Commit ae1e69a5 authored by Joshua Tauberer's avatar Joshua Tauberer

ownCloud: code a way to add admins from our users table, but dont use it

parent 9e86c675
......@@ -114,6 +114,13 @@ tools/ /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini -c ';' \
# TODO: somehow change the cron option in ownClouds config, not exposed afaik?
(crontab -u www-data -l; echo "*/15 * * * * php -f /usr/local/lib/owncloud/cron.php" ) | crontab -u www-data -
## Ensure all system admins are ownCloud admins.
## Actually we don't do this. There's nothing much of interest that the user could
## change from the ownCloud admin, and there's a lot they could mess up.
#for user in $(tools/ user admins); do
# sqlite3 $STORAGE_ROOT/owncloud/owncloud.db "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO oc_group_user VALUES ('admin', '$user')"
# Finished.
php5enmod imap
restart_service php5-fpm
......@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print(" tools/ user remove")
print(" tools/ user make-admin")
print(" tools/ user remove-admin")
print(" tools/ user admins (lists admins)")
print(" tools/ alias (lists aliases)")
print(" tools/ alias add")
print(" tools/ alias remove")
......@@ -92,6 +93,13 @@ elif sys.argv[1] == "user" and sys.argv[2] in ("make-admin", "remove-admin") and
action = "remove"
print(mgmt("/mail/users/privileges/" + action, { "email": sys.argv[3], "privilege": "admin" }))
elif sys.argv[1] == "user" and sys.argv[2] == "admins":
# Dump a list of admin users.
users = mgmt("/mail/users?format=json", is_json=True)
for user in users:
if "admin" in user['privileges']:
elif sys.argv[1] == "alias" and len(sys.argv) == 2:
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