Commit d775f90f authored by Joshua Tauberer's avatar Joshua Tauberer

prevent apt from asking the user any questions

Add additional options to really prevent apt from asking questions, which causes setup to hang because stdin/out have been redirected.

fixes #270, #291
parent e0961447
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Setup:
* Install cron if it isn't already installed.
* Fix a units problem in the minimum memory check.
* If you override the STORAGE_ROOT, your setting will now persist if you re-run setup.
* Hangs due to apt wanting the user to resolve a conflict should now be fixed (apt will just clobber the problematic file now).
v0.06 (January 4, 2015)
......@@ -22,6 +22,20 @@ function hide_output {
rm -f $OUTPUT
function apt_get_quiet {
# Run apt-get in a totally non-interactive mode.
# Somehow all of these options are needed to get it to not ask the user
# questions about a) whether to proceed (-y), b) package options (noninteractive),
# and c) what to do about files changed locally (we don't cause that to happen but
# some VM providers muck with their images; -o).
# Although we could pass -qq to apt-get to make output quieter, many packages write to stdout
# and stderr things that aren't really important. Use our hide_output function to capture
# all of that and only show it if there is a problem (i.e. if apt_get returns a failure exit status).
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive hide_output apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" "$@"
function apt_install {
# Report any packages already installed.
......@@ -46,18 +60,10 @@ function apt_install {
echo installing $TO_INSTALL...
# 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive' is to prevent dbconfig-common from asking you questions.
# Although we could pass -qq to apt-get to make output quieter, many packages write to stdout
# and stderr things that aren't really important. Use our hide_output function to capture
# all of that and only show it if there is a problem (i.e. if apt_get returns a failure exit status).
# Also note that we still include the whole original package list in the apt-get command in
# We still include the whole original package list in the apt-get command in
# case it wants to upgrade anything, I guess? Maybe we can remove it. Doesn't normally make
# a difference.
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
hide_output \
apt-get -y install $PACKAGES
apt_get_quiet install $PACKAGES
function get_default_hostname {
# Install the 'host', 'sed', and and 'nc' tools. This script is run before
# the rest of the system setup so we may not yet have things installed.
hide_output apt-get -y install bind9-host sed netcat-openbsd
apt_get_quiet install bind9-host sed netcat-openbsd
# Stop if the PRIMARY_HOSTNAME is listed in the Spamhaus Domain Block List.
# The user might have chosen a name that was previously in use by a spammer
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ if [ -z "$NONINTERACTIVE" ]; then
# e.g. if we piped a bootstrapping install script to bash to get started. In that
# case, the nifty '[ -t 0 ]' test won't work. But with Vagrant we must suppress so we
# use a shell flag instead. Really supress any output from installing dialog.
hide_output apt-get -y install dialog
apt_get_quiet install dialog
message_box "Mail-in-a-Box Installation" \
"Hello and thanks for deploying a Mail-in-a-Box!
\n\nI'm going to ask you a few questions.
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ source setup/ # load our functions
echo Updating system packages...
hide_output apt-get update
hide_output apt-get -y upgrade
apt_get_quiet upgrade
# Install basic utilities.
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