Commit 5da1506e authored by vvaltman's avatar vvaltman

some small fixes. new tgl

parent fe1c9e34
......@@ -693,9 +693,20 @@ void do_user_info (int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
void do_fwd (int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 2);
assert (arg_num >= 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
assert (arg_num <= 1000);
if (arg_num == 2) {
tgl_do_forward_message (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].num, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
} else {
static int list[1000];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < arg_num - 1; i++) {
list[i] = args[i + 1].num;
tgl_do_forward_messages (TLS, args[0].P->id, arg_num - 1, list, print_msg_list_success_gw, ev);
void do_fwd_media (int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
......@@ -998,7 +1009,7 @@ void do_create_group_chat (int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
void do_chat_set_photo (int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
assert (arg_num == 2);
if (ev) { ev->refcnt ++; }
tgl_do_set_chat_photo (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].str, print_msg_success_gw, ev);
tgl_do_set_chat_photo (TLS, args[0].P->id, args[1].str, print_success_gw, ev);
void do_set_profile_photo (int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
......@@ -1168,7 +1179,7 @@ struct command commands[] = {
{"delete_msg", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_delete_msg, "delete_msg <msg-id>\tDeletes message"},
{"dialog_list", {ca_number | ca_optional, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_none}, do_dialog_list, "dialog_list [limit=100] [offset=0]\tList of last conversations"},
{"export_card", {ca_none}, do_export_card, "export_card\tPrints card that can be imported by another user with import_card method"},
{"fwd", {ca_peer, ca_number, ca_none}, do_fwd, "fwd <peer> <msg-id>\tForwards message to peer. Forward to secret chats is forbidden"},
{"fwd", {ca_peer, ca_number, ca_period, ca_none}, do_fwd, "fwd <peer> <msg-id>+\tForwards message to peer. Forward to secret chats is forbidden"},
{"fwd_media", {ca_peer, ca_number, ca_none}, do_fwd_media, "fwd <peer> <msg-id>\tForwards message media to peer. Forward to secret chats is forbidden. Result slightly differs from fwd"},
{"help", {ca_none}, do_help, "help\tPrints this help"},
{"history", {ca_peer, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_none}, do_history, "history <peer> [limit] [offset]\tPrints messages with this peer (most recent message lower). Also marks messages as read"},
......@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ void lua_msg_cb (struct tgl_state *TLSR, void *cb_extra, int success, struct tgl
lua_pushnumber (luaState, success);
if (success) {
if (success && M && (M->flags & TGLMF_CREATED)) {
push_message (M);
} else {
lua_pushboolean (luaState, 0);
......@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ void lua_do_all (void) {
p += 3;
case lq_chat_set_photo:
tgl_do_set_chat_photo (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, lua_ptr[p + 2], lua_msg_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
tgl_do_set_chat_photo (TLS, ((tgl_peer_t *)lua_ptr[p + 1])->id, lua_ptr[p + 2], lua_empty_cb, lua_ptr[p]);
free (lua_ptr[p + 2]);
p += 3;
Subproject commit a068ca863717541a9db2bb4fd9fd668500cfb4b9
Subproject commit a48066bb6dbfedb74ddbe302c19b5e9ef856fffb
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