To use telegram-cli in Windows, you should compile with Cygwin which has POSIX API functionality.
Install [Cygwin]( and cygwin's package manager, [apt-cyg](
In Cygwin Terminal, install compiler and tools :
apt-cyg install cygwin32-gcc-core cygwin32-gcc-g++ gcc-core gcc-g++ make wget patch diffutils grep tar gzip
Now you have a compiler, but no libraries. You need readline, openssl, libconfig, liblua, python and libjansson to use telegram-cli's full functionality.
We need to patch Makefile and loop.c to compile in cygwin. Download this [patch]( then untar. Then, patch in tg directory.
patch -p1 < telegram-cli-cygwin.patch
After compile is done, **telegram-cli.exe** will be generated in **bin** directory.
To run telegram-cli, type
bin/telegram-cli -k
**Caution**: A binary compiled with Cygwin should be run in Cygwin Terminal.