Commit 03b1dd86 authored by Davide Pucci's avatar Davide Pucci

tg: interface.c: alphabetical rearrangement of available commands

parent 31bd1749
...@@ -1075,66 +1075,66 @@ void do_send_location (int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) { ...@@ -1075,66 +1075,66 @@ void do_send_location (int arg_num, struct arg args[], struct in_ev *ev) {
struct command commands[] = { struct command commands[] = {
{"help", {ca_none}, do_help, "help\tPrints this help"}, {"accept_secret_chat", {ca_secret_chat, ca_none}, do_accept_secret_chat, "accept_secret_chat <secret chat>\tAccepts secret chat. Only useful with -E option"},
{"add_contact", {ca_string, ca_string, ca_string, ca_none}, do_add_contact, "add_contact <phone> <first name> <last name>\tTries to add user to contact list"},
{"chat_add_user", {ca_chat, ca_user, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_none}, do_chat_add_user, "chat_add_user <chat> <user> [msgs-to-forward]\tAdds user to chat. Sends him last msgs-to-forward message from this chat. Default 100"},
{"chat_del_user", {ca_chat, ca_user, ca_none}, do_chat_del_user, "chat_del_user <chat> <user>\tDeletes user from chat"},
{"chat_info", {ca_chat, ca_none}, do_chat_info, "chat_info <chat>\tPrints info about chat (id, members, admin, etc.)"},
{"chat_set_photo", {ca_chat, ca_file_name_end, ca_none}, do_chat_set_photo, "chat_set_photo <chat> <filename>\tSets chat photo. Photo will be cropped to square"},
{"chat_with_peer", {ca_peer, ca_none}, do_chat_with_peer, "chat_with_peer <peer>\tInterface option. All input will be treated as messages to this peer. Type /quit to end this mode"},
{"clear", {ca_none}, do_clear, "clear\tClears all data and exits. For debug."},
{"contact_list", {ca_none}, do_contact_list, "contact_list\tPrints contact list"}, {"contact_list", {ca_none}, do_contact_list, "contact_list\tPrints contact list"},
{"stats", {ca_none}, do_stats, "stats\tFor debug purpose"}, {"contact_search", {ca_string, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_none}, do_contact_search, "contact_search username [limit]\tSearches contacts by username"},
{"history", {ca_peer, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_none}, do_history, "history <peer> [limit] [offset]\tPrints messages with this peer (most recent message lower). Also marks messages as read"}, {"create_group_chat", {ca_string, ca_user, ca_period, ca_none}, do_create_group_chat, "create_group_chat <name> <user>+\tCreates group chat with users"},
{"create_secret_chat", {ca_user, ca_none}, do_create_secret_chat, "create_secret_chat <user>\tStarts creation of secret chat"},
{"del_contact", {ca_user, ca_none}, do_del_contact, "del_contact <user>\tDeletes contact from contact list"},
{"delete_msg", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_delete_msg, "delete_msg <msg-id>\tDeletes message"},
{"dialog_list", {ca_none}, do_dialog_list, "dialog_list\tList of last conversations"}, {"dialog_list", {ca_none}, do_dialog_list, "dialog_list\tList of last conversations"},
{"send_photo", {ca_peer, ca_file_name_end, ca_none}, do_send_photo, "send_photo <peer> <file>\tSends photo to peer"}, {"export_card", {ca_none}, do_export_card, "export_card\tPrints card that can be imported by another user with import_card method"},
{"send_video", {ca_peer, ca_file_name_end, ca_none}, do_send_video, "send_video <peer> <file>\tSends video to peer"},
{"send_audio", {ca_peer, ca_file_name_end, ca_none}, do_send_audio, "send_audio <peer> <file>\tSends audio to peer"},
{"send_document", {ca_peer, ca_file_name_end, ca_none}, do_send_document, "send_document <peer> <file>\tSends document to peer"},
{"send_text", {ca_peer, ca_file_name_end, ca_none}, do_send_text, "send_text <peer> <file>\tSends contents of text file as plain text message"},
{"chat_info", {ca_chat, ca_none}, do_chat_info, "chat_info <chat>\tPrints info about chat (id, members, admin, etc.)"},
{"user_info", {ca_user, ca_none}, do_user_info, "user_info <user>\tPrints info about user (id, last online, phone)"},
{"fwd", {ca_peer, ca_number, ca_none}, do_fwd, "fwd <peer> <msg-id>\tForwards message to peer. Forward to secret chats is forbidden"}, {"fwd", {ca_peer, ca_number, ca_none}, do_fwd, "fwd <peer> <msg-id>\tForwards message to peer. Forward to secret chats is forbidden"},
{"fwd_media", {ca_peer, ca_number, ca_none}, do_fwd_media, "fwd <peer> <msg-id>\tForwards message media to peer. Forward to secret chats is forbidden. Result slightly differs from fwd"}, {"fwd_media", {ca_peer, ca_number, ca_none}, do_fwd_media, "fwd <peer> <msg-id>\tForwards message media to peer. Forward to secret chats is forbidden. Result slightly differs from fwd"},
{"msg", {ca_peer, ca_string_end, ca_none}, do_msg, "msg <peer> <text>\tSends text message to peer"}, {"help", {ca_none}, do_help, "help\tPrints this help"},
{"rename_chat", {ca_chat, ca_string_end, ca_none}, do_rename_chat, "rename_chat <chat> <new name>\tRenames chat"}, {"history", {ca_peer, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_none}, do_history, "history <peer> [limit] [offset]\tPrints messages with this peer (most recent message lower). Also marks messages as read"},
{"load_photo", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_load_photo, "load_photo <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end"}, {"import_card", {ca_string, ca_none}, do_import_card, "import_card <card>\tGets user by card and prints it name. You can then send messages to him as usual"},
{"load_video", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_load_video, "load_video <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end"},
{"load_audio", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_load_audio, "load_audio <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end"}, {"load_audio", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_load_audio, "load_audio <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end"},
{"load_document", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_load_document, "load_document <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end"}, {"load_document", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_load_document, "load_document <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end"},
{"load_video_thumb", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_load_video_thumb, "load_video_thumb <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end"},
{"load_document_thumb", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_load_document_thumb, "load_document_thumb <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end"}, {"load_document_thumb", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_load_document_thumb, "load_document_thumb <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end"},
{"view_photo", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_open_photo, "view_photo <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Then tries to open it with system default action"}, {"load_photo", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_load_photo, "load_photo <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end"},
{"view_video", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_open_video, "view_video <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Then tries to open it with system default action"}, {"load_video", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_load_video, "load_video <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end"},
{"view_audio", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_open_audio, "view_audio <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Then tries to open it with system default action"}, {"load_video_thumb", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_load_video_thumb, "load_video_thumb <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end"},
{"view_document", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_open_document, "view_document <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Then tries to open it with system default action"}, {"main_session", {ca_none}, do_main_session, "main_session\tSends updates to this connection (or terminal). Useful only with listening socket"},
{"view_video_thumb", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_open_video_thumb, "view_video_thumb <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Then tries to open it with system default action"},
{"view_document_thumb", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_open_document_thumb, "view_document_thumb <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Then tries to open it with system default action"},
{"add_contact", {ca_string, ca_string, ca_string, ca_none}, do_add_contact, "add_contact <phone> <first name> <last name>\tTries to add user to contact list"},
{"del_contact", {ca_user, ca_none}, do_del_contact, "del_contact <user>\tDeletes contact from contact list"},
{"rename_contact", {ca_user, ca_string, ca_string, ca_none}, do_rename_contact, "rename_contact <user> <first name> <last name>\tRenames contact"},
{"show_license", {ca_none}, do_show_license, "show_license\tPrints contents of GPL license"},
{"search", {ca_peer | ca_optional, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_string_end}, do_search, "search [peer] [limit] [from] [to] [offset] pattern\tSearch for pattern in messages from date from to date to (unixtime) in messages with peer (if peer not present, in all messages)"},
{"mark_read", {ca_peer, ca_none}, do_mark_read, "mark_read <peer>\tMarks messages with peer as read"}, {"mark_read", {ca_peer, ca_none}, do_mark_read, "mark_read <peer>\tMarks messages with peer as read"},
{"contact_search", {ca_string, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_none}, do_contact_search, "contact_search username [limit]\tSearches contacts by username"}, {"msg", {ca_peer, ca_string_end, ca_none}, do_msg, "msg <peer> <text>\tSends text message to peer"},
{"visualize_key", {ca_secret_chat, ca_none}, do_visualize_key, "visualize_key <secret chat>\tPrints visualization of encryption key (first 16 bytes sha1 of it in fact}"},
{"create_secret_chat", {ca_user, ca_none}, do_create_secret_chat, "create_secret_chat <user>\tStarts creation of secret chat"},
{"chat_add_user", {ca_chat, ca_user, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_none}, do_chat_add_user, "chat_add_user <chat> <user> [msgs-to-forward]\tAdds user to chat. Sends him last msgs-to-forward message from this chat. Default 100"},
{"chat_del_user", {ca_chat, ca_user, ca_none}, do_chat_del_user, "chat_del_user <chat> <user>\tDeletes user from chat"},
{"status_online", {ca_none}, do_status_online, "status_online\tSets status as online"},
{"status_offline", {ca_none}, do_status_offline, "status_offline\tSets status as offline"},
{"quit", {ca_none}, do_quit, "quit\tQuits immediately"}, {"quit", {ca_none}, do_quit, "quit\tQuits immediately"},
{"rename_chat", {ca_chat, ca_string_end, ca_none}, do_rename_chat, "rename_chat <chat> <new name>\tRenames chat"},
{"rename_contact", {ca_user, ca_string, ca_string, ca_none}, do_rename_contact, "rename_contact <user> <first name> <last name>\tRenames contact"},
{"restore_msg", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_restore_msg, "restore_msg <msg-id>\tRestores message. Only available shortly (one hour?) after deletion"},
{"safe_quit", {ca_none}, do_safe_quit, "safe_quit\tWaits for all queries to end, then quits"}, {"safe_quit", {ca_none}, do_safe_quit, "safe_quit\tWaits for all queries to end, then quits"},
{"search", {ca_peer | ca_optional, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_number | ca_optional, ca_string_end}, do_search, "search [peer] [limit] [from] [to] [offset] pattern\tSearch for pattern in messages from date from to date to (unixtime) in messages with peer (if peer not present, in all messages)"},
{"send_audio", {ca_peer, ca_file_name_end, ca_none}, do_send_audio, "send_audio <peer> <file>\tSends audio to peer"},
{"send_contact", {ca_peer, ca_string, ca_string, ca_string, ca_none}, do_send_contact, "send_contact <peer> <phone> <first-name> <last-name>\tSends contact (not necessary telegram user)"},
{"send_document", {ca_peer, ca_file_name_end, ca_none}, do_send_document, "send_document <peer> <file>\tSends document to peer"},
{"send_location", {ca_peer, ca_double, ca_double, ca_none}, do_send_location, "send_location <peer> <latitude> <longitude>\tSends geo location"},
{"send_photo", {ca_peer, ca_file_name_end, ca_none}, do_send_photo, "send_photo <peer> <file>\tSends photo to peer"},
{"send_text", {ca_peer, ca_file_name_end, ca_none}, do_send_text, "send_text <peer> <file>\tSends contents of text file as plain text message"},
{"send_video", {ca_peer, ca_file_name_end, ca_none}, do_send_video, "send_video <peer> <file>\tSends video to peer"},
{"set", {ca_string, ca_number, ca_none}, do_set, "set <param> <value>\tSets value of param. Currently available: log_level, debug_verbosity, alarm, msg_num"}, {"set", {ca_string, ca_number, ca_none}, do_set, "set <param> <value>\tSets value of param. Currently available: log_level, debug_verbosity, alarm, msg_num"},
{"chat_with_peer", {ca_peer, ca_none}, do_chat_with_peer, "chat_with_peer <peer>\tInterface option. All input will be treated as messages to this peer. Type /quit to end this mode"},
{"delete_msg", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_delete_msg, "delete_msg <msg-id>\tDeletes message"},
{"restore_msg", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_restore_msg, "restore_msg <msg-id>\tRestores message. Only available shortly (one hour?) after deletion"},
{"create_group_chat", {ca_string, ca_user, ca_period, ca_none}, do_create_group_chat, "create_group_chat <name> <user>+\tCreates group chat with users"},
{"chat_set_photo", {ca_chat, ca_file_name_end, ca_none}, do_chat_set_photo, "chat_set_photo <chat> <filename>\tSets chat photo. Photo will be cropped to square"},
{"set_profile_photo", {ca_file_name_end, ca_none}, do_set_profile_photo, "set_profile_photo <filename>\tSets profile photo. Photo will be cropped to square"},
{"set_profile_name", {ca_string, ca_string, ca_none}, do_set_profile_name, "set_profile_name <first-name> <last-name>\tSets profile name."}, {"set_profile_name", {ca_string, ca_string, ca_none}, do_set_profile_name, "set_profile_name <first-name> <last-name>\tSets profile name."},
{"set_username", {ca_string, ca_none}, do_set_username, "set_username <name>\tSets username."}, {"set_profile_photo", {ca_file_name_end, ca_none}, do_set_profile_photo, "set_profile_photo <filename>\tSets profile photo. Photo will be cropped to square"},
{"accept_secret_chat", {ca_secret_chat, ca_none}, do_accept_secret_chat, "accept_secret_chat <secret chat>\tAccepts secret chat. Only useful with -E option"},
{"set_ttl", {ca_secret_chat, ca_number, ca_none}, do_set_ttl, "set_ttl <secret chat>\tSets secret chat ttl. Client itself ignores ttl"}, {"set_ttl", {ca_secret_chat, ca_number, ca_none}, do_set_ttl, "set_ttl <secret chat>\tSets secret chat ttl. Client itself ignores ttl"},
{"export_card", {ca_none}, do_export_card, "export_card\tPrints card that can be imported by another user with import_card method"}, {"set_username", {ca_string, ca_none}, do_set_username, "set_username <name>\tSets username."},
{"import_card", {ca_string, ca_none}, do_import_card, "import_card <card>\tGets user by card and prints it name. You can then send messages to him as usual"}, {"show_license", {ca_none}, do_show_license, "show_license\tPrints contents of GPL license"},
{"send_contact", {ca_peer, ca_string, ca_string, ca_string, ca_none}, do_send_contact, "send_contact <peer> <phone> <first-name> <last-name>\tSends contact (not necessary telegram user)"}, {"stats", {ca_none}, do_stats, "stats\tFor debug purpose"},
{"main_session", {ca_none}, do_main_session, "main_session\tSends updates to this connection (or terminal). Useful only with listening socket"}, {"status_online", {ca_none}, do_status_online, "status_online\tSets status as online"},
{"clear", {ca_none}, do_clear, "clear\tClears all data and exits. For debug."}, {"status_offline", {ca_none}, do_status_offline, "status_offline\tSets status as offline"},
{"send_location", {ca_peer, ca_double, ca_double, ca_none}, do_send_location, "send_location <peer> <latitude> <longitude>\tSends geo location"}, {"user_info", {ca_user, ca_none}, do_user_info, "user_info <user>\tPrints info about user (id, last online, phone)"},
{"view_audio", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_open_audio, "view_audio <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Then tries to open it with system default action"},
{"view_document", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_open_document, "view_document <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Then tries to open it with system default action"},
{"view_document_thumb", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_open_document_thumb, "view_document_thumb <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Then tries to open it with system default action"},
{"view_photo", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_open_photo, "view_photo <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Then tries to open it with system default action"},
{"view_video", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_open_video, "view_video <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Then tries to open it with system default action"},
{"view_video_thumb", {ca_number, ca_none}, do_open_video_thumb, "view_video_thumb <msg-id>\tDownloads file to downloads dirs. Then tries to open it with system default action"},
{"visualize_key", {ca_secret_chat, ca_none}, do_visualize_key, "visualize_key <secret chat>\tPrints visualization of encryption key (first 16 bytes sha1 of it in fact}"},
{0, {ca_none}, 0, ""} {0, {ca_none}, 0, ""}
}; };
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