require 'rubygems' require 'erb' # Set up gems listed in the Gemfile. ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= File.expand_path('./Gemfile', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'bundler/setup' if File.exists?(ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE']) Bundler.require(:default, :test) if defined?(Bundler) project_dir = File.expand_path('..', File.dirname(__FILE__)) base_path = File.expand_path('pushstream/docs/preview', Dir.tmpdir) javascript_dir = File.expand_path(Dir["#{project_dir}/**/js"].first) begin require "rspec/core/rake_task" desc "Run all examples" do |t| t.rspec_opts = %w[--color] t.pattern = '**/*_spec.rb' end rescue LoadError task :spec do abort "RSpec is not available. In order to run rspec, you must: (sudo) gem install rspec" end end begin load 'jasmine/tasks/jasmine.rake' task "jasmine:require" => ["jshint", "configure_jasmine", "monitor_js", "test_server"] task :configure_jasmine do Jasmine.configure do |config| config.spec_dir = project_dir config.spec_files = lambda { Dir["#{project_dir}/misc/spec/javascripts/helpers/**/*.js"] + Dir["#{project_dir}/misc/js/jquery.min.js"] + Dir["#{project_dir}/misc/**/*[sS]pec.js"] } js_tmp_dir = File.expand_path('pushstream/js', Dir.tmpdir) config.src_dir = js_tmp_dir config.src_files = lambda { Dir["#{js_tmp_dir}/**/*.js"] } end end task :monitor_js do def copy_inner_js(modified, added, removed) modified.each do |file| destiny_path = File.dirname(file).gsub(/.*\/js\/?/, File.expand_path('pushstream/js', Dir.tmpdir)) FileUtils.mkdir_p(destiny_path) content = file content.gsub!('window.PushStream = PushStream;', "window.PushStream = PushStream;\nwindow.Utils = Utils;"), File.basename(file)), 'w') {|f| f.write content } end end copy_inner_js([File.expand_path('misc/js/pushstream.js', project_dir)], [], []) listener ='misc/js', project_dir), :filter => /\.js$/) do |modified, added, removed| copy_inner_js(modified, added, removed) end listener.start end task :test_server do require File.expand_path('misc/spec/spec_helper', project_dir) include NginxTestHelper template ='misc/nginx.conf', project_dir)) template.gsub!(/push_stream_subscriber_connection_ttl.*;/, 'push_stream_subscriber_connection_ttl 3s;') template.gsub!(/push_stream_longpolling_connection_ttl.*;/, 'push_stream_longpolling_connection_ttl 3s;') config = "jasmine", {:configuration_template => (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/) ? template.gsub('epoll', 'kqueue') : template } abort "Could not start test server" if start_server(config).include?("[emerg]") end rescue LoadError desc "Run javascript tests" task :jasmine do abort "Jasmine is not available. In order to run jasmine, you must: (sudo) gem install jasmine" end end begin require "jshintrb/jshinttask" :jshint do |t| t.pattern = "#{javascript_dir}/pushstream.js" t.options = :defaults end rescue LoadError desc "Run jshint on js" task :jshint do abort "Jshintrb is not available. In order to run jshint, you must: (sudo) gem install jshintrb" end end namespace :docs do begin Bundler.require(:default, :docs) if defined?(Bundler) task :get_static_files do FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{base_path}/css") download_file("", "#{base_path}/css/github.css") unless File.exists?("#{base_path}/css/github.css") download_file("", "#{base_path}/css/github2.css") unless File.exists?("#{base_path}/css/github2.css") end def generate_preview_for(file, project_dir, base_path) template ="#{project_dir}/misc/github_template.html.erb") filename = File.basename(file) content = GitHub::Markup.render(file, rendered = template.result(binding) output = File.expand_path(file.gsub(project_dir, "./"), base_path) output_dir = File.dirname(output) FileUtils.mkdir_p(output_dir), 'w') {|f| f.write(rendered) } puts "Preview rendered to #{output}" end desc "Generates docs files to preview." task :generate => :get_static_files do Dir.glob("#{project_dir}/**/*.textile").each do |file| generate_preview_for(file, project_dir, base_path) end end desc "Watch for changes on doc to generate the preview." task :watch do puts "watching for changes on textile files" Dir.chdir(project_dir) do["**/*.textile"]).watch do |file, event| if(event != :delete) generate_preview_for(file, project_dir, base_path) end end end end desc "Convert docs to Nginx wiki format." task :convert_to_wiki do Dir.glob("#{project_dir}/**/*.textile").each do |file| filename = File.basename(file) content = output = file.gsub(project_dir, File.expand_path('pushstream/docs/html', Dir.tmpdir)).gsub(".textile", ".html") output_wiki = file.gsub(project_dir, File.expand_path('pushstream/docs/wiki', Dir.tmpdir)).gsub(".textile", ".wiki") FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(output)) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(output_wiki)), 'w') {|f| f.write( }, 'w') {|f| f.write(convert_to_wiki_syntax(content)) } puts "Wiki converted to #{output_wiki}" end end rescue LoadError desc "Generates docs files to preview." task :generate do abort "github-markup is not available. In order to run docs:generate, you must: (sudo) gem install github-markup" end desc "Convert docs to Nginx wiki format." task :convert_to_wiki do abort "RedCloth or nokogiri is not available. In order to run docs:convert_to_wiki, you must: (sudo) gem install RedCloth nokogiri" end end def download_file(url, output_file) do http = http.errback { EM.stop } http.callback do, "w") { |f| f.write(http.response) } if (http.response_header.status == 200) EM.stop end end end def convert_to_wiki_syntax(text) doc = Nokogiri::HTML( convert_elements(doc.children.to_a) end def convert_elements(nodes) result = "" nodes.each do |node| if node.element? && !node.text? childrens = node.children.to_a unless childrens.empty? result += convert_element(convert_elements(childrens), node) end elsif node.text? result += node.text end end result end def convert_element(text, node) tag = text ||= "" case tag when "strong" "'''#{text}'''" when "b" "'''#{text}'''" when "em" "''#{text}''" when "h1" "\n= #{text} =" when "h2" "\n== #{text} ==" when "h3" "\n=== #{text} ===" when "h4" "\n==== #{text} ====" when "h5" "\n===== #{text} =====" when "h6" "\n====== #{text} ======" when "p" "\n#{text}" when "a" if node.attributes['href'].value.start_with?("#") "[[#{node.attributes['href'].value}|#{text}]]" else "[#{node.attributes['href'].value} #{text}]" end when "html" text when "body" text when "span" text else "<#{tag}>#{text}</#{tag}>" end end end