steps for testing

parent 882cffb4
To run these tests is needed to install some gems
Basic requirements
ruby >= 1.8.7
rubygems >= 1.6.2
gem install bundler
To run this tests you need to install some gems
You can install with bundler (bundler is required to be installed before)
bundle install
......@@ -6,3 +11,13 @@ or individually
gem install --remote --include-dependencies POpen4 -v 0.1.4
gem install --remote --include-dependencies em-http-request -v 0.2.14
gem install --remote --include-dependencies json -v 1.4.3
Some more steps are needed once you have built and/or installed Nginx
Choose nginx binary to run tests against
export NGINX_EXEC="/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx"
export NGINX_EXEC="../build/nginx-0.7.68/objs/nginx"
export NGINX_EXEC="../build/nginx-0.8.54/objs/nginx"
Then issue
ruby suite.rb
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