;
int disable_msg_preview;
void print_user_list_gw (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success, int num, struct tgl_user *UL[]);
void print_msg_list_gw (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success, int num, struct tgl_message *ML[]);
void print_msg_list_success_gw (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success, int num, struct tgl_message *ML[]);
void print_dialog_list_gw (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success, int size, tgl_peer_id_t peers[], int last_msg_id[], int unread_count[]);
void print_chat_info_gw (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success, struct tgl_chat *C);
void print_user_info_gw (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success, struct tgl_user *C);
void print_filename_gw (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success, char *name);
void print_filename_gw (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success, const char *name);
void print_string_gw (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success, const char *name);
void open_filename_gw (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success, char *name);
void open_filename_gw (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success, const char *name);
void print_secret_chat_gw (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success, struct tgl_secret_chat *E);
void print_card_gw (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success, int size, int *card);
void print_user_gw (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success, struct tgl_user *U);
......@@ -605,6 +611,8 @@ void print_encr_chat_success_gw (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success
void print_success_gw (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success);
struct command commands[];
/* {{{ client methods */
void do_help (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (!arg_num);
if (ev) { mprint_start (ev); }
......@@ -621,12 +629,6 @@ void do_help (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in
void do_contact_list (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (!arg_num);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_update_contact_list (TLS, print_user_list_gw, ev);
void do_stats (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (!arg_num);
static char stat_buf[1 << 15];
......@@ -639,223 +641,321 @@ void do_stats (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct i
void do_history (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 3);
void do_show_license (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (!arg_num);
static char *b =
#include "LICENSE.h"
if (ev) { mprint_start (ev); }
mprintf (ev, "%s", b);
if (ev) { mprint_end (ev); }
void do_quit (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
if (daemonize) {
event_incoming (ev->bev, BEV_EVENT_EOF, ev);
do_halt (0);
void do_safe_quit (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
if (daemonize) {
event_incoming (ev->bev, BEV_EVENT_EOF, ev);
safe_quit = 1;
void do_set (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
int num = args[1].num;
if (!strcmp (args[0].str, "debug_verbosity")) {
tgl_set_verbosity (TLS, num);
} else if (!strcmp (args[0].str, "log_level")) {
log_level = num;
} else if (!strcmp (args[0].str, "msg_num")) {
msg_num_mode = num;
} else if (!strcmp (args[0].str, "alert")) {
alert_sound = num;
void do_chat_with_peer (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
if (!ev) {
in_chat_mode = 1;
chat_mode_id = args[0].P->id;
void do_main_session (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
if (notify_ev && !--notify_ev->refcnt) {
free (notify_ev);
notify_ev = ev;
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_get_history_ext (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[2].num != NOT_FOUND ? args[2].num : 0, args[1].num != NOT_FOUND ? args[1].num : 40, offline_mode, print_msg_list_gw, ev);
/* }}} */
void do_dialog_list (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num <= 2);
#define ARG2STR_DEF(n,def) args[n].str ? args[n].str : def, args[n].str ? strlen (args[n].str) : strlen (def)
#define ARG2STR(n) args[n].str, args[n].str ? strlen (args[n].str) : 0
void do_set_password (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_get_dialog_list (TLS, args[0].num != NOT_FOUND ? args[0].num : 100, args[1].num != NOT_FOUND ? args[1].num : 0, print_dialog_list_gw, ev);
tgl_do_set_password (TLS, ARG2STR_DEF(0, "empty"), print_success_gw, ev);
/* }}} */
void do_send_photo (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num >= 2);
void do_msg (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_send_document (TLS, -1, args[0].P->id, args[1].str, 0, arg_num == 2 ? NULL : args[2].str, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
vlogprintf (E_ERROR, "reply_id=%d, disable=%d\n", reply_id, disable_msg_preview);
tgl_do_send_message (TLS, args[0].P->id, ARG2STR(1), TGL_SEND_MSG_FLAG_REPLY(reply_id) | disable_msg_preview, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
void do_send_file (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num >= 2);
void do_reply (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_send_document (TLS, -2, args[0].P->id, args[1].str, 0, arg_num == 2 ? NULL : args[2].str, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_reply_message (TLS, args[0].num, ARG2STR(1), disable_msg_preview, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
void do_send_audio (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num >= 2);
void do_send_text (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_send_document (TLS, FLAG_DOCUMENT_AUDIO, args[0].P->id, args[1].str, 0, arg_num == 2 ? NULL : args[2].str, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_send_text (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].str, TGL_SEND_MSG_FLAG_REPLY(reply_id) | disable_msg_preview, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
void do_send_video (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
void do_reply_text (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_reply_text (TLS, args[0].num, args[1].str, disable_msg_preview, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
static void _do_send_file (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev, unsigned long long flags) {
assert (arg_num >= 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_send_document (TLS, FLAG_DOCUMENT_VIDEO, args[0].P->id, args[1].str, 0, arg_num == 2 ? NULL : args[2].str, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_send_document (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].str, arg_num == 2 ? NULL : args[2].str, arg_num == 2 ? 0 : strlen (args[2].str), flags | TGL_SEND_MSG_FLAG_REPLY (reply_id), print_msg_success_gw, ev);
void do_send_photo (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
_do_send_file (command, arg_num, args, ev, TGL_SEND_MSG_FLAG_DOCUMENT_PHOTO);
void do_send_file (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
_do_send_file (command, arg_num, args, ev, TGL_SEND_MSG_FLAG_DOCUMENT_AUTO);
void do_send_audio (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
_do_send_file (command, arg_num, args, ev, TGL_SEND_MSG_FLAG_DOCUMENT_AUDIO);
void do_send_video (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
_do_send_file (command, arg_num, args, ev, TGL_SEND_MSG_FLAG_DOCUMENT_VIDEO);
void do_send_document (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
_do_send_file (command, arg_num, args, ev, 0);
void _do_reply_file (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev, unsigned long long flags) {
assert (arg_num >= 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_send_document (TLS, 0, args[0].P->id, args[1].str, 0, arg_num == 2 ? NULL : args[2].str, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_reply_document (TLS, args[0].num, args[1].str, arg_num == 2 ? NULL : args[2].str, arg_num == 2 ? 0 : strlen (args[2].str), flags, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
void do_reply_photo (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num >= 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_reply_document (TLS, -1, args[0].num, args[1].str, arg_num == 2 ? NULL : args[2].str, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
_do_reply_file (command, arg_num, args, ev, TGL_SEND_MSG_FLAG_DOCUMENT_PHOTO);
void do_reply_file (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num >= 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_reply_document (TLS, -2, args[0].num, args[1].str, arg_num == 2 ? NULL : args[2].str, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
_do_reply_file (command, arg_num, args, ev, TGL_SEND_MSG_FLAG_DOCUMENT_AUTO);
void do_reply_audio (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num >= 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_reply_document (TLS, FLAG_DOCUMENT_AUDIO, args[0].num, args[1].str, arg_num == 2 ? NULL : args[2].str, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
_do_reply_file (command, arg_num, args, ev, TGL_SEND_MSG_FLAG_DOCUMENT_AUDIO);
void do_reply_video (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num >= 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_reply_document (TLS, FLAG_DOCUMENT_VIDEO, args[0].num, args[1].str, arg_num == 2 ? NULL : args[2].str, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
_do_reply_file (command, arg_num, args, ev, TGL_SEND_MSG_FLAG_DOCUMENT_VIDEO);
void do_reply_document (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
_do_reply_file (command, arg_num, args, ev, 0);
void do_fwd (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num >= 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_reply_document (TLS, 0, args[0].num, args[1].str, arg_num == 2 ? NULL : args[2].str, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
assert (arg_num <= 1000);
if (arg_num == 2) {
tgl_do_forward_message (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].num, 0, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
} else {
static int list[1000];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < arg_num - 1; i++) {
list[i] = args[i + 1].num;
tgl_do_forward_messages (TLS, args[0].P->id, arg_num - 1, list, 0, print_msg_list_success_gw, ev);
void do_send_text (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
void do_fwd_media (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_send_text (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].str, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_forward_media (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].num, 0, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
void do_chat_info (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
void do_send_contact (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 4);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_get_chat_info (TLS, args[0].P->id, offline_mode, print_chat_info_gw, ev);
tgl_do_send_contact (TLS, args[0].P->id, ARG2STR (1), ARG2STR (2), ARG2STR (3), TGL_SEND_MSG_FLAG_REPLY(reply_id), print_msg_success_gw, ev);
void do_user_info (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
void do_reply_contact (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 4);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_get_user_info (TLS, args[0].P->id, offline_mode, print_user_info_gw, ev);
tgl_do_reply_contact (TLS, args[0].num, ARG2STR (1), ARG2STR (2), ARG2STR (3), 0, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
void do_fwd (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num >= 2);
void do_send_location (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 3);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
assert (arg_num <= 1000);
if (arg_num == 2) {
tgl_do_forward_message (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].num, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
} else {
static int list[1000];
tgl_do_send_location (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].dval, args[2].dval, TGL_SEND_MSG_FLAG_REPLY(reply_id), print_msg_success_gw, ev);
void do_reply_location (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 3);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_reply_location (TLS, args[0].num, args[1].dval, args[2].dval, 0, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
void do_broadcast (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num >= 1 && arg_num <= 1000);
static tgl_peer_id_t ids[1000];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < arg_num - 1; i++) {
list[i] = args[i + 1].num;
tgl_do_forward_messages (TLS, args[0].P->id, arg_num - 1, list, print_msg_list_success_gw, ev);
ids[i] = args[i].P->id;
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_send_broadcast (TLS, arg_num - 1, ids, args[arg_num - 1].str, strlen (args[arg_num - 1].str), disable_msg_preview, print_msg_list_success_gw, ev);
/* }}} */
void do_set_profile_photo (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_set_profile_photo (TLS, args[0].str, print_success_gw, ev);
void do_fwd_media (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
void do_set_profile_name (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_forward_message (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].num, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_set_profile_name (TLS, ARG2STR (0), ARG2STR (1), print_user_gw, ev);
void do_get_message (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
void do_set_username (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_get_message (TLS, args[0].num, print_msg_gw, ev);
tgl_do_set_username (TLS, ARG2STR (0), print_user_gw, ev);
void do_msg (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 2);
void do_status_online (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (!arg_num);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_send_message (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].str, strlen (args[1].str), print_msg_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_update_status (TLS, 1, print_success_gw, ev);
void do_reply (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 2);
void do_status_offline (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (!arg_num);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_send_message_reply (TLS, args[0].num, args[1].str, strlen (args[1].str), print_msg_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_update_status (TLS, 0, print_success_gw, ev);
void do_send_typing (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
void do_export_card (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (!arg_num);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_send_typing (TLS, args[0].P->id, tgl_typing_typing, print_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_export_card (TLS, print_card_gw, ev);
void do_send_typing_abort (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
/* }}} */
void do_chat_set_photo (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_send_typing (TLS, args[0].P->id, tgl_typing_cancel, print_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_set_chat_photo (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].str, print_success_gw, ev);
void do_rename_chat (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_rename_chat (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].str, print_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_rename_chat (TLS, args[0].P->id, ARG2STR (1), print_success_gw, ev);
void do_import_chat_link (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
void do_chat_info (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_import_chat_link (TLS, args[0].str, strlen (args[0].str), print_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_get_chat_info (TLS, args[0].P->id, offline_mode, print_chat_info_gw, ev);
#define DO_LOAD_PHOTO(tp,act,actf) \
void do_ ## act ## _ ## tp (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) { \
assert (arg_num == 1);\
struct tgl_message *M = tgl_message_get (TLS, args[0].num);\
if (M && !(M->flags & TGLMF_SERVICE)) {\
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; } \
if (M->media.type == tgl_message_media_photo) { \
tgl_do_load_photo (TLS, M->, actf, ev);\
} else if (M->media.type == tgl_message_media_document) {\
tgl_do_load_document (TLS, M->media.document, actf, ev);\
} else if (M->media.type == tgl_message_media_document_encr) {\
tgl_do_load_encr_document (TLS, M->media.encr_document, actf, ev); \
} else if (M->media.type == tgl_message_media_webpage) {\
actf (TLS, ev, 1, M->media.webpage->url);\
} else if (M->media.type == tgl_message_media_geo || M->media.type == tgl_message_media_venue) { \
static char s[1000]; \
sprintf (s, ",%.6lf", M->media.geo.latitude, M->media.geo.longitude);\
actf (TLS, ev, 1, s);\
void do_chat_add_user (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 3);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_add_user_to_chat (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].P->id, args[2].num != NOT_FOUND ? args[2].num : 100, print_success_gw, ev);
#define DO_LOAD_PHOTO_THUMB(tp,act,actf) \
void do_ ## act ## _ ## tp ## _thumb (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) { \
assert (arg_num == 1);\
struct tgl_message *M = tgl_message_get (TLS, args[0].num);\
if (M && !(M->flags & TGLMF_SERVICE)) {\
if (M->media.type == tgl_message_media_document) {\
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; } \
tgl_do_load_document_thumb (TLS, M->media.document, actf, ev);\
void do_chat_del_user (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_del_user_from_chat (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].P->id, print_success_gw, ev);
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(photo, load, print_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(video, load, print_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(audio, load, print_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(document, load, print_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(file, load, print_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO_THUMB(video, load, print_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO_THUMB(document, load, print_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO_THUMB(file, load, print_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(photo, open, open_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(video, open, open_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(audio, open, open_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(document, open, open_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(file, open, open_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO_THUMB(video, open, open_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO_THUMB(document, open, open_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO_THUMB(file, open, open_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(any, open, open_filename_gw)
void do_create_group_chat (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num >= 1 && arg_num <= 1000);
static tgl_peer_id_t ids[1000];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < arg_num - 1; i++) {
ids[i] = args[i + 1].P->id;
void do_add_contact (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 3);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_add_contact (TLS, args[0].str, strlen (args[0].str), args[1].str, strlen (args[1].str), args[2].str, strlen (args[2].str), 0, print_user_list_gw, ev);
tgl_do_create_group_chat (TLS, arg_num - 1, ids, ARG2STR (0), print_success_gw, ev);
void do_del_contact (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
void do_export_chat_link (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_del_contact (TLS, args[0].P->id, print_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_export_chat_link (TLS, args[0].P->id, print_string_gw, ev);
void do_import_chat_link (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_import_chat_link (TLS, ARG2STR (0), print_success_gw, ev);
/* }}} */
void do_user_info (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_get_user_info (TLS, args[0].P->id, offline_mode, print_user_info_gw, ev);
void do_add_contact (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 3);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_add_contact (TLS, ARG2STR (0), ARG2STR (1), ARG2STR (2), 0, print_user_list_gw, ev);
void do_rename_contact (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
......@@ -869,56 +969,64 @@ void do_rename_contact (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[],
void do_show_license (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (!arg_num);
static char *b =
#include "LICENSE.h"
if (ev) { mprint_start (ev); }
mprintf (ev, "%s", b);
if (ev) { mprint_end (ev); }
void do_del_contact (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_del_contact (TLS, args[0].P->id, print_success_gw, ev);
void do_search (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 6);
tgl_peer_id_t id;
if (args[0].P) {
id = args[0].P->id;
} else {
void do_import_card (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
char *s = args[0].str;
int l = strlen (s);
if (l > 0) {
int i;
static int p[10];
int pp = 0;
int cur = 0;
int ok = 1;
for (i = 0; i < l; i ++) {
if (s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9') {
cur = cur * 16 + s[i] - '0';
} else if (s[i] >= 'a' && s[i] <= 'f') {
cur = cur * 16 + s[i] - 'a' + 10;
} else if (s[i] == ':') {
if (pp >= 9) {
ok = 0;
int limit;
if (args[1].num != NOT_FOUND) {
limit = args[1].num;
} else {
limit = 40;
p[pp ++] = cur;
cur = 0;
int from;
if (args[2].num != NOT_FOUND) {
from = args[2].num;
} else {
from = 0;
int to;
if (args[3].num != NOT_FOUND) {
to = args[3].num;
} else {
to = 0;
if (ok) {
p[pp ++] = cur;
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_import_card (TLS, pp, p, print_user_gw, ev);
int offset;
if (args[4].num != NOT_FOUND) {
offset = args[4].num;
} else {
offset = 0;
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_msg_search (TLS, id, from, to, limit, offset, args[5].str, print_msg_list_gw, ev);
void do_mark_read (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
/* }}} */
void do_accept_secret_chat (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_mark_read (TLS, args[0].P->id, print_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_accept_encr_chat_request (TLS, &args[0].P->encr_chat, print_encr_chat_success_gw, ev);
void do_set_ttl (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 2);
if (args[0].P->encr_chat.state == sc_ok) {
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_set_encr_chat_ttl (TLS, &args[0].P->encr_chat, args[1].num, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
} else {
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
print_success_gw (TLS, ev, 0);
void do_visualize_key (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
......@@ -943,268 +1051,210 @@ void do_visualize_key (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[],
} else {
switch (x & 3) {
case 0:
mprintf (ev, " ");
case 1:
mprintf (ev, "--");
case 2:
mprintf (ev, "==");
case 3:
mprintf (ev, "||");
if (!ev) {
mpop_color (ev);
mpop_color (ev);
x = x >> 2;
if (i & 1) {
mprintf (ev, "\n");
mprint_end (ev);
void do_create_secret_chat (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_create_secret_chat (TLS, args[0].P->id, print_secret_chat_gw, ev);
void do_secret_chat_rekey (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
tgl_peer_t *P = args[0].P;
if (P->encr_chat.state == sc_ok) {
vlogprintf (E_WARNING, "START REKEY\n");
tgl_do_request_exchange (TLS, (void *)P);
void do_chat_add_user (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 3);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_add_user_to_chat (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].P->id, args[2].num != NOT_FOUND ? args[2].num : 100, print_success_gw, ev);
void do_chat_del_user (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_del_user_from_chat (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].P->id, print_success_gw, ev);
void do_status_online (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (!arg_num);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_update_status (TLS, 1, print_success_gw, ev);
void do_status_offline (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (!arg_num);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_update_status (TLS, 0, print_success_gw, ev);
void do_quit (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
if (daemonize) {
event_incoming (ev->bev, BEV_EVENT_EOF, ev);
do_halt (0);
void do_safe_quit (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
if (daemonize) {
event_incoming (ev->bev, BEV_EVENT_EOF, ev);
mprintf (ev, " ");
case 1:
mprintf (ev, "--");
case 2:
mprintf (ev, "==");
case 3:
mprintf (ev, "||");
safe_quit = 1;
void do_set (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
int num = args[1].num;
if (!strcmp (args[0].str, "debug_verbosity")) {
tgl_set_verbosity (TLS, num);
} else if (!strcmp (args[0].str, "log_level")) {
log_level = num;
} else if (!strcmp (args[0].str, "msg_num")) {
msg_num_mode = num;
} else if (!strcmp (args[0].str, "alert")) {
alert_sound = num;
void do_chat_with_peer (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
if (!ev) {
in_chat_mode = 1;
chat_mode_id = args[0].P->id;
mpop_color (ev);
mpop_color (ev);
x = x >> 2;
if (i & 1) {
mprintf (ev, "\n");
mprint_end (ev);
void do_delete_msg (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
void do_create_secret_chat (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_delete_msg (TLS, args[0].num, print_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_create_secret_chat (TLS, args[0].P->id, print_secret_chat_gw, ev);
//void do_restore_msg (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
// if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
// tgl_do_restore_msg (TLS, args[0].num, print_success_gw, ev);
/* }}} */
void do_create_group_chat (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num >= 1 && arg_num <= 1000);
static tgl_peer_id_t ids[1000];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < arg_num - 1; i++) {
ids[i] = args[i + 1].P->id;
void do_dialog_list (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num <= 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_create_group_chat_ex (TLS, arg_num - 1, ids, args[0].str, print_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_get_dialog_list (TLS, args[0].num != NOT_FOUND ? args[0].num : 100, args[1].num != NOT_FOUND ? args[1].num : 0, print_dialog_list_gw, ev);
void do_chat_set_photo (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
void do_contact_search (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_set_chat_photo (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].str, print_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_contact_search (TLS, args[0].str, strlen (args[0].str), args[1].num == NOT_FOUND ? args[1].num : 10, print_user_list_gw, ev);
void do_set_profile_photo (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
void do_contact_list (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (!arg_num);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_set_profile_photo (TLS, args[0].str, print_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_update_contact_list (TLS, print_user_list_gw, ev);
void do_set_profile_name (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_set_profile_name (TLS, args[0].str, args[1].str, print_user_gw, ev);
/* }}} */
void do_set_username (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_set_username (TLS, args[0].str, print_user_gw, ev);
void do_load_user_photo (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
void do_mark_read (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_load_file_location (TLS, &args[0].P->user.photo_big, print_filename_gw, ev);
tgl_do_mark_read (TLS, args[0].P->id, print_success_gw, ev);
void do_view_user_photo (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
void do_history (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 3);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_load_file_location (TLS, &args[0].P->user.photo_big, open_filename_gw, ev);
tgl_do_get_history (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[2].num != NOT_FOUND ? args[2].num : 0, args[1].num != NOT_FOUND ? args[1].num : 40, offline_mode, print_msg_list_gw, ev);
void do_contact_search (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 2);
void do_send_typing (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_contact_search (TLS, args[0].str, args[1].num == NOT_FOUND ? args[1].num : 10, print_user_list_gw, ev);
tgl_do_send_typing (TLS, args[0].P->id, tgl_typing_typing, print_success_gw, ev);
void do_accept_secret_chat (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
void do_send_typing_abort (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_accept_encr_chat_request (TLS, &args[0].P->encr_chat, print_encr_chat_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_send_typing (TLS, args[0].P->id, tgl_typing_cancel, print_success_gw, ev);
void do_set_ttl (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 2);
if (args[0].P->encr_chat.state == sc_ok) {
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_set_encr_chat_ttl (TLS, &args[0].P->encr_chat, args[1].num, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
} else {
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
print_success_gw (TLS, ev, 0);
/* }}} */
#define DO_LOAD_PHOTO(tp,act,actf) \
void do_ ## act ## _ ## tp (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) { \
assert (arg_num == 1);\
struct tgl_message *M = tgl_message_get (TLS, args[0].num);\
if (M && !(M->flags & TGLMF_SERVICE)) {\
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; } \
if (M->media.type == tgl_message_media_photo) { \
tgl_do_load_photo (TLS, M->, actf, ev);\
} else if (M->media.type == tgl_message_media_document) {\
tgl_do_load_document (TLS, M->media.document, actf, ev);\
} else if (M->media.type == tgl_message_media_document_encr) {\
tgl_do_load_encr_document (TLS, M->media.encr_document, actf, ev); \
} else if (M->media.type == tgl_message_media_webpage) {\
actf (TLS, ev, 1, M->media.webpage->url);\
} else if (M->media.type == tgl_message_media_geo || M->media.type == tgl_message_media_venue) { \
static char s[1000]; \
sprintf (s, ",%.6lf", M->media.geo.latitude, M->media.geo.longitude);\
actf (TLS, ev, 1, s);\
void do_export_card (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (!arg_num);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_export_card (TLS, print_card_gw, ev);
#define DO_LOAD_PHOTO_THUMB(tp,act,actf) \
void do_ ## act ## _ ## tp ## _thumb (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) { \
assert (arg_num == 1);\
struct tgl_message *M = tgl_message_get (TLS, args[0].num);\
if (M && !(M->flags & TGLMF_SERVICE)) {\
if (M->media.type == tgl_message_media_document) {\
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; } \
tgl_do_load_document_thumb (TLS, M->media.document, actf, ev);\
void do_export_chat_link (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(photo, load, print_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(video, load, print_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(audio, load, print_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(document, load, print_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(file, load, print_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO_THUMB(video, load, print_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO_THUMB(document, load, print_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO_THUMB(file, load, print_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(photo, open, open_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(video, open, open_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(audio, open, open_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(document, open, open_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(file, open, open_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO_THUMB(video, open, open_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO_THUMB(document, open, open_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO_THUMB(file, open, open_filename_gw)
DO_LOAD_PHOTO(any, open, open_filename_gw)
void do_load_user_photo (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_export_chat_link (TLS, args[0].P->id, print_string_gw, ev);
tgl_do_load_file_location (TLS, &args[0].P->user.photo_big, print_filename_gw, ev);
void do_import_card (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
void do_view_user_photo (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
char *s = args[0].str;
int l = strlen (s);
if (l > 0) {
int i;
static int p[10];
int pp = 0;
int cur = 0;
int ok = 1;
for (i = 0; i < l; i ++) {
if (s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9') {
cur = cur * 16 + s[i] - '0';
} else if (s[i] >= 'a' && s[i] <= 'f') {
cur = cur * 16 + s[i] - 'a' + 10;
} else if (s[i] == ':') {
if (pp >= 9) {
ok = 0;
p[pp ++] = cur;
cur = 0;
if (ok) {
p[pp ++] = cur;
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_import_card (TLS, pp, p, print_user_gw, ev);
tgl_do_load_file_location (TLS, &args[0].P->user.photo_big, open_filename_gw, ev);
void do_send_contact (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 4);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_send_contact (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].str, strlen (args[1].str), args[2].str, strlen (args[2].str), args[3].str, strlen (args[3].str), print_msg_success_gw, ev);
/* }}} */
void do_reply_contact (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 4);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_reply_contact (TLS, args[0].num, args[1].str, strlen (args[1].str), args[2].str, strlen (args[2].str), args[3].str, strlen (args[3].str), print_msg_success_gw, ev);
void do_main_session (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
if (notify_ev && !--notify_ev->refcnt) {
free (notify_ev);
void do_search (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 6);
tgl_peer_id_t id;
if (args[0].P) {
id = args[0].P->id;
} else {
int limit;
if (args[1].num != NOT_FOUND) {
limit = args[1].num;
} else {
limit = 40;
int from;
if (args[2].num != NOT_FOUND) {
from = args[2].num;
} else {
from = 0;
int to;
if (args[3].num != NOT_FOUND) {
to = args[3].num;
} else {
to = 0;
int offset;
if (args[4].num != NOT_FOUND) {
offset = args[4].num;
} else {
offset = 0;
notify_ev = ev;
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_msg_search (TLS, id, from, to, limit, offset, args[5].str, strlen (args[5].str), print_msg_list_gw, ev);
void do_broadcast (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
vlogprintf (E_ERROR, "arg_num = %d\n", arg_num);
assert (arg_num >= 1 && arg_num <= 1000);
static tgl_peer_id_t ids[1000];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < arg_num - 1; i++) {
ids[i] = args[i].P->id;
void do_delete_msg (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_send_broadcast (TLS, arg_num - 1, ids, args[arg_num - 1].str, strlen (args[arg_num - 1].str), print_msg_list_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_delete_msg (TLS, args[0].num, print_success_gw, ev);
void do_set_password (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
void do_get_message (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 1);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_set_password (TLS, args[0].str ? args[0].str : "empty", print_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_get_message (TLS, args[0].num, print_msg_gw, ev);
/* }}} */
extern char *default_username;
extern char *config_filename;
extern char *prefix;
......@@ -1237,18 +1287,6 @@ void do_clear (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct i
do_halt (0);
void do_send_location (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 3);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_send_location (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].dval, args[2].dval, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
void do_reply_location (struct command *command, int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 3);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_reply_location (TLS, args[0].num, args[1].dval, args[2].dval, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
#define MAX_COMMANDS_SIZE 1000
struct command commands[MAX_COMMANDS_SIZE] = {
......@@ -1305,7 +1343,7 @@ struct command commands[MAX_COMMANDS_SIZE] = {
// {"restore_msg", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_restore_msg, "restore_msg <msg-id>\tRestores message. Only available shortly (one hour?) after deletion", NULL},
{"safe_quit", {ca_none}, do_safe_quit, "safe_quit\tWaits for all queries to end, then quits", NULL},
{"search", {ca_peer | ca_optional, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_string_end}, do_search, "search [peer] [limit] [from] [to] [offset] pattern\tSearch for pattern in messages from date from to date to (unixtime) in messages with peer (if peer not present, in all messages)", NULL},
{"secret_chat_rekey", { ca_secret_chat, ca_none}, do_secret_chat_rekey, "generate new key for active secret chat", NULL},
//{"secret_chat_rekey", { ca_secret_chat, ca_none}, do_secret_chat_rekey, "generate new key for active secret chat", NULL},
{"send_audio", {ca_peer, ca_file_name, ca_none}, do_send_audio, "send_audio <peer> <file>\tSends audio to peer", NULL},
{"send_contact", {ca_peer, ca_string, ca_string, ca_string, ca_none}, do_send_contact, "send_contact <peer> <phone> <first-name> <last-name>\tSends contact (not necessary telegram user)", NULL},
{"send_document", {ca_peer, ca_file_name, ca_none}, do_send_document, "send_document <peer> <file>\tSends document to peer", NULL},
......@@ -1598,6 +1636,15 @@ void work_modifier (const char *s, int l) {
if (is_same_word (s, l, "[offline]")) {
offline_mode = 1;
if (sscanf (s, "[reply=%d]", &reply_id) >= 1) {
if (is_same_word (s, l, "[disable_preview]")) {
disable_msg_preview = TGL_SEND_MSG_FLAG_DISABLE_PREVIEW;
if (is_same_word (s, l, "[enable_preview]")) {
disable_msg_preview = TGL_SEND_MSG_FLAG_ENABLE_PREVIEW;
if (sscanf (s, "[x%d]", &count) >= 1) {
......@@ -1607,11 +1654,13 @@ void work_modifier (const char *s, int l) {
void print_fail (struct in_ev *ev) {
mprint_start (ev);
if (!enable_json) {
mprintf (ev, "FAIL\n");
mprintf (ev, "FAIL: %d: %s\n", TLS->error_code, TLS->error);
} else {
#ifdef USE_JSON
json_t *res = json_object ();
assert (json_object_set (res, "result", json_string ("FAIL")) >= 0);
assert (json_object_set (res, "error_code", json_integer (TLS->error_code)) >= 0);
assert (json_object_set (res, "error", json_string (TLS->error)) >= 0);
char *s = json_dumps (res, 0);
mprintf (ev, "%s\n", s);
json_decref (res);
......@@ -1777,7 +1826,7 @@ void print_user_gw (struct tgl_state *TLSR, void *extra, int success, struct tgl
mprint_end (ev);
void print_filename_gw (struct tgl_state *TLSR, void *extra, int success, char *name) {
void print_filename_gw (struct tgl_state *TLSR, void *extra, int success, const char *name) {
assert (TLS == TLSR);
struct in_ev *ev = extra;
if (ev && !--ev->refcnt) {
......@@ -1826,7 +1875,7 @@ void print_string_gw (struct tgl_state *TLSR, void *extra, int success, const ch
mprint_end (ev);
void open_filename_gw (struct tgl_state *TLSR, void *extra, int success, char *name) {
void open_filename_gw (struct tgl_state *TLSR, void *extra, int success, const char *name) {
assert (TLS == TLSR);
struct in_ev *ev = extra;
if (ev && !--ev->refcnt) {
......@@ -2034,7 +2083,7 @@ void interpreter_chat_mode (char *line) {
int limit = 40;
sscanf (line, "/history %99d", &limit);
if (limit < 0 || limit > 1000) { limit = 40; }
tgl_do_get_history (TLS, chat_mode_id, limit, offline_mode, print_msg_list_gw, 0);
tgl_do_get_history (TLS, chat_mode_id, 0, limit, offline_mode, print_msg_list_gw, 0);
if (!strncmp (line, "/read", 5)) {
......@@ -2042,7 +2091,7 @@ void interpreter_chat_mode (char *line) {
if (strlen (line) > 0) {
tgl_do_send_message (TLS, chat_mode_id, line, strlen (line), 0, 0);
tgl_do_send_message (TLS, chat_mode_id, line, strlen (line), 0, 0, 0);
......@@ -2443,7 +2492,7 @@ void print_card_gw (struct tgl_state *TLSR, void *extra, int success, int size,
mprint_end (ev);
void callback_extf (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success, char *buf) {
void callback_extf (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success, const char *buf) {
struct in_ev *ev = extra;
if (ev && !--ev->refcnt) {
free (ev);
......@@ -2485,7 +2534,7 @@ void user_status_upd (struct tgl_state *TLS, struct tgl_user *U) {
void on_login (struct tgl_state *TLS);
void on_started (struct tgl_state *TLS);
void do_get_string (struct tgl_state *TLS, const char *prompt, int flags, void (*cb)(struct tgl_state *, char *, void *), void *arg);
void do_get_string (struct tgl_state *TLS, const char *prompt, int flags, void (*cb)(struct tgl_state *, const char *, void *), void *arg);
struct tgl_update_callback upd_cb = {
.new_msg = print_message_gw,
......@@ -2522,6 +2571,8 @@ void interpreter_ex (char *line, void *ex) {
line_ptr = line;
offline_mode = 0;
reply_id = 0;
disable_msg_preview = 0;
count = 1;
if (!line) {
do_safe_quit (NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
......@@ -2904,13 +2955,13 @@ void print_media (struct in_ev *ev, struct tgl_message_media *M) {
case tgl_message_media_document:
mprintf (ev, "[");
assert (M->document);
if (M->document->flags & FLAG_DOCUMENT_IMAGE) {
if (M->document->flags & TGLDF_IMAGE) {
mprintf (ev, "image");
} else if (M->document->flags & FLAG_DOCUMENT_AUDIO) {
} else if (M->document->flags & TGLDF_AUDIO) {
mprintf (ev, "audio");
} else if (M->document->flags & FLAG_DOCUMENT_VIDEO) {
} else if (M->document->flags & TGLDF_VIDEO) {
mprintf (ev, "video");
} else if (M->document->flags & FLAG_DOCUMENT_STICKER) {
} else if (M->document->flags & TGLDF_STICKER) {
mprintf (ev, "sticker");
} else {
mprintf (ev, "document");
......@@ -2954,13 +3005,13 @@ void print_media (struct in_ev *ev, struct tgl_message_media *M) {
case tgl_message_media_document_encr:
mprintf (ev, "[");
if (M->encr_document->flags & FLAG_DOCUMENT_IMAGE) {
if (M->encr_document->flags & TGLDF_IMAGE) {
mprintf (ev, "image");
} else if (M->encr_document->flags & FLAG_DOCUMENT_AUDIO) {
} else if (M->encr_document->flags & TGLDF_AUDIO) {
mprintf (ev, "audio");
} else if (M->encr_document->flags & FLAG_DOCUMENT_VIDEO) {
} else if (M->encr_document->flags & TGLDF_VIDEO) {
mprintf (ev, "video");
} else if (M->encr_document->flags & FLAG_DOCUMENT_STICKER) {
} else if (M->encr_document->flags & TGLDF_STICKER) {
mprintf (ev, "sticker");
} else {
mprintf (ev, "document");
......@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ void lua_msg_list_cb (struct tgl_state *TLSR, void *cb_extra, int success, int n
free (cb);
void lua_file_cb (struct tgl_state *TLSR, void *cb_extra, int success, char *file_name) {
void lua_file_cb (struct tgl_state *TLSR, void *cb_extra, int success, const char *file_name) {
assert (TLSR == TLS);
struct lua_query_extra *cb = cb_extra;
lua_settop (luaState, 0);
......@@ -977,7 +977,7 @@ void lua_user_cb (struct tgl_state *TLSR, void *cb_extra, int success, struct tg
free (cb);
void lua_str_cb (struct tgl_state *TLSR, void *cb_extra, int success, char *data) {
void lua_str_cb (struct tgl_state *TLSR, void *cb_extra, int success, const char *data) {
assert (TLSR == TLS);
struct lua_query_extra *cb = cb_extra;
lua_settop (luaState, 0);
......@@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ void lua_do_all (void) {
tgl_do_get_dialog_list (TLS, 100, 0, lua_dialog_list_cb, lua_ptr[p ++]);
case lq_msg:
tgl_do_send_message (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, lua_ptr[p + 2], strlen (lua_ptr[p + 2]), lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
tgl_do_send_message (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, lua_ptr[p + 2], strlen (lua_ptr[p + 2]), 0, lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
free (lua_ptr[p + 2]);
p += 3;
......@@ -1038,37 +1038,37 @@ void lua_do_all (void) {
p += 2;
case lq_rename_chat:
tgl_do_rename_chat (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, lua_ptr[p + 2], lua_empty_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
tgl_do_rename_chat (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, lua_ptr[p + 2], strlen (lua_ptr[p + 2]), lua_empty_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
free (lua_ptr[p + 2]);
p += 3;
case lq_send_photo:
tgl_do_send_document (TLS, -1, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, lua_ptr[p + 2], 0, NULL, lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
tgl_do_send_document (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, lua_ptr[p + 2], NULL, 0, TGL_SEND_MSG_FLAG_DOCUMENT_PHOTO, lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
free (lua_ptr[p + 2]);
p += 3;
case lq_send_video:
tgl_do_send_document (TLS, FLAG_DOCUMENT_VIDEO, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, lua_ptr[p + 2], 0, NULL, lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
tgl_do_send_document (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, lua_ptr[p + 2], NULL, 0, TGL_SEND_MSG_FLAG_DOCUMENT_VIDEO, lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
free (lua_ptr[p + 2]);
p += 3;
case lq_send_audio:
tgl_do_send_document (TLS, FLAG_DOCUMENT_AUDIO, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, lua_ptr[p + 2], 0, NULL, lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
tgl_do_send_document (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, lua_ptr[p + 2], NULL, 0, TGL_SEND_MSG_FLAG_DOCUMENT_AUDIO, lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
free (lua_ptr[p + 2]);
p += 3;
case lq_send_document:
tgl_do_send_document (TLS, 0, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, lua_ptr[p + 2], 0, NULL, lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
tgl_do_send_document (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, lua_ptr[p + 2], NULL, 0, 0, lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
free (lua_ptr[p + 2]);
p += 3;
case lq_send_file:
tgl_do_send_document (TLS, -2, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, lua_ptr[p + 2], 0, NULL, lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
tgl_do_send_document (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, lua_ptr[p + 2], NULL, 0, TGL_SEND_MSG_FLAG_DOCUMENT_AUTO, lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
free (lua_ptr[p + 2]);
p += 3;
case lq_send_text:
tgl_do_send_text (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, lua_ptr[p + 2], lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
tgl_do_send_text (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, lua_ptr[p + 2], 0, lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
free (lua_ptr[p + 2]);
p += 3;
......@@ -1108,11 +1108,11 @@ void lua_do_all (void) {
p += 2;
case lq_fwd:
tgl_do_forward_message (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, ((struct tgl_message *)lua_ptr[p + 2])->id, lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
tgl_do_forward_message (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, ((struct tgl_message *)lua_ptr[p + 2])->id, 0, lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
p += 3;
case lq_fwd_media:
tgl_do_forward_media (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, ((struct tgl_message *)lua_ptr[p + 2])->id, lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
tgl_do_forward_media (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, ((struct tgl_message *)lua_ptr[p + 2])->id, 0, lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
p += 3;
case lq_chat_info:
......@@ -1124,7 +1124,7 @@ void lua_do_all (void) {
p += 2;
case lq_history:
tgl_do_get_history (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, (long)lua_ptr[p + 2], 0, lua_msg_list_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
tgl_do_get_history (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, 0, (long)lua_ptr[p + 2], 0, lua_msg_list_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
p += 3;
case lq_chat_add_user:
......@@ -1161,13 +1161,13 @@ void lua_do_all (void) {
case lq_search:
s = lua_ptr[p + 2];
tgl_do_msg_search (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, 0, 0, 40, 0, s, lua_msg_list_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
tgl_do_msg_search (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, 0, 0, 40, 0, s, strlen (s), lua_msg_list_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
free (s);
p += 3;
case lq_global_search:
s = lua_ptr[p + 1];
tgl_do_msg_search (TLS, tgl_set_peer_id (TGL_PEER_UNKNOWN, 0), 0, 0, 40, 0, s, lua_msg_list_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
tgl_do_msg_search (TLS, tgl_set_peer_id (TGL_PEER_UNKNOWN, 0), 0, 0, 40, 0, s, strlen (s), lua_msg_list_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
free (s);
p += 2;
......@@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ void lua_do_all (void) {
case lq_set_profile_name:
s1 = lua_ptr[p + 1];
s2 = lua_ptr[p + 1];
tgl_do_set_profile_name (TLS, s1, s2, lua_user_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
tgl_do_set_profile_name (TLS, s1, strlen (s1), s2, strlen (s2), lua_user_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
free (s1);
free (s2);
p += 3;
......@@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@ void lua_do_all (void) {
case lq_create_group_chat:
s = lua_ptr[p + 2];
tgl_do_create_group_chat (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, s, lua_empty_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
tgl_do_create_group_chat (TLS, 1, &((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, s, strlen (s), lua_empty_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
free (s);
p += 3;
......@@ -1215,7 +1215,7 @@ void lua_do_all (void) {
s1 = lua_ptr[p + 2];
s2 = lua_ptr[p + 3];
s3 = lua_ptr[p + 4];
tgl_do_send_contact (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, s1, strlen (s1), s2, strlen (s2), s3, strlen (s3), lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
tgl_do_send_contact (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, s1, strlen (s1), s2, strlen (s2), s3, strlen (s3), 0, lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
free (s1);
free (s2);
free (s3);
......@@ -1237,9 +1237,9 @@ void lua_do_all (void) {
case lq_send_location:
if (sizeof (void *) == 4) {
tgl_do_send_location (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id , *(float *)(lua_ptr + p + 2), *(float *)(lua_ptr + p + 3), lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
tgl_do_send_location (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id , *(float *)(lua_ptr + p + 2), *(float *)(lua_ptr + p + 3), 0, lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
} else {
tgl_do_send_location (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id , *(double *)(lua_ptr + p + 2), *(double *)(lua_ptr + p + 3), lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
tgl_do_send_location (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id , *(double *)(lua_ptr + p + 2), *(double *)(lua_ptr + p + 3), 0, lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
p += 4;
Subproject commit d3680da8636f4fdd58c91bb352f1bc9ceccd8961
Subproject commit b3dcce35110f5c995366318c2886065287815d09
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