Commit ab5f1788 authored by Wandenberg Peixoto's avatar Wandenberg Peixoto

Updating changelog

parent 7714fccd
h1(#changelog). Changelog h1(#changelog). Changelog
h2. Version 0.3.4
* Improvement on javascript cleanup objects
* Fixing initial temp pool size
* Fixing memory leak when recovering channel from trash, the workers_with_subscribers queue was wrongly reinitialized without free the memory on it * Fixing memory leak when recovering channel from trash, the workers_with_subscribers queue was wrongly reinitialized without free the memory on it
* Changed default value of push_stream_message_ttl to 30 minutes to avoid memory leak of a message which is never discarded * Changed default value of push_stream_message_ttl to 30 minutes to avoid memory leak of a message which is never discarded
* Changed javascript configurations to be more flexible
* Changed JSONP to receive old messages as array
* Changed channels ids parser for a smarter version, using regular expression
h2. Version 0.3.3 h2. Version 0.3.3
...@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ ...@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
static const ngx_str_t NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_TAG = ngx_string("0.3.3"); static const ngx_str_t NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_TAG = ngx_string("0.3.4");
static const ngx_str_t NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_COMMIT = ngx_string("a17557925f1d0ed8d6d7ebf7ad8d21d20640587a"); static const ngx_str_t NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_COMMIT = ngx_string("7714fccdabe6174925c46f763a51321b5646aea2");
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